
What size is a person 5'8" and 115 pounds?

It depends on how fit you are. 115 pounds is WAY too light for someone 5'8". I'm 5'8" and I've been 135 lbs wearing a size 10, not very fit, and I've been 132 lbs wearing a size 5, very fit. Don't focus on what you weigh, but how healthy you are. Muscle will make you weigh more but be smaller and be healthier. You can be skinny and fat at the same time.
Really fricken smallHave a cheeseburger.
Small person,
that person is tall and very thin, and should gain at least 20 to 30 pounds to be healthy, 115 pounds is for a person only 5 foot tall, here are some healthy tips %26gt;%26gt;
if you want to weight 180 pounds, then eat 1800 calories - good balanced diet and exercise, drink water ( minimum daily requirements is 8 - 8oz glasses)
weight 165 pounds - 1650 calories ;
weight 160 pounds - 1600 calories ;
weight 120 pounds - 1200 calories ;
basically what weight you should be and add a zero 0 , thats how many calories you should take in daily,our bodies need a good balance of a variety of foods, a good 7 grain bread ; nuts ; raisins ; fruits ; cereals - the kinds that are not full of sugars ; green veggies ; yellow veggies ; beans / legumes ; peanut butter - a good one that's not full of sugar ; as for meats - chicken ; fish - salmon is best - tuna is also good ; beef - which has less than 20% fat content ; you can spice foods up with seasonings and make them taste better, but be very careful of how much salt you eat - always less than 3000 mg daily , if you average it to 1,000 mg per meal that would be best. And don't forget to drink your water, the water helps the body flush all the bad stuff from our system and keeps the body / organs functioning properly. no soda pop / cokes ; coffee ; tea - unless its herbal tea ; no beer / alcohol ; no chips / cookies / cakes / pies / candy's ; get at least 30 minutes of walking in a day - a good fast walk rather than a slow one, the average speed of a good fast walk is 4 miles an hour - so 2 miles in half an hour , but if you are not used to walking fast it will take your body time to get used to it and get that fast, and don't over do it, you don't want to pass out - set a pace, if you need to stop and take a 5 minute rest. walking is the absolute best exercise for our bodies!http://answers.yahoo.com/search/search_r... thats a search here in ByeDr.com about diet + lose + weight, check out what others have said.
Well, a girl normal maybe a little under weight. A guy UNDER WEIGHT!
Way big. You should probably go on a diet.
that's really small, especially for someone that tall. If that's really you maybe you should go to the doctor and get a physical to make sure you're healthy.
Lean. I'm 5'11" 140.
Depends on the person's build, I would imagine around a size 2, but everyone is different. But anyway, it would be underweight.




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