
What should i do the day after i binge?

i binged yesterday .. now it's the morning after, and i feel guilty/depressed/disgusting. what should i do in terms of exercising, eating, and dealing with the emotional part of it? should i fast, or eat normally, or restrict my calorie intake? should i exercise a lot or a little? any suggestions and advice is greatly appreciated!
Don't feel guilty, we all slip from time to time. Now, let's look at why you binged. Are you not eating enough on the other days or was this purely psychological? Did you have a bad day yesterday so you binged to make yourself feel better? Make a plan to eat more fruits %26 vegetables and cut out white carbs, sugars %26 processed foods. If you do this, you'll be less likely to binge in the future. Your body will start to crave what it's used to. If it's used to sugar then you'll want sugar. If it's used to fruits %26 vegetables then that's what you'll want. I am a former sugar-aholic and I'm telling you this works. Forget about yesterday. It's over and gone. Start fresh today. Today you will eat healthy and drink water. Today, you will start your new life which will include fruits %26 vegetables and exercise. Don't over exercise to make up for yesterday. Try to spend 20 - 30 minutes doing something, like walking. In the future, when the urge to binge comes upon you, remind yourself how guilty you felt after your last binge, then reach for an apple. Good luck. It's hard to change our eating habits but it's worth it.
dont do that and eat hot fudge sundaes
Eat conservatively today...eat your 3 meals or your 5 small ones...healthy choices of course...and yes exercise...don't kill yourself over it though.I think people that do NOT allow themselves any "Fun and fattening" things every now and then have a problem with crashing on a diet. Allow yourself a treat every now and then...not a whole cake mind you...but then it won't be like you have to go crazy for it all in one shot.
exercise a lot-walk/run especially
drink 10-12 glasses of water
drink grapefruit juice or tea
up your antioxidants
eat several small meals and snacks throughout the day
Don't do that again first off. And eat normally, just go like you usually would.
Just try to eat healthy. Lots of fresh fruits an veggies- and lots of water. And maybe go out for a nice walk. Don't waste time feeling guilty.
eat light and healthy and go for a long walk.
you need to eat normal and exercise a little more. don't kill yourself over it you don't want o set yourself back a week going nuts in the gym or starving yourself. your body will dis guard most of what you ate anyway. just relax today is a no day you probably didn't do that much damage. keep your chin up and move on. good luck
it takes 3,500 calories to burn a pound, so i doubt you can burn anything off from yesterday. rather, take today as a new opportunity to eat healthy and get a moderate amount of exercise. don't feel badly, everyone, on occasion, eats more than they wish. but don't try to back pedal or make yourself depressed, just make a promise to eat well and get exercise today.
cut back your calorie intake, take walks if you are depressed, drink more water.. i normally walk 30-60 min per day when im bored..
Get back on track and eat/exercise as you typically would if you had not binged.MANY of us "oops" every now and then. Don't beat yourself up over it, but try to get determined to make it a rare (if at all) occurence and get back to business right away!DO NOT skip any meals or fast...if you want to slightly reduce your calorie intake today, that's fine. But don't take it below 1200 regardless. You just consumed a few more calories this week than you might have otherwise, so you may not see the hoped-for weightloss on the scales. It's okay. Unless you gorged on thousands of calories it's not going to make a long term difference.You're human, ya decided to splurge (I do hope you enjoyed it, seriously 鈽? but it's time to get back on track and behave for a while. Take care of you!
Just blow it off and get back on track.




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