
What Should I do?

I want to lose weight but i think I'm a little addicted to sugar. I can't go like one day without it. I don't want to go to a rehab place or doctor. Also I feel the need to eat and just keep eating after I've had something already. Please help!!
god damn it. sugar makes fats if you dont use it up. eating too much sugar will make you fat faster. have a little self control woman! stop eating your cakes, chocolate, cookies and ice cream. if you keep eating when your not hungry, your gonna get fat. the golden rule is, eat when your hungry, not when you feel like it. control yourself and do some exercise. 30 minutes each day. If your stressed, it makes you feel hungry when your really not. if your depressed, you eat comfort food. so sort yourself out first if you are.and please, always drink your water and eat your fruits and veg. every day, 5 a day.
cut out bread, COMPLETELY!lol that will work ...but try to lower sugar just a little .lol
im addicted to sugar also. try sugar substitutes, which hold off the crave for me.
well if you have an addiction than you should go see a therapist, if you just like it alot then get some self control and only have it every once in a while. But if you keep trying to not eat sugar and you can't then you need professional help, because that is NOT normal.
I can feel the same way, too. Just limit yourself to a little bit of sugar. Also, if you find that you eat because you have the time and you can, then occupy yourself. Find a sport to do or something that can also keep you active.
i understand i'm a sugar addict too, instead of grabbing sweets, grab a fresh fruit, they have natural sugars and will help you feel full better, the natural sugars will satisfy your cravings much better than junk foods, also drink a glass of water - its good for your body and helps flush the toxins / fat, plus the water will help you feel full after eating, without adding more calories, and some fresh veggies are great for snacking and help curb that craving for sweets, like celery - carrots without adding much calories, also the fresh foods will take you a little longer to chew them - satisfying the need to eat. and go for at least a 30 minute walk daily, its the best excercise.
Sugar is a very sweet and tasty treat but to much is unhealthy. Since you want to loose weight here are some tips..1) try some recipes that dont have a lot of calories
2) work out.. Jog every morning or twice a week
3) for sugar, try something healthy and sweat. Like fruit, it can keep you in shape and has a great taste that will make you go crazy!
4) tell yourself that you can do itHope these tips help




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