
What to do about..my butt!?

Personal trainers please..What is the absolute best way to workout my butt!?
Would like to shrink it down some, firm, tighten and lift it!I need something that will really work i've tried the squats and lunges and stuff like that but had very little success..
thanks鈾?!-- Question-to-best answer
my goal was to get in shape this summer, so i joined a gym. i've been going at least 3-4 times a week, and i was aiming to tone everything. the trainers there told me to do a regimen of arms one day, lower body another day, and back and abs the last day. every time i work out, i do 10 mins of warm-up cardio, then i lift weights on the machines in whatever region that day is for about 30-45 mins, then i do 30 mins of cardio (but keeping my blood pressure at the fat burning zone, about 128 bpm). i've noticed a lot of change in the month and a half that i've been doing it. i also recently did a cycling class, and that will tone up your butt in no time at all. mine was sore for 2 days!hope that helps!
haha just a plain full lower body work out is good and for shrinking do some aerobics (running , swimming)
I think bike riding is the best thing you'll find to help firm up your butt, and it's a great hobby, you won't even feel like your exercising.
you probably need to up your cardio to burn off some of the fat. Then the work you have been doing with the weights will begin to show. detox is a good idea too.
oh my god, i don't know why do people bother so much about their figures. yes u should think about yo health, but not the figure. For me figure is the least important thing when it comes to rating a person. i think u should be optimistic. ignore what the others comment on yo butt. the life is given for us not to suffer....
Lay on your stomach and lift your legs up towards the air.

What to do about bellyfat?!?

seems like it is the only place i gain weight! help
well i have the same problem.it sux i know but there is no way to target weight loss.try using www.sparkpeople.com
Cardio to burn the fat.to tone up, do some crunches, superman/banana, situps, reverse situps, leg lifts.etc.
RUNNING! It's the ONLY way.
It sucks to gain weight in the bellly lol... I've always been kinda chubbier in the belly, I have really skinny legs n arms but my belly is kinda flabby . . . rrrrrrrrrr.. I know stress can cause to gain weight there.. I'm asuming your a woman, and woman tend to gain weight in there tummys hips and bums more than guys, of course because we are meant to reproduce - butt I must add in the only way to get rid of belly fat is to do cardio- thats all you can do - dont be fooled by these ab machines that say you will get a flat tummy in 2 weeks because it just cannot happen. Cardio , and lots of it is the answer - along with a healthy diet. I personally hate cardio - if you do ttoo- find something yoiu enjoy doing - like soccer , tennis , swimming is a very good one! it's fun, and you dont really feel you are working out but really its the best exercise you can do because it works out your whole bod n tones everything up nicely! DOWN WITH THE BELLY FAT! (some guys thinks it's cute- my boyfriend loves it, thinks its cute lol like to grab it a lot-which makes me feel comfortable in my own body, if your not an unhealthy weight , then who cares, love your body :)
Do crunches everyday. Take a yoga class. Suck in your belly a little when you're walking. take a jazz class that works on ab work. Mine spends half the class working an abs. ouch.
Diet and Exercise!Cardio is good to help burn off Calories and watching what you eat. You have burn off more than you eat to lose fat.Lifting Weights and Building Muscle tone will also raise your base metabolic rate which will help you burn more energy even when not exercising.

What to do !?

Member since: March 23, 2007
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jordan c
S Uhhh i dont make sense?
i am 5"9 134 lbs uhhh im black and white uhhhh i am quite slim but there is a layer of fat on my stomach like i have a 6 pack onl when i lay down am i normal . . .what should i do to beat the fat
Try exercise.
that could be a hernia...
just try 2 do exercise...mostly sit ups

What time of day is best to take vitamins!?

Or does it not matter.
In the morning so they have time to get into your system during your active time. Some are better in the evening such as B complex as it is a stress reducer and can work at the time you are sleeping (the least stressful time of the day). If you find further information to the contrary, I would be interested. Thanks and good luck!
It doesn't really matter but I find it helpful to take them in the morning. That way my body can absorb the nutrients during the day, when I need energy.
It doesn't matter what time of day you take them. The most important thing is that it is a brand that is well absorbed by the body. DO some research to be sure your brand is one that is well absorbed by the body. If it isn't well absorbed then switch to a better brand.
I am not sure it matters, but I take them in the morning with my breakfast. They make me nauseous if I take them on an empty stomach.
Well I just found out that I was pregnant and the Doctor told me to try taking mine in the evening that way there has been food on my stomach all day.
It really doesn't matter, but I prefer to take them in the morning so that your body can use the vitamin throughout the day. I seen that this is more helpful for the human body.
It doesn't really matter. But I take them in the morning after I eat breakfast.

What the normal or average weight of a 5ft 2 to 3in 15 year old girl?

I am trying to lose a little weight but i dont want to look like a stick either, so i would like to know the normal weight for a 15 year old girl who is about 5ft 2 or 3in.
110-115 pounds100 pounds for 5 feet
5 pounds for every inch after that
110 to 125

What the fatest way to lose weight, I mean fastest?

If you don't want to lose it via surgery( I don't recommend you this way because of side effects of surgery), it's better not to think of doing it really fast, because it's really not safe to lose weight more than 1-2 Ibs/ .5-1 kg per week. You gathered the fat slowly, so its better to lose it slowly. In this way, you can maintain your weight in an ideal range for your entire life. The best way for loosing is exercise with diet.
remove fat surgery, in about 2-3 hours, you lost about all of the fat XD
a lot of people are claiming the three hour diet works well.
you eat a healthy but well porportioned meal every three hours( this keeps your metabolism working at a steady pase) then about an hour before bed, you should stop and do some time of warm up workout such as walking or pilates. but drink plenty of water. and always eat healthy.
the fastest way to lose weight is to burn twice the calories u eat. so u cut down on the food alot and reli reli workout. eat a very light breakfast. thats the meal that packs the most and eat ur last meal early so that by the time u go to bed u have burned most of the calories.
take oatmeal as ur breakfast n lunch.. take yogurt as ur dinner. i try tat b4.. 1day lost 1kg.. but remember to take vitamins (tablet).. this website maybe could help u...
first liposuction, then crack, then intense excercise
Slow n steady wins d race.Fastest: Cut ur belly wid a knife..Steady: Go daily for jogging. Natural is d best way.
Yes you can loose weight as much you want.
I have a list of best websites offering free tips and some best do at home programmes on weight loss.
Just mail me at sam914@yahoo.com with subjet- weight loss. I will send a link of best website where you can find best tips, resources.

Best wishes
I recommend you take “weight loss-30”-a diet supplement made of natural herbs, that will curb your appetite and let you drink a lot of water. And water will carry away fat and body waste. It’s painless and no need to workout. You can definitely lose 20 lbs in a month. I purchased it from this site: http://www.goquickslim.com

What supplements are good for reducing muscle sorness after workouts?

A good supplement for you to take is from a line of products manufactured by the same company that makes supplements for the Dallas Cowboys called Torch. You can check their site out. http://www.torchsports.com There is Torch Pre-Burn
http://www.marketamerica.com/blittrean/i...Torch Hydrate
http://www.marketamerica.com/blittrean/i...Torch After-Burn is the supplement I would recommend for you
After your work-out, throughly stretch all the muscles that you used. An icy-hot cream helps too.
Make sure you eat protein! Protein is what you need for your muscles to heal!A little sore feeling isn't that bad, that way you know you gave yourself a good workout.Also make sure to STAY HYDRATED and take a multivitamin so that your muscles are healthy and heal correctly so that you will become stronger!
Try Glutamine. It is a supplement that aids in the healing of muscle tissue. It can also help with more than muscle soreness. It boosts the overall immune system!

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