
What should i do??

I want to get fit and eat heathy so i can be in shape for JROTC next year...so what should i do???
There are alot of websites on the web that you can set up a profile of yourself including height, weight, etc.. You can also enter a plan that best fits your needs which includes losing, gaining or maintaining weight and/or body mass. It will set you up on a plan for anything you want and there are so many that are free, so just surf the internet. Good luck
run, and lift weights, do push ups and sit ups, just the basics will get you in shape
Determination and hardwork. set a target and work for it.
Sign up for gym membership and start exercising. If not just correct your diet and do cardio exercises (speed walk for 30 minutes a day).
first of all..look beyond just next year...look at it being .. the first day for the rest of your life, and come next year [if GOD is willing] you'll be ready.....
you know you can, and so do we.... wishing you a long and healthy life




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