
What should I have for lunch today?

I need energy for a basketball game tonight, but I live in a small town and don't have too many options. I could make something but I have limited time for lunch break... Thanks for the help!
Something with carbs like pasta.
peanut bgutter and banana
mini corn dogs!
Try fruit!
Mickyy D's! :]
spaghetti has lots of carbs
peanut butter and corn nut sandwich on Russian rye with maple syrup covered marshmallows.....
noodles, shake, salad
food duh
A store bought salad.
Carnation instant breakfast drink and banana or soup
Grilled Cheese sandwich
Id say a soup and a sandwich
Pasta, (9) cooked al dente with Italian herbs, olive oil, and Parmesan cheese.Quick, easy, tasty, and lots of carbs for energy.
how about a cesar salad withsome light dressing and a baked patato on the side. and u can have a bottle of Gatorade! Have fun at ur game!
a warm glass of shut the hell up
anything with a lot of carbs try spaghetti
i might have answered your question before but
Chefs Salad
ham cubes:you can get most of these things at a Dillon's then use them if you have leftover
Hard boiled eggs except the shell
dressing{optional i recommend ranch or Italian}
you can also add nuts, pretzels, or peanuts, or whatever else you want on it.
Everything is optional except for lettuce
Food with it:
just have some fruit and have something like crystal light or iced tea.I recommend raspberry iced tea.
there is this answer i gave u which is about the same
vagina...no im just kidding.. honestly.. actually nah, yeah, have vagina.
Doesn't matter. Just find something healthy.About an hour before the game, have an energy bar, like a Clif bar.
Steam some fresh veggies since they are growing out of the ground at full speed! Eat some oatmeal with fruit. Baked chicken?Sandy :O)
something with carbs and protein. subway is good. or just make yourself a sandwich full of meat.




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