
What should my goal measurments be?

ok, well i asked and no one gaveme a straight answer... so maybe this time?i'm 25, 5'6 and currently 125lbs (but am in the process of losing weight- thus the question)when i measured myself on 6/4/07 i was:
32(a) - 28 - 38i'd rather be a little curvey then ultra skinney, but i naturally have a small bone structure so i dont know if i can do this without being too boyish looking. what is a good goal to go for, inch-wise? right now, a 6in difference in bust and hips just seems like a lot to me (but i dont know if its just cause my waist isnt where i want it yet)
i have calculated your bmi its 20.5BMI Categories: Underweight = %26lt;18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater you have a normal weight. i think your goal should be
32 - 26 - 36
Why do you need to lose weight? You are fine at the weight you are. If you don't like your body sturcture then tone it but you should not try to lose weight give your height.
I think those are great measurement already. Your weight is right where it should be also. A woman should have wide hips, that's what makes you a woman.Women look boyish because when they starve themselves, they lose muscle ,not fat. Muscle is what gives you that shapely curvy look without being too big. Look at your avg. aerobics instructor. She is curvy but, in great shape. Your weight and measurements are great. You just need to add muscle and burn fat to reshape what you already have. Try aerobics, kick boxing or something that makes you stronger and gives you muscle to shape yourself. Dieting will NOT get you where you want to be. You are closer than you think. I search for women with 38in hips. I hope you don't lose them :-)
http://www.halls.md/body-mass-index/bmi.Check that out. You are in the normal range for weight.There is no goal measurements. Your rib cage is what your rib cage is and nothing can make that smaller or larger. My sister is much smaller around than I am but if you looked at how well-endowed she is, you would never guess her rib cage is just so small. Perhaps if you have excess around the thighs and butt, working out can get that smaller/more toned but you aren't going to change too drastically as you don't have much fat to lose.If you read the magazines around the start of bathing suit season, they are always talking about body shapes. You have a pear shape. You can't work out and make the bone structure any smaller--you can work out 13 solid hours a day and you will still have hips. That's genetics. Instead work on finding clothing that accents the curves instead of falling straight and making you look boyish. It is difficult with a 6 inch difference, but consider wearing wrap tops (it will also make you look more busty), things that cinch in your waist (rather than tshirts that fall away from the waist line, and dark colors on the bottom. Bold tops, dark bottoms make you look more symmetrical.Measurements have nothing to do with it.
But you sound fine already. As long as your waist is under 32 inches, this is a healthy waist measurement. And you can't change the difference between your bust and hips without cosmetic surgery, it's just the way your body is proportioned. So if you were too lose weight you would end up even smaller on top and the difference between your hips and bust would become even more apparent.What you need to find out is your level of body fat, that is how much of your weight comes from body fat. If this is good, then you really don't need to be worrying.And whatever you do, please don't lose more than a couple of inches or go under 115lb, or you could make yourself very ill.




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