
What should i do to lose weight help me pls!!!!?

everytime u eat ur normal food- try to eat alittle less. this means that u eat 7 mouthfuls if u were eating 9...i hope u get wat i mean..this is the slower approach.
the faster approach is to stick to a diet--like only 2 egg whites, black coffee. and a bit of fruits in the morning. for lunch, soup. and for dinner steak with a lot of veges ONLY.
this diet is like giving a hard time to ur body..DO IT FOR ONLY 2 WEEKS. than go for ur normal food. u might lose a few kgs. btw- no snacking in between meals.i havent tried it yet. coz the week i was abt to try i found out i was pregnant.
kill a dog
Eat more veggies and fruits. Cut down the fast food and fatty foods. Exercise 3 times a day, walk or light weights. Don't eattoo much processed sugar and carbs. When you eat, take your time!
Contrary to popular advertising, eliminating wheat and dairy from your diet will work like you wouldn't believe.
Stop drinking soda. I stopped drinking it ever since May 20, and I've lost 7 pounds. Also, either go swimming, or run 2-6 miles every night. But then again, running is usual for me, so you might not want to do that. Then, run 1/2 mile. If you jog it, it'll be 3 minutes. If you sprint it, probably 2.35 minutes.
The site below has lots of tips on losing weight the quickest and most efficient way. Many ways actually cause you to gain weight like cutting calories, fats and carbs. You need to learn about good fats and carbs.
I'd like to recomend you the healthy coffe or chocolate with Ganoderma. It'll control the apetite and increase your metabolism.
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