
What should a 13 year old eat?

ok so im 13 and ima girl and i want to start eating healthier my dads starting to buy more fruits and veggies but sometimes all i want in a day is meat or all i want in a day is veggies or something and whenever we have meat for supper its always fried never baked or anything i ask my parents to and they say it heats up the house and it takes to long and they wont let me make my own suppers and like i can never find the time to eat lol dont think im anerxic all tho some people do cause im skinny i guess lol im not trying to loose weight im just trying to be healthier plz no lectures saying dont worry bout ur weight ur young and all that i apreacite ur kindness and all but thats not what im looking for do u think u can help me also add some details on serving sizes to thanks
The main thing you need to do to keep healthy is remember that everything needs to be taken in moderation. Meat is alright to eat as long as you don't eat tons of it at once.
When you cook use vegetable oils instead of butter. It doesn't have less fat but the fat from vegetable oils is better for you.I am 15 and I am health maniac. Instead of focusing on weight loss like most however, I am obsessed with food additives and processing. I won't eat any meat unless I know exactly where it comes from and all of my vegetable have to be from sustainable sources. It makes it very heard to eat out. Just remember that health isn't only the fat in a food. Sugar is just as bad because if you don't use it quickly then it becomes fat. Also, eating a balanced diet is only half of what makes you healthy. You need to excerize your muscles and your heart as well.I hope that helps some. I had trouble choosing what to say because I have read so much about healthy/unhealthy food.
Go Lean Crunch cereal with yogurt, it ends up being 15g of protein, lots of fiber and it tastes great. I put Kashi in a bowl, spoon the yogurt over it and it is fantastic.fruit salad and half a sandwich. Usually watermelon, stawberries, apple and grapes hold up very well. I never put condiments on the bread of the sandwich, it makes it soggy so I put mustard between the turkey %26 cheese.Kashi protein bars with an apple, that's load of protein to keep your brain going and the apple is good fiber. Did you know the act of eating an apple wakes you up more than coffee? I need that apple by lunctime. pasta salad with an Italian (oil %26 vinegar) dressing. The pasta soaks up a lot of dressing, so be prepared to use a whole bottle of dressing per pound of pasta. Usually use mini penne pasta, celery, carrots, back olives, artichoke hearts, peas, cubes of mozerella and you can toss some chicken into it for added protein. That stuff willl keep in the fridge for 3-4 days, so you can eat it at work, at home, etc. I make it at night and by the next day everything is marinated and yummy.ryveta's ( think thats how u spell it ) its crunchy bread thats real healthy bit like whole meal but...it isnt dry and has taste bit like a cereal flake.well i have soft bread with butter and thats all its so soft i love it, bit like italian side dish bread for soups
this site might have some cool ideas.....http://www.laptoplunches.com/ideas.html.
To your question, a 13 year old should eat FOOD!
eat meat and veggies no to much and not to little.believe me!!
well im 10 so eat fruts vegetables and bread and than a litel snack at the end and meat
Go to mypyramid.gov. It's a great website that gives you a food pyramid specifically tailored for your age, weight, amount of exercise, etc. You should go check it out .
Eat 6 servings a day, small-medium. Try to stay off fried food. Eat alot of healthy foods such as fruits and veggies (any). Don't eat chips or anything with saturated and unsaturated fats.
i whould say go out and bye a diet book and do what it says i'm on one whare i don't eat sugar and white bread,pitados and others
hi i'm 13 too. i advise that u eat a combo of fruits, veggies, meats, and dairy products and don't eat 2 much junk food. if u do eat junk food exercise so u can lose the weight. u can eat any foods u like just don't eat 2 much and exercise everyday.but try 2 lay off the junk food.
just eat less..
you should consult with a dietician and they will tell you everything you need to know and it will be the right thing too. I'll tell you that you need five servings of fruits and veggies a day. You do not have to eat meat with every meal or at all as far as that goes. you can eat other things to get proteins from. you can learn a lot from your health book in school too.
well...eat food. Just make sure only to eat when you are really honest to god hungry and don't eat total crap when you do.
I know where you're coming from. And here are the best things to do. First, cut out all junk food. Painful as it may be, it has got to go. You can have some chips or whatever at a aprty, or every once and while, but no more! Also, if you're a soda-drinker, NO MORE! I like to carry around a bottle of water with me; just a bottle a day I drink. (you're skin will clear up if you drink one a day, ha.) And otherwise, just think healthier. If you want a snack, don't eat a cookie, eat an apple. You don't have to make your own suppers or anything, just eat what your parents make. Take moer vegetables than the fried meat, and if you are going for a second helping of something, think twice. Are you really hungry for this, or are you eating it just because its there? Also, try not to eat so much sweets, like chocolate bars and stuff. You'll find that the natural sugars in fruits are much more satisfying. You'll have a lot more energy, and your grades will go up, guarantee! Just use you're head, don't eat three containers french fires, eat a banana. Hope I helped!
Stay away from things with a lot of grease in them, like cheese. POTATOS ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND. UNLESS it is a sweet potato-which is a good carb and helps build MUSCLE instead of fat. Just because something is fried doesn't mean you can't eat it. If it has an EXCESSIVE amount of breading, peel some of it off. But you can leave light breading on chicken.The reason your wanting vegetables one day and meat the next is probably because your body is CRAVING the substance it needs. Like, if you're craving meat, that probably means that your body needs protein. All meat has almost NO carbs, and many of them have very little fat-depending on how they are cooked. This is aside from your red meats like steak(which is not BAD for you once in a while) and things that come from cows.Veggies are really good for you. GREEN vegetables have VERY LITTLE calories in them, lettuce has like 20 calories. Legumes, like peanuts and garden peas, have protein in them, but are a little high in fat. Eat no more than two tablespoons.DRINK PLENTY OF WATER. That gets rid of TOXINS in your body. Drop the soft drinks!I, myself, am trying to lose weight, so I try to stay around 100 carbs or less a day, while trying to stay under 30 grams of fat a day.I have lost 65 pounds. Trust me. I know what I'm talking about.
You are still growing and developing so you need a variety of foods from all food groups. I have two girls, 13 and 15, and they eat everything.but in moderation and smaller portions. Breakfast is usually protien - eggs, toast, banana or orange. Lunch varies - sometimes subsandwich, but mostly salads with dressing on the side, and sliced raw veggies (carrots and ranch dip). Occasionally we sneak french fries and burgers in there too! Dinner is almost always protien - grilled chicken, grilled steak, salad, grilled/baked potato, corn, cauliflour/broccoli mix, pasta with olive oil and parmesan cheese, etc. Healthy snacks are yogurt, granola, fresh fruit, jello, pretzels, fresh veggies and frozen fruit bars. I never tell my girls to finish everything - only eat until they are full. AND most important is drinking WATER. You are aware of health and nutrition at an early age, but be cautious only to the point of making healthy choices...not skipping meals! You sound like you have a pretty smart head on your shoulders. Stay healthy and good luck. :)
Congratulations! A thirteen year old who is interested in a healthy lifestyle, I'm impressed! To satisfy your meat cravings maybe you can opt to put pieces on your salad. I don't eat meat so I can't help you with recommendations there but here are some ideas to satisfy your hunger:
Soup with crackers! E.g., tomato soups, lentil soups, minestrone soups, and mixed-vegetable soups
Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, fruit
Veggie dogs with the works on a bun with chips
Soft Tacos - a soft tortilla with lettuce and tomatoes and maybe even a little salsa.
Stuffed pitas with hummus and tempeh or other veggies.
Sandwiches consisting of wheat bread with fresh veggies, sourdough bread, and maybe roasted eggplant.
Burritos - be creative ( example: corn, black beans and veggies (red/green peppers, red onion, lettuce and tomatoes) in a tortilla.
Baked potato.
Make it a family affair I'm sure you're parents wouldn't mind turning on the oven to share some time and make a quick Delicious home-made pizza - the pizza shell is a cinch to make; for the topping: tomato paste, olive oil, olives, mushrooms, red/yellow/green bell peppers, onions and zucchini.
Cut out the junk food, drink at least 8 glasses of water, eat fruits and veggies, excercise.
For breakfast try things like Special K cereal with strawberries or other fruit in it, or scrambeled egg whites, or toast(no butter or jelly). And try having green tea with it.
For lunch try salad or sandwiches(no mayonaisse or extra sauces if you don't need it)
For dinner try healthy things like spaghetti or salad or soup.
Snacks: jello, teddy grahams, and of course fresh fruit.
Remember no junk food or fast food even if you are in a hurry.
Well, I hope I helped a little.




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