
WhAt ShOuLd I eAt??

I just started a diet and want to stick with it. I just got done working out and if i eat something unhealthy, all my hard work goes down the drain. What should i eat??
some healthy cereal thats full of fiber
A salad
A salad or fruit, or a sandwich
carrot sticks with low fat ranch dressing :)
jus eat fruit,veg.or soup (depends how hungry u r)
You need to make sure whatever you eat tastes good and is healthy for you. I would go google.com. Search "healthy good food". You should get some results.
When I get done working out I get a fruit smoothie. They make them at the gym I go to, but you can also make them at home. I use 3-4 strawberries, 1/2 a banana, 1/2 tablespoon honey, and ice. Sometimes I'll mix 1/2 cup skim milk also. Tastes really good, but it also is really good for you.
eat salad, fruits and especially papaya %26 green vegd
Eat fruits and veggies, lean meat, white meat chicken, and FISH! (canned tuna in water is fine, salmon is great!!) Snack on a handful of almonds (no oil or salt), a banana, or an apple. If you ever feel like you're gonna cheat, go brush your teeth. WILLPOWER! You can do it, girlfriend!!
no carbs, protein will build buscle or maintain the muscle u have. Fruit and vegetables and grains have carbs so minimize them. ABSOLUTELY NO PASTA OR BREAD. Salad and fruit are ok only if you can burn off the carbs before you go to bed then all carbs that u didnt burn off will turn to fat
Well fruits are healthy but they have a lot of sugar in them..stick to veggies and protien foods.eggs any meat.stay away from starches and breads and sugars.
The obvious answer would be lots of fruit and veggies. Fruit like apples and oranges are really healthy, and with vegetables you can eat as much as you like without really gaining weight. If you want a snack, try crackers and cream cheese (but not too much!!) ~ it's healthy and very delicious!
After you are done with your workout, you need to wait about 30 minutes to eat. Your body is still burning calories even after you stop. When it is time to eat, fuel your body with protein. Protein builds muscle which is what you are working out for.
I know you are also trying to lose weight (who isn't) but muscle burns fat. So help your body build muscle.
Filling yourself with sugar (fruits and smoothies) would be wasting your workout.
Good protein choices that will satisfy you are:
Cheese (like mozzarella sticks-love 'em!!)
Lean Deli Meats (easy to grab.)
Eggs -scramble two but only use one yolk, or just have some cold boiled eggs on hand and eat the whites.
Sardines-some say ew, but lucky me, I love em and you get Omega 3's and calcium.
Give these a try!!
All carbs should be eaten early in the day and always BEFORE the workout (about 40 min to an hour)
Remember to get your fiber and drink lots of water to keep the machine moving.
Treat Food like Fuel and have fun with it!




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