
What time of day is best to take vitamins!?

Or does it not matter.
In the morning so they have time to get into your system during your active time. Some are better in the evening such as B complex as it is a stress reducer and can work at the time you are sleeping (the least stressful time of the day). If you find further information to the contrary, I would be interested. Thanks and good luck!
It doesn't really matter but I find it helpful to take them in the morning. That way my body can absorb the nutrients during the day, when I need energy.
It doesn't matter what time of day you take them. The most important thing is that it is a brand that is well absorbed by the body. DO some research to be sure your brand is one that is well absorbed by the body. If it isn't well absorbed then switch to a better brand.
I am not sure it matters, but I take them in the morning with my breakfast. They make me nauseous if I take them on an empty stomach.
Well I just found out that I was pregnant and the Doctor told me to try taking mine in the evening that way there has been food on my stomach all day.
It really doesn't matter, but I prefer to take them in the morning so that your body can use the vitamin throughout the day. I seen that this is more helpful for the human body.
It doesn't really matter. But I take them in the morning after I eat breakfast.




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