
What should a 13 year old weigh?

i weight 116
should i lose some weight?
The best would be to go to a site and put your info.http://www.southbeachdiet.comYou can also do a BMI (Body Mass Index) test.http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/bmicalc.
This answer should vary. Depending on your height, ect. this could be a healthy or not healty weight. internet sources aren't so reliable as consultation for this kind of health question. I suggest that you talk to your doctor or another health professional.
yeah ?
whatever it feels like weighing.
It depends on a lot of things like how tall you are and what your bone structure is. If you're very active a lot of your weight could be from muscle.
depends on your body type. If your curvy, then no. When i was 13, I weighed about 125, and I'm not saying this to reassure myself, i really was a healthy weight, but I've always been more muscular than most girls... I dunno, if you feel fine with yourself and your doctor is fine with it, then don't change or try to lose weight.
It depends on a ton of features. Some include height, bone structure, level of athletic activity, and what % of the weight is fat. Much more information is needed.
weight cant be associated with age. Its your height that should determine your proper weight.
that's about how much i weighed last year, and i'm 14, so i think it's healthy.
Weight should be determined by your height, weight and activity level. It is difficult to give a suggestion based on your age alone. 113 pounds sounds like a normal weight but I can't tell by the information provided.




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