
What should i eat to reduce weight faster?

You eat a balanced diet first and foremost. Depending what your weight and height now, You could probably start out on a 1200 calorie diet. Most people could loose weight on that type of diet. If you loose weight slowly, you are apt to keep it off. I realize this is probably not the most popular answer, but it is the most practical one.
fruits/veggies.. no bread because it = carbs. also get low fat things not fat free becuase fat free have more sugar.. try to find things to eat that have 3g of sugar or less. also don't snack in between meals and keep your proportions small. you could try the weight watchers diet.. eat what you want but less. i'm on it and i love it. i've heard from everyone who's on it that it's working for them
lots of fruit and vegies. small amount of meat etc. something good is to have eggs for breakfast (prob boiled is best.. less calories) cos it helps you to eat less the rest of the day, the protein in it fills u up for longer.
load of fresh vegs and fruit and drink load of water too and try adding fish and chicken and some pasta but not alot though and remember u have to do some exercise with thta will speed it up too.
I have had great success in just limiting fat intake. I pay no attention to the type of fat, just limit daily intake to less than 25 grams. It has allowed me to drop 10-15 lbs in a month.
u shud eat a lot of fruits and vegetbles and drink lots of water. and i think u shud not eat carbo for ex. rice bread 8 hours before you sleep. and of course, excercise! to burn all the calories u take in when u eat.
More fruits and vegetables.
Less junk food and carbohydrates.
More Water.




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