
What should my cousin do about her weight?

She is 18 years old
250 poundsShe has tried so many diets but they never work for her. She tries to exercise but gets too tired early into it. Her doctor refuses to prescribe something to help her lose weight.What do you guys suggest she do? She needs to lose weight. And please do not think I am asking this on my own because I think she's fat. I dont care what she looks like or how much she weighs, I love her. She came to me crying the other day because this is bothering her. She wants to lose weight.
She should go on a 1,200 calorie a day diet. I have lost 15 pounds in less than 3 weeks. There are a lot of 100 calorie food products out there now. And Michelina's has a brand of frozen foods that are very low calorie and cheap but still good.
perseverance....and balanced meals and lots of exercise, of course.
The best thing to do would probably be to eat healthy and exerciser. I heard somewhere if you eat more calories than you burn that you will not lose weight but gain weight, so if she is eatting like 2,000 calories a day and takes one walk and does some other small stuff and only burns 500 calories she still has the extra 1,500 calories she didn't burn off which would be stored as fat. Also I was watching celebrity fit club on t.v. and they started this new things for girls called pillow fitting that alone for one hour can burn 762 calories, which may help her. Make sure she is active have her go swimming, play sports, take walks or hikes, and eat healthy and that might help goodluck!
She might have a thyroid problem and should go see a specialist.It might not be her fault that she is gaining weight.And if that's not it then cutting meat and bread out of her diet for awhile and taking in more fruits, veggies, and grains will help shed a lot of weight along with drinking plenty of water.
My younger brother had the same problem growing up.What worked for him was someone continuously pushing him. He often felt tired after working out, but that was the key to his weight loss. After a few weeks of cardio his stamina began to increase and my family pushed him from there.
Of course during this entire time he was placed on a diet.I know its hard work, I was there with him every step of the way, but long term shes saving herself from potential problems.
Wow, story of my life!
Most diets don't work because you don't stick to them. If she has stuck to them with no success, tell her to make sure her dr. knows this and checks her thyroid glands. If her dr won't, swich dr's. Any dr should be concerned about her weight because it is one of the biggest factors in many diseases later in life. If she is able to lose weight now, it is best because she is still young and hopefully hasn't began having problems because of her weight. (diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, etc.)
If it is just a sticking to it problem, try being her "healthy living" partner. We all do better when we have someone to lean on when things get tough. And since your obviously a good enough cousin to care, you are probably very close and she would benifit from someone going through this with her.
Remember, it is healthy living, not a diet. It is a way of life that promotes healthiness, and will help provide weight loss for her. Start slowly on exercise. Go for a brisk walk around the block every day for a week, then make it 2 blocks, and move up from there. Or go swing on the swings at the park, its fun and exercise. Or play 1 on 1 basketball with her. Or paly tag. Something for her to start building her endurance till you can really be exercising.
But I stress, the #1 motivation to stick with it is if she has someone there to help support her. There is no magic tricks, it just is hard work to get there. Good luck to her and cudos to you for being so good!
I had a friend that was the height of your cousin and weighted about the same. She had surgery. She tried exercising and dieting and it just didn't work. It is amazing the way she lost weight. She lost like 70lbs before she even had the surgery, but it is a life style change and you still have to exercise and watch what you eat. It just sounds like she is unable to move and if she got some of the weight off, then she could be motivated to move more. Weight issues are very difficult and most people think that people who are over weight are just fat and lazy, but there are so many other issues. Most people that are over weight don't even eat a lot. But when you put on so much weight, it is hard to move and you have to move to loose weight. You are good for her also, she needs your encouragement and support.
Recently I came across a diet called the cookie diet. Mt neighbor was using it, so I went over there and checked it out. I liked what I saw and ordered some the next day. So far I have lost 15 pounds and will continue using this product. you eat 6 large cookies a day and then have fish or chicken for dinner. It really works, and without all that caffeine and junk. Check out the website below. Good Luck!go to: getskinnywithcookies
She could try one of those camps for kids who need to lose weight.
This is a really tough issue that needs nationwide attention. So many obese people can't stick to diets or exercise plans long enough to see the results so they dispair and fall into an even worse lifestyle. I don't want to assume that this is what's happening to your cousin, but I find it hard to believe that anyone who actually sticks to a diet doesn't lose weight. Its a simple matter of mathematics. If you consume less quantities of energy over a long period of time, your body will be forced to live off its stores of energy, and you'll lose weight. If a person says they're on a diet but don't lose weight, they're not sticking to it.
Its a tough decision for doctors too. Doctors need to promote healthy lifestyles among their patients, and prescribing medication or stomach bypass surgery, especially to a teenager, is not promoting a healthy way of life. Its saying ''ok, do whatever you want, modern medicine will keep you alive no matter what''. This drives the already overpriced cost of health insurance up for the whole country.
At her age, she needs to tough it out and do the work it takes. The best thing you can do for her is be a part of her recovery from obesity. If you live close enough to her, offer to go for walks with her every morning. As simple as it sounds, a 45 minute walk every morning before breakfast can be the solution to her obesity and all the problems she's having now, and will have for the rest of her life if she doesn't take care of this. Of course she needs proper diet as well, but if she is an inactive person, a 45 minute walk every morning will make her lose weight rather quickly, she doesn't need to go to the gym or start doing aerobics right away, of course she can't do it, she's not used to it. You're a great person for caring, with your help she can beat this. Good luck to you both.
She needs to cut off all junk and fast foods. Come right off pastries, sugar and sugar substitutes, if you need sugars there is a natural herbal called Stevia, it is a liquid sweetener.According to her weight she needs to drink about 15 glasses of pure, clean, filtered water a day, not tap water unless it is filtered. Even some bottled water is tap water. Eat lots of veggies and fruit. Go easy on beets, carrots, Eat preferrably the veggies raw. or if you cook them have them crunchy. Eat lots of onions, cabbage, garlic celery, leaf lettuce, (not head)bell peppers. Eat all berries like rasp,straw, black, and especially blueberries, we need the anti-oxidants from them. Easy on the oranges, and bananas, as they have a lot of sugar. Eat red potatoes, instead of White, as they are all sugar and starch. Get off all white stuff, as they have nothing good in them. Go easy on the breads and grains, eat the whole grains but not that much, Red meat you only need a couple of times a week, off wieners, bologna, all cold cuts, Eat roasted or boiled chicken and eggs. Fish or fish oil are extremely important for the omega 3 the smaller the fish the better. You can eat rolled oats for breakfast the kind you cook, no pasteurized milk or sugar, you can use the Stevia. Be careful as it is very sweet so only need a few drops. Use Rice milk or raw milk you can buy in some places and/or if you have your own cow.
If you have any questions I am here to help, and use my email address newbegin@shaw.ca please.
Of course exercising is essential, like walking, swimming, which are the best that there is.
Now this is a strict regeme and she can get help by taking some supplements so she is not depriving her body of nutrients, as she will be going through a big change in her system, I take some very good ones.




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