
What should i eat/drink on holiday to not gain weight?

Ok, so ive lost weight recently (17lbs) and now im 9 stone 7. I have been eating about 1200 - 1300 calories per day and going to the gym every day burning about 300 calories each time.I seem to be stuck at this weight just now, i dont seem to be able to lose any more for some reason.Im going on holiday in 2 weeks time and my question is, as we will be eating out quite alot what sort of foods should i be looking to eat for lunch/dinner to maintain my weight?
Eg is an plain omelette for lunch an ok meal or are there lots of calories in something like that?Also, as i will be going out at night drinking, i realise there are alot of calories in alcohol. what are the best alcoholic drinks to drink? i dont plan on drinking lots every night, but just ideas would be great, thanks.
you can eat whatever you want over the holiday as long as you watch your portions you won't gain weight if you eat the right amount of calories a meal just make sure to get smaller portions
I have lost 40lbs since October. I now drink my drinks with DIET soda (i.e. rum and diet coke). That is your best bet. So is wine. STAY AWAY FROM BEER. It's like liquid bread.Also, eggs are very high in fat and cals but you can eat at least one or two a day for protein. One omelet won't kill you but stay away from fats the rest of the day. Choose lots of fresh veggies and fruit, and lean proteins. Turkey and chicken (white meat only!) are great. Grilled, not crispy!Good luck!
stick with healthy meals at restaurants. dont choose something that you KNOW is unhealthy, but treat yourself just the same. I know that with liquor the higher the proof, the more the calories, something that is 80 proof is about 130 calories a jigger (1.5 oz). Mix your liquors with diet soda's because those tend to have 0 calories. Beer is about 90 calories depending on the type of course. You're on holiday so have fun and relax a little, but choose healthy when you can :)




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