
What should I eat if I want to put on weight?

I am skinny all my life and getting really fed up with that.There's always someone making fun of me :( I've tried to put on weight more than few times but somehow there are no results. What and how should i eat to put on weight?
Drink a glass of milk everyday, if you can take it. Eat chicken frequently. Drink five raw eggs a day. Eat plenty of carbohydrate food like bread or oriental rice. Eat four times a day. Eat ice cream as often as you want. I don't think you should worry about fat too much since you're an ectomorph. That means you don't get fat easily. Of course, if you eat all these things, you also have to build your muscle so you'll look good and earn the admiration of peers. Go into weight training. If you don't know how to begin, read books about it or ask someone at a gym. Eat enough calories to repace what you burn and save a lot more for your body to turn into muscle. In time, you'll get the hang of it. But it can be expensive, because you'll be spending a lot on food and gym time. Good luck.
taters and gravy, ham, biscuits, fried chicken and lots of pork
Burgers and all the fat and greese you can find!!
get some of that body bulk stuff that exercise freaks use, and exercise a bit so you dont get flabby.they are making fun of you because they are jealous you are skinnier than their fat asses. .
FoodAh no really. You need bulking supplements.
Although completely not healthy, have you seen Supersize Me? McDonalds would probably make you gain weight, as well as have a heart attack! My husbands super skinny, try weight lifting and toning yourself rather than obsessing at the scale. Being smaller but strong has it's advantages.
Try and keep it healthy if you can. Things like nuts, avocados, bananas, pasta may all help. There's no guarantees, you may just be naturally slim (like myself). I've spent many years now trying to gain some curves.
Maybe you should see a doctor to make sure that there's nothing wrong with you thyroid gland first. Good foods to eat contain lots of carbohydrates and protein and balanced amounts of fat. Bread, red meats such as beef, cheese is very good, and everyones favourite chocolate :D
I've heard from other people who have been in your situation that in the end, milkshakes were the thing that finally helped them. Order a real ice cream milkshake from coldstone or another quality shop regularly (NOT the fake shakes from mcdonald's that aren't really ice cream) and you'll likely find the weight piling on in a matter of months.
eat a lot of pizza, pork ribs, steaks, dip every thing in butter, cakes, deep fried everything,bacon, sausages, anything with a lot of fat. and make dinner your heaviest meal of the day, and don't forget to have midnight snacks every evening.
hi protein foods such as -




CHEESE cheddar


ROAST CHICKEN go on google and type in high protein foods and you will get a list!Hope i have helped, dont worry about those other girls there just have nothing better to do and there prob jealous!
Pasta, cheese...
Those two people up there gonna kill you with disease!XD
Have a balanced Meal if want to put on weight eat like 5 times a day! Supper,tea Time,Break fast,Lunch,Dinner! or seek a nutritionist to help you gained weight! Every day meal must have Meat and Fish(fried or steam), Vegetable! try eat more cake which had alot of fat in it lol! or go to ask a pharmacist to buy a medicine which increased appetite or increase your stomach metabolism to digest faster!
guessing it's more kinda muscle mass and stuff your thinking of?Make sure you have a normal balanced diet, anytime your hungry eat a little something, maybe some fruit or something small.
make sure you have pleanty of protein, which you can get in those milkshake drink things.other than that maybe devise a workout program to help boost certain areas of your body
Go to Holland and Barrat or, a place like it that sells vitamins and health foods and you can buy a product called weight gain.
Have 4 - 5 meals per day (not too big)
Take multi vitamins and minerals.
Eat mixed nuts as they release energy slowly. drink water.
Do not put on weight via junk food, eat healthy foods.Its quite difficult to tell you what to eat as I dont know whether you are a vegetarian, what type of foods you like. What medications you take etc.You should go and see your doctor to see what he/she may advise.It would also help if you calculated your calorie intake (increase this if you are not meeting the recommended guidelines)You may have a fast metabolism (means that the food you eat is used up quite quikly therefore your body does not store it) Metabolism will slow down as you get older.
if you can contact`my girlfriend`LA LUMP` shell send you her pro`diet sheet`her last` breakfast`was`6 Eggs`6`rashes of bacon`6`sausages`6`large mushrooms` 6`slices`of thick bread`fried`-thes not enough`room` to put`the rest of the days`meal`on`this list`
You are soooooooo lucky!! I am working out like hell to loose weight.




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