
What to do about..my butt!?

Personal trainers please..What is the absolute best way to workout my butt!?
Would like to shrink it down some, firm, tighten and lift it!I need something that will really work i've tried the squats and lunges and stuff like that but had very little success..
thanks鈾?!-- Question-to-best answer
my goal was to get in shape this summer, so i joined a gym. i've been going at least 3-4 times a week, and i was aiming to tone everything. the trainers there told me to do a regimen of arms one day, lower body another day, and back and abs the last day. every time i work out, i do 10 mins of warm-up cardio, then i lift weights on the machines in whatever region that day is for about 30-45 mins, then i do 30 mins of cardio (but keeping my blood pressure at the fat burning zone, about 128 bpm). i've noticed a lot of change in the month and a half that i've been doing it. i also recently did a cycling class, and that will tone up your butt in no time at all. mine was sore for 2 days!hope that helps!
haha just a plain full lower body work out is good and for shrinking do some aerobics (running , swimming)
I think bike riding is the best thing you'll find to help firm up your butt, and it's a great hobby, you won't even feel like your exercising.
you probably need to up your cardio to burn off some of the fat. Then the work you have been doing with the weights will begin to show. detox is a good idea too.
oh my god, i don't know why do people bother so much about their figures. yes u should think about yo health, but not the figure. For me figure is the least important thing when it comes to rating a person. i think u should be optimistic. ignore what the others comment on yo butt. the life is given for us not to suffer....
Lay on your stomach and lift your legs up towards the air.

What to do about bellyfat?!?

seems like it is the only place i gain weight! help
well i have the same problem.it sux i know but there is no way to target weight loss.try using www.sparkpeople.com
Cardio to burn the fat.to tone up, do some crunches, superman/banana, situps, reverse situps, leg lifts.etc.
RUNNING! It's the ONLY way.
It sucks to gain weight in the bellly lol... I've always been kinda chubbier in the belly, I have really skinny legs n arms but my belly is kinda flabby . . . rrrrrrrrrr.. I know stress can cause to gain weight there.. I'm asuming your a woman, and woman tend to gain weight in there tummys hips and bums more than guys, of course because we are meant to reproduce - butt I must add in the only way to get rid of belly fat is to do cardio- thats all you can do - dont be fooled by these ab machines that say you will get a flat tummy in 2 weeks because it just cannot happen. Cardio , and lots of it is the answer - along with a healthy diet. I personally hate cardio - if you do ttoo- find something yoiu enjoy doing - like soccer , tennis , swimming is a very good one! it's fun, and you dont really feel you are working out but really its the best exercise you can do because it works out your whole bod n tones everything up nicely! DOWN WITH THE BELLY FAT! (some guys thinks it's cute- my boyfriend loves it, thinks its cute lol like to grab it a lot-which makes me feel comfortable in my own body, if your not an unhealthy weight , then who cares, love your body :)
Do crunches everyday. Take a yoga class. Suck in your belly a little when you're walking. take a jazz class that works on ab work. Mine spends half the class working an abs. ouch.
Diet and Exercise!Cardio is good to help burn off Calories and watching what you eat. You have burn off more than you eat to lose fat.Lifting Weights and Building Muscle tone will also raise your base metabolic rate which will help you burn more energy even when not exercising.

What to do !?

Member since: March 23, 2007
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jordan c
S Uhhh i dont make sense?
i am 5"9 134 lbs uhhh im black and white uhhhh i am quite slim but there is a layer of fat on my stomach like i have a 6 pack onl when i lay down am i normal . . .what should i do to beat the fat
Try exercise.
that could be a hernia...
just try 2 do exercise...mostly sit ups

What time of day is best to take vitamins!?

Or does it not matter.
In the morning so they have time to get into your system during your active time. Some are better in the evening such as B complex as it is a stress reducer and can work at the time you are sleeping (the least stressful time of the day). If you find further information to the contrary, I would be interested. Thanks and good luck!
It doesn't really matter but I find it helpful to take them in the morning. That way my body can absorb the nutrients during the day, when I need energy.
It doesn't matter what time of day you take them. The most important thing is that it is a brand that is well absorbed by the body. DO some research to be sure your brand is one that is well absorbed by the body. If it isn't well absorbed then switch to a better brand.
I am not sure it matters, but I take them in the morning with my breakfast. They make me nauseous if I take them on an empty stomach.
Well I just found out that I was pregnant and the Doctor told me to try taking mine in the evening that way there has been food on my stomach all day.
It really doesn't matter, but I prefer to take them in the morning so that your body can use the vitamin throughout the day. I seen that this is more helpful for the human body.
It doesn't really matter. But I take them in the morning after I eat breakfast.

What the normal or average weight of a 5ft 2 to 3in 15 year old girl?

I am trying to lose a little weight but i dont want to look like a stick either, so i would like to know the normal weight for a 15 year old girl who is about 5ft 2 or 3in.
110-115 pounds100 pounds for 5 feet
5 pounds for every inch after that
110 to 125

What the fatest way to lose weight, I mean fastest?

If you don't want to lose it via surgery( I don't recommend you this way because of side effects of surgery), it's better not to think of doing it really fast, because it's really not safe to lose weight more than 1-2 Ibs/ .5-1 kg per week. You gathered the fat slowly, so its better to lose it slowly. In this way, you can maintain your weight in an ideal range for your entire life. The best way for loosing is exercise with diet.
remove fat surgery, in about 2-3 hours, you lost about all of the fat XD
a lot of people are claiming the three hour diet works well.
you eat a healthy but well porportioned meal every three hours( this keeps your metabolism working at a steady pase) then about an hour before bed, you should stop and do some time of warm up workout such as walking or pilates. but drink plenty of water. and always eat healthy.
the fastest way to lose weight is to burn twice the calories u eat. so u cut down on the food alot and reli reli workout. eat a very light breakfast. thats the meal that packs the most and eat ur last meal early so that by the time u go to bed u have burned most of the calories.
take oatmeal as ur breakfast n lunch.. take yogurt as ur dinner. i try tat b4.. 1day lost 1kg.. but remember to take vitamins (tablet).. this website maybe could help u...
first liposuction, then crack, then intense excercise
Slow n steady wins d race.Fastest: Cut ur belly wid a knife..Steady: Go daily for jogging. Natural is d best way.
Yes you can loose weight as much you want.
I have a list of best websites offering free tips and some best do at home programmes on weight loss.
Just mail me at sam914@yahoo.com with subjet- weight loss. I will send a link of best website where you can find best tips, resources.

Best wishes
I recommend you take “weight loss-30”-a diet supplement made of natural herbs, that will curb your appetite and let you drink a lot of water. And water will carry away fat and body waste. It’s painless and no need to workout. You can definitely lose 20 lbs in a month. I purchased it from this site: http://www.goquickslim.com

What supplements are good for reducing muscle sorness after workouts?

A good supplement for you to take is from a line of products manufactured by the same company that makes supplements for the Dallas Cowboys called Torch. You can check their site out. http://www.torchsports.com There is Torch Pre-Burn
http://www.marketamerica.com/blittrean/i...Torch Hydrate
http://www.marketamerica.com/blittrean/i...Torch After-Burn is the supplement I would recommend for you
After your work-out, throughly stretch all the muscles that you used. An icy-hot cream helps too.
Make sure you eat protein! Protein is what you need for your muscles to heal!A little sore feeling isn't that bad, that way you know you gave yourself a good workout.Also make sure to STAY HYDRATED and take a multivitamin so that your muscles are healthy and heal correctly so that you will become stronger!
Try Glutamine. It is a supplement that aids in the healing of muscle tissue. It can also help with more than muscle soreness. It boosts the overall immune system!

What supplement should I take to prevent muscle soreness?

It doesnt matter if its cardio or weight bearing.later on my legs are so stiff I have to hobble instead of walk. Its not because Im training too hard.And I drink water constantly.Im 48 yrs old and trying to stay in shape.
As a general rule I would stay away from anything unregulated. There are zero rules about what can and can't be in herbal supplements.Are you 100% certain you're not doing too much. Are you stretching sufficiently and correctly? The older we get the more we need to stretch before exercise.Are you certain it's muscle pain or might it be joint pain?
When your getting ready to quit just lift weights at a low weight say 5-10 pounds for around 20 seconds for each workout you did and it should decrease lactic acid which causes muscle soreness

What sort of pills can you take to help you loose weight?

Anna Nichole took slim trims and they aparently work well what are some others. And don't tell me to loose wieght d
excercise because we all know thats not going to heppen
i would take green tea pills... they are natural supplements that speed up your metabolism, you can take one or two a day after you have eaten. Diet pills like hydroxycut and others can have side effects messing with your heart and other parts of your body.
The best way to lose weight with pills is to take a single pill, and hold it between your teeth, indefinately.
hydroxycut. i've never used it but have known ppl who did.. seems to work.
adderall. TRUST ME.
proactive jk idk
u can use detox diets to loose weight .The detox diet focuses on getting rid of the harmful aspects of our everyday diet.detox diets will help u to a great extent to reduce weight and be slim.Instead of eating 2 - 3
meals per day, try eating 4 - 5 small meals per day, or 3 meals and 2 healthy snack meals.
Food substitutions can help tremendously when trying to reduce calories and speed up the metabolism.
source http://www.glownshine.com
No diet pills are going to make you lose all your weight. Especially if you aren't doing any physical activity that gets your heart going.Not only do they not work, but they are also very hard on your body,...liver, kidneys, etc.Here's a concept, go work out and eat healthy. Trust me..you'll lose weight.
Exercise,eat vege and walk in the park if u have time.
She did not only loose weight, she also lost her life. The safest pill would be a vitamin supplement along with a nice exercise program. No pain no gain. Sorry.
Flush The Fat.
The newest pill approved by the FDA, an over the counter medication to help weight loss, while practicing with a healthy diet and regular exercise. I say check out the site, it has all the information and questions you may need.
If you wish to loose weight the best thing to do is start working out on a regular basis and consult a Nutrition. BEST OF LUCK
relicore,and cortislim,but the pills dont really work the best way 2 do it iz to diet,eat the right foods,and excersize(the pills anna nicole took were called trimspa)
The pills will not make you lose weight. They only work as an appetite suppressant. Some will not even work, and they are not worth the money (some run up to $100). There is a new pill that has been FDA approved. It is called Alie. You can look it up on google. But even with it (sorry I know you said not to say this, but it is the only way), it says you have to eat less, eat healthy, and exercise. Other than plastic surgery, there is no real easy way out. I did the Three Hour Diet and it worked really well for me. You eat small meals every three hours. I lost 50 lbs on it, without doing any more exercise than any other moderately active person (I went for walks and cleaned the house). Maybe this will be the best path for you. you can pick up the book on the Three Hour Diet at any book store. It is by Jorge Cruse. I hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck!
theres " carbs", and u take those pills before eating grains, i get that in wal-mart. and theres "thermogenic Hot-Rox" fat-loss phenomen, reduces body fat 5x faster! for me it took 2 months to loose 20lbs. this stuff works fast and gud! plus i ate what i wanted and how much i wanted%26gt; this stuff really works!

What size is a person 5'8" and 115 pounds?

It depends on how fit you are. 115 pounds is WAY too light for someone 5'8". I'm 5'8" and I've been 135 lbs wearing a size 10, not very fit, and I've been 132 lbs wearing a size 5, very fit. Don't focus on what you weigh, but how healthy you are. Muscle will make you weigh more but be smaller and be healthier. You can be skinny and fat at the same time.
Really fricken smallHave a cheeseburger.
Small person,
that person is tall and very thin, and should gain at least 20 to 30 pounds to be healthy, 115 pounds is for a person only 5 foot tall, here are some healthy tips %26gt;%26gt;
if you want to weight 180 pounds, then eat 1800 calories - good balanced diet and exercise, drink water ( minimum daily requirements is 8 - 8oz glasses)
weight 165 pounds - 1650 calories ;
weight 160 pounds - 1600 calories ;
weight 120 pounds - 1200 calories ;
basically what weight you should be and add a zero 0 , thats how many calories you should take in daily,our bodies need a good balance of a variety of foods, a good 7 grain bread ; nuts ; raisins ; fruits ; cereals - the kinds that are not full of sugars ; green veggies ; yellow veggies ; beans / legumes ; peanut butter - a good one that's not full of sugar ; as for meats - chicken ; fish - salmon is best - tuna is also good ; beef - which has less than 20% fat content ; you can spice foods up with seasonings and make them taste better, but be very careful of how much salt you eat - always less than 3000 mg daily , if you average it to 1,000 mg per meal that would be best. And don't forget to drink your water, the water helps the body flush all the bad stuff from our system and keeps the body / organs functioning properly. no soda pop / cokes ; coffee ; tea - unless its herbal tea ; no beer / alcohol ; no chips / cookies / cakes / pies / candy's ; get at least 30 minutes of walking in a day - a good fast walk rather than a slow one, the average speed of a good fast walk is 4 miles an hour - so 2 miles in half an hour , but if you are not used to walking fast it will take your body time to get used to it and get that fast, and don't over do it, you don't want to pass out - set a pace, if you need to stop and take a 5 minute rest. walking is the absolute best exercise for our bodies!http://answers.yahoo.com/search/search_r... thats a search here in ByeDr.com about diet + lose + weight, check out what others have said.
Well, a girl normal maybe a little under weight. A guy UNDER WEIGHT!
Way big. You should probably go on a diet.
that's really small, especially for someone that tall. If that's really you maybe you should go to the doctor and get a physical to make sure you're healthy.
Lean. I'm 5'11" 140.
Depends on the person's build, I would imagine around a size 2, but everyone is different. But anyway, it would be underweight.

What size exercise ball should i get?

I'm 5'9.
Check out Thera Band balls. Amazon has them and they have there own site. You will need probably a 75CM but those two sites well be able to tell you. Thera band is the best to buy . I have had mine for 5 years and still going good. The ones at walmart etc are cheapos.
The perfect ball size for exercises that require you to sit on the ball is dependent on your height. When sitting on the exercise ball, knees and hips should be at 90 degrees. For exercise ball exercises that require you to kneel or stand on the ball, a larger ball is better. You may slightly inflate or deflate the ball if you feel you are between sizes. Using different sizes of balls will allow you flexibility and variation as you progress with the exercise ball exercises.There are no hard and fast rules. Using different size balls will allow you more flexibility and variation with your exercise ball training.Try the site http://www.exercise-ball-exercises.com... for all kinds of ball information.Hope this helps.

What should you avoid to lower cholesterol?!?

I have been told that my cholestrol is too high after a recent blood test and I haven't had time to pick up a diet sheet from the GP!
I think I may need to avoid dairy products or at least cut down on them - especially cheddar cheese!
Mi'lady should avoid foods high in saturated fats such as full-fat cheese, cream, fried foods (chips, crisps, sausages,etc.). Instead eat lean meat, oats, fish (cut away the skin), tofu, fruits and vegs, and drink green tea and skimmed milk. Watch out for fats contained in ready meals and cakes and biscuits. Combine this with active life-style.
as long as you cleanse your body.you will be fine.it's like giving yourself and oil change.. My family and I have been using the best cleansing technology...:)the first time I did it, I lost 13 pounds in 9 days:)..check out this site鈥?br />
cleansewithcgnj. com
It will change your life:)
statin drugs and hydrogenated oils.
egg yolks ,any unsaturated fats,fatty red meats,ice-cream,for a few
Fast food.
Eat plenty of fruits, vegetable and grains.
Anything that contains lots of fat - red meat and dairy products mainly! Rather then avoid them completely, just try and moderate your intake!
i got a diet sheet from my gp and to be honest there wasn't much that i wasn't eating right. stay away from fatty foods basically. eat 3 portions of fish. eat wholrewheat foods . i'mm sure that if you eat a balanced diet your body will rectify iself unless it's majorly high. but dont be deterred , it's quite easy to try and eat healthier.
eggs and anything w/ saturated or heavy trans fats
A recent study done in Pennsylvania State University in the US, showed that volunteers who ate 85g of pistachio nuts every day for one month lowered their total blood cholesterol by 8.4% and their LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) by 11.6%.
Also taking lecithin granules can help lower it.
Avoiding hydrogenated fats, cutting down on eggs, alcohol, etc. will help.
There is some useful advice here.

What should my ideal weight be?

I am 45 years old and my current weight is 169.8.
I am 5/6
According to your height and using the BMI calculator, an ideal weight or most "common" weight for your height would be around 130lbs
According to the BMI calculator at http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/,... your weight would be in the safe range between about 115 and 155. Right now, that makes you about 15 pounds overweight. Aerobic/cardio exercise to burn the calories, and a sensible, sustainable diet to lose the fat.Consumer Reports recently rated the Volumetric Eating Plan as the best approach to weight-loss dieting. Simply put, for each food you look up or calculate the caloric density by dividing the number of calories in a serving by the weight of the serving. Then you focus your attention on eating more low-density foods than high-density ones. They fill you up sooner, so your calorie intake drops, and you lose weight. You can continue the plan indefinitely (after you get to your desired weight, just add a few high density foods to maintain it), so this diet has a good chance to keep you at your desired weight once you get there. There is a book available, "The Volumetrics Eating Plan", published this year.
There are many online ideal weight calculators. Below is just one of many.

What should my goal measurments be?

ok, well i asked and no one gaveme a straight answer... so maybe this time?i'm 25, 5'6 and currently 125lbs (but am in the process of losing weight- thus the question)when i measured myself on 6/4/07 i was:
32(a) - 28 - 38i'd rather be a little curvey then ultra skinney, but i naturally have a small bone structure so i dont know if i can do this without being too boyish looking. what is a good goal to go for, inch-wise? right now, a 6in difference in bust and hips just seems like a lot to me (but i dont know if its just cause my waist isnt where i want it yet)
i have calculated your bmi its 20.5BMI Categories: Underweight = %26lt;18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater you have a normal weight. i think your goal should be
32 - 26 - 36
Why do you need to lose weight? You are fine at the weight you are. If you don't like your body sturcture then tone it but you should not try to lose weight give your height.
I think those are great measurement already. Your weight is right where it should be also. A woman should have wide hips, that's what makes you a woman.Women look boyish because when they starve themselves, they lose muscle ,not fat. Muscle is what gives you that shapely curvy look without being too big. Look at your avg. aerobics instructor. She is curvy but, in great shape. Your weight and measurements are great. You just need to add muscle and burn fat to reshape what you already have. Try aerobics, kick boxing or something that makes you stronger and gives you muscle to shape yourself. Dieting will NOT get you where you want to be. You are closer than you think. I search for women with 38in hips. I hope you don't lose them :-)
http://www.halls.md/body-mass-index/bmi.Check that out. You are in the normal range for weight.There is no goal measurements. Your rib cage is what your rib cage is and nothing can make that smaller or larger. My sister is much smaller around than I am but if you looked at how well-endowed she is, you would never guess her rib cage is just so small. Perhaps if you have excess around the thighs and butt, working out can get that smaller/more toned but you aren't going to change too drastically as you don't have much fat to lose.If you read the magazines around the start of bathing suit season, they are always talking about body shapes. You have a pear shape. You can't work out and make the bone structure any smaller--you can work out 13 solid hours a day and you will still have hips. That's genetics. Instead work on finding clothing that accents the curves instead of falling straight and making you look boyish. It is difficult with a 6 inch difference, but consider wearing wrap tops (it will also make you look more busty), things that cinch in your waist (rather than tshirts that fall away from the waist line, and dark colors on the bottom. Bold tops, dark bottoms make you look more symmetrical.Measurements have nothing to do with it.
But you sound fine already. As long as your waist is under 32 inches, this is a healthy waist measurement. And you can't change the difference between your bust and hips without cosmetic surgery, it's just the way your body is proportioned. So if you were too lose weight you would end up even smaller on top and the difference between your hips and bust would become even more apparent.What you need to find out is your level of body fat, that is how much of your weight comes from body fat. If this is good, then you really don't need to be worrying.And whatever you do, please don't lose more than a couple of inches or go under 115lb, or you could make yourself very ill.

What should my cousin do about her weight?

She is 18 years old
250 poundsShe has tried so many diets but they never work for her. She tries to exercise but gets too tired early into it. Her doctor refuses to prescribe something to help her lose weight.What do you guys suggest she do? She needs to lose weight. And please do not think I am asking this on my own because I think she's fat. I dont care what she looks like or how much she weighs, I love her. She came to me crying the other day because this is bothering her. She wants to lose weight.
She should go on a 1,200 calorie a day diet. I have lost 15 pounds in less than 3 weeks. There are a lot of 100 calorie food products out there now. And Michelina's has a brand of frozen foods that are very low calorie and cheap but still good.
perseverance....and balanced meals and lots of exercise, of course.
The best thing to do would probably be to eat healthy and exerciser. I heard somewhere if you eat more calories than you burn that you will not lose weight but gain weight, so if she is eatting like 2,000 calories a day and takes one walk and does some other small stuff and only burns 500 calories she still has the extra 1,500 calories she didn't burn off which would be stored as fat. Also I was watching celebrity fit club on t.v. and they started this new things for girls called pillow fitting that alone for one hour can burn 762 calories, which may help her. Make sure she is active have her go swimming, play sports, take walks or hikes, and eat healthy and that might help goodluck!
She might have a thyroid problem and should go see a specialist.It might not be her fault that she is gaining weight.And if that's not it then cutting meat and bread out of her diet for awhile and taking in more fruits, veggies, and grains will help shed a lot of weight along with drinking plenty of water.
My younger brother had the same problem growing up.What worked for him was someone continuously pushing him. He often felt tired after working out, but that was the key to his weight loss. After a few weeks of cardio his stamina began to increase and my family pushed him from there.
Of course during this entire time he was placed on a diet.I know its hard work, I was there with him every step of the way, but long term shes saving herself from potential problems.
Wow, story of my life!
Most diets don't work because you don't stick to them. If she has stuck to them with no success, tell her to make sure her dr. knows this and checks her thyroid glands. If her dr won't, swich dr's. Any dr should be concerned about her weight because it is one of the biggest factors in many diseases later in life. If she is able to lose weight now, it is best because she is still young and hopefully hasn't began having problems because of her weight. (diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, etc.)
If it is just a sticking to it problem, try being her "healthy living" partner. We all do better when we have someone to lean on when things get tough. And since your obviously a good enough cousin to care, you are probably very close and she would benifit from someone going through this with her.
Remember, it is healthy living, not a diet. It is a way of life that promotes healthiness, and will help provide weight loss for her. Start slowly on exercise. Go for a brisk walk around the block every day for a week, then make it 2 blocks, and move up from there. Or go swing on the swings at the park, its fun and exercise. Or play 1 on 1 basketball with her. Or paly tag. Something for her to start building her endurance till you can really be exercising.
But I stress, the #1 motivation to stick with it is if she has someone there to help support her. There is no magic tricks, it just is hard work to get there. Good luck to her and cudos to you for being so good!
I had a friend that was the height of your cousin and weighted about the same. She had surgery. She tried exercising and dieting and it just didn't work. It is amazing the way she lost weight. She lost like 70lbs before she even had the surgery, but it is a life style change and you still have to exercise and watch what you eat. It just sounds like she is unable to move and if she got some of the weight off, then she could be motivated to move more. Weight issues are very difficult and most people think that people who are over weight are just fat and lazy, but there are so many other issues. Most people that are over weight don't even eat a lot. But when you put on so much weight, it is hard to move and you have to move to loose weight. You are good for her also, she needs your encouragement and support.
Recently I came across a diet called the cookie diet. Mt neighbor was using it, so I went over there and checked it out. I liked what I saw and ordered some the next day. So far I have lost 15 pounds and will continue using this product. you eat 6 large cookies a day and then have fish or chicken for dinner. It really works, and without all that caffeine and junk. Check out the website below. Good Luck!go to: getskinnywithcookies
She could try one of those camps for kids who need to lose weight.
This is a really tough issue that needs nationwide attention. So many obese people can't stick to diets or exercise plans long enough to see the results so they dispair and fall into an even worse lifestyle. I don't want to assume that this is what's happening to your cousin, but I find it hard to believe that anyone who actually sticks to a diet doesn't lose weight. Its a simple matter of mathematics. If you consume less quantities of energy over a long period of time, your body will be forced to live off its stores of energy, and you'll lose weight. If a person says they're on a diet but don't lose weight, they're not sticking to it.
Its a tough decision for doctors too. Doctors need to promote healthy lifestyles among their patients, and prescribing medication or stomach bypass surgery, especially to a teenager, is not promoting a healthy way of life. Its saying ''ok, do whatever you want, modern medicine will keep you alive no matter what''. This drives the already overpriced cost of health insurance up for the whole country.
At her age, she needs to tough it out and do the work it takes. The best thing you can do for her is be a part of her recovery from obesity. If you live close enough to her, offer to go for walks with her every morning. As simple as it sounds, a 45 minute walk every morning before breakfast can be the solution to her obesity and all the problems she's having now, and will have for the rest of her life if she doesn't take care of this. Of course she needs proper diet as well, but if she is an inactive person, a 45 minute walk every morning will make her lose weight rather quickly, she doesn't need to go to the gym or start doing aerobics right away, of course she can't do it, she's not used to it. You're a great person for caring, with your help she can beat this. Good luck to you both.
She needs to cut off all junk and fast foods. Come right off pastries, sugar and sugar substitutes, if you need sugars there is a natural herbal called Stevia, it is a liquid sweetener.According to her weight she needs to drink about 15 glasses of pure, clean, filtered water a day, not tap water unless it is filtered. Even some bottled water is tap water. Eat lots of veggies and fruit. Go easy on beets, carrots, Eat preferrably the veggies raw. or if you cook them have them crunchy. Eat lots of onions, cabbage, garlic celery, leaf lettuce, (not head)bell peppers. Eat all berries like rasp,straw, black, and especially blueberries, we need the anti-oxidants from them. Easy on the oranges, and bananas, as they have a lot of sugar. Eat red potatoes, instead of White, as they are all sugar and starch. Get off all white stuff, as they have nothing good in them. Go easy on the breads and grains, eat the whole grains but not that much, Red meat you only need a couple of times a week, off wieners, bologna, all cold cuts, Eat roasted or boiled chicken and eggs. Fish or fish oil are extremely important for the omega 3 the smaller the fish the better. You can eat rolled oats for breakfast the kind you cook, no pasteurized milk or sugar, you can use the Stevia. Be careful as it is very sweet so only need a few drops. Use Rice milk or raw milk you can buy in some places and/or if you have your own cow.
If you have any questions I am here to help, and use my email address newbegin@shaw.ca please.
Of course exercising is essential, like walking, swimming, which are the best that there is.
Now this is a strict regeme and she can get help by taking some supplements so she is not depriving her body of nutrients, as she will be going through a big change in her system, I take some very good ones.

What should I weigh-13 years old, 5'5".?

At 13 your weight can fluxuate a large amount, so at this point you should not stress too much. Your body is still changing and some 13 year olds still have their baby fat while some 13 year olds have not caught up to their metabolism. It depends on your body type, if you are done growing, and a whole bunch of other factors that cant really be calculated at this point.
http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/bmi/adul...go to this web site, put in your height and weight and it will tell you .
You should weigh about 120-130
I weight about 125. You?
100 pounds
Well I'm 13 and 5'6 and I weigh in between 97 and 100 lbs.
It really depends on your bone structure and the amount of muscle mass you have.
usually, the healthy weight of a 13 year old girl would be 105 to 140 pounds. hope this helps!
I know 13 year old girls should a least be over 100, thats what my health teacher says.

What should i wear to go running this afternoon?

im 23, a guy, head to toe would help. thanks
good pair of running shoes, socks, and running shorts. when it is warm, i would go shirtless. otherwise, a T-shirt, preferably with material similar to "coolmax" . I usually go shirtless as it is much more comfortable.
What do you usually wear? I just wear shorts, a shirt, and my running shoes. There's nothing more that you need, really.
ur a f@g...sorry but no man should be that concerned with what to wear while working out.
lol, you are pathetic. what kind of question is this.

What should i look for when buying and eliptical?

and where should i go to get a good one? and What is the least amount i could spend for a decent one?
Sears sells both Nordic Track and Pro Form ellipticals. The standard stride length on an elliptical is 18 inches, but there are models which allow you to shorten the stride. You really need to try as many ellipticals as possible to see which one "feels" right to you. Right now, there are several models on sale (I work for Sears). Check them out. Many times you can get 6 month or 12 month 0% financing, deferred interest, no payments for a specified amount of months.
it all depends on if you want a timer, if you want to change the resistance, want to know how many calories are burned.i bought mine at kmart fo less than $200. it has a timer, calorie calculator, resistance control, distance traveled, and specified programs that raise and lower the resistance so you get a controlled workout.i've had it for about 3 months now, and no problems, knock on wood. good luck!

What should I have for lunch today?

I need energy for a basketball game tonight, but I live in a small town and don't have too many options. I could make something but I have limited time for lunch break... Thanks for the help!
Something with carbs like pasta.
peanut bgutter and banana
mini corn dogs!
Try fruit!
Mickyy D's! :]
spaghetti has lots of carbs
peanut butter and corn nut sandwich on Russian rye with maple syrup covered marshmallows.....
noodles, shake, salad
food duh
A store bought salad.
Carnation instant breakfast drink and banana or soup
Grilled Cheese sandwich
Id say a soup and a sandwich
Pasta, (9) cooked al dente with Italian herbs, olive oil, and Parmesan cheese.Quick, easy, tasty, and lots of carbs for energy.
how about a cesar salad withsome light dressing and a baked patato on the side. and u can have a bottle of Gatorade! Have fun at ur game!
a warm glass of shut the hell up
anything with a lot of carbs try spaghetti
i might have answered your question before but
Chefs Salad
ham cubes:you can get most of these things at a Dillon's then use them if you have leftover
Hard boiled eggs except the shell
dressing{optional i recommend ranch or Italian}
you can also add nuts, pretzels, or peanuts, or whatever else you want on it.
Everything is optional except for lettuce
Food with it:
just have some fruit and have something like crystal light or iced tea.I recommend raspberry iced tea.
there is this answer i gave u which is about the same
vagina...no im just kidding.. honestly.. actually nah, yeah, have vagina.
Doesn't matter. Just find something healthy.About an hour before the game, have an energy bar, like a Clif bar.
Steam some fresh veggies since they are growing out of the ground at full speed! Eat some oatmeal with fruit. Baked chicken?Sandy :O)
something with carbs and protein. subway is good. or just make yourself a sandwich full of meat.

WhAt ShOuLd I eAt??

I just started a diet and want to stick with it. I just got done working out and if i eat something unhealthy, all my hard work goes down the drain. What should i eat??
some healthy cereal thats full of fiber
A salad
A salad or fruit, or a sandwich
carrot sticks with low fat ranch dressing :)
jus eat fruit,veg.or soup (depends how hungry u r)
You need to make sure whatever you eat tastes good and is healthy for you. I would go google.com. Search "healthy good food". You should get some results.
When I get done working out I get a fruit smoothie. They make them at the gym I go to, but you can also make them at home. I use 3-4 strawberries, 1/2 a banana, 1/2 tablespoon honey, and ice. Sometimes I'll mix 1/2 cup skim milk also. Tastes really good, but it also is really good for you.
eat salad, fruits and especially papaya %26 green vegd
Eat fruits and veggies, lean meat, white meat chicken, and FISH! (canned tuna in water is fine, salmon is great!!) Snack on a handful of almonds (no oil or salt), a banana, or an apple. If you ever feel like you're gonna cheat, go brush your teeth. WILLPOWER! You can do it, girlfriend!!
no carbs, protein will build buscle or maintain the muscle u have. Fruit and vegetables and grains have carbs so minimize them. ABSOLUTELY NO PASTA OR BREAD. Salad and fruit are ok only if you can burn off the carbs before you go to bed then all carbs that u didnt burn off will turn to fat
Well fruits are healthy but they have a lot of sugar in them..stick to veggies and protien foods.eggs any meat.stay away from starches and breads and sugars.
The obvious answer would be lots of fruit and veggies. Fruit like apples and oranges are really healthy, and with vegetables you can eat as much as you like without really gaining weight. If you want a snack, try crackers and cream cheese (but not too much!!) ~ it's healthy and very delicious!
After you are done with your workout, you need to wait about 30 minutes to eat. Your body is still burning calories even after you stop. When it is time to eat, fuel your body with protein. Protein builds muscle which is what you are working out for.
I know you are also trying to lose weight (who isn't) but muscle burns fat. So help your body build muscle.
Filling yourself with sugar (fruits and smoothies) would be wasting your workout.
Good protein choices that will satisfy you are:
Cheese (like mozzarella sticks-love 'em!!)
Lean Deli Meats (easy to grab.)
Eggs -scramble two but only use one yolk, or just have some cold boiled eggs on hand and eat the whites.
Sardines-some say ew, but lucky me, I love em and you get Omega 3's and calcium.
Give these a try!!
All carbs should be eaten early in the day and always BEFORE the workout (about 40 min to an hour)
Remember to get your fiber and drink lots of water to keep the machine moving.
Treat Food like Fuel and have fun with it!

What should i eat?

What should i eat before training? I do thai boxing and i don't get time to go home and have a proper meal. It lasts an hour and a half and is very active and tiring. I need slow release energy so i know about banana's, any other recommedations?
Hey,Funnily enought there was an article in the free paper they give away on trams this morning regarding complex carbohydrates. It mentions that whole grain cereals, whole wheat pasta, rye bread, porridge, cottage cheese, nuts and dried fruit are all good sources of slow release energy foods as they are considered 'complex' carbohydrates. Try to have your main meal 3 hours before you do your exercise as this is roughly how long it takes standard food to have digested and converted the food to energy. Hope this is of use to you.
plain pasta is a really good slow energy release
I always go down on a chick first.
Also try sports drinks and jaffa cakes.
Meals On The Go! Somthing That You Can Heat Up In The Microwave Like Frozen Meals
U can eat stuff like fruits for eg. Apples (its strong in iron).
Fuits n Veggies are good. Don't eat too much before doing exercises which in ur case is Thai Boxing. U can eat cereal too. Most of all just eat healthy food n dont have a heavy meal before ur exercise or activity. eat within ur energy intake.
Hope that helps!
I think carbohydrates are fundamental for your body. Try to find the time to eat some.
brown bread , and pasta there's loads more but my brains dying

What should i eat/drink on holiday to not gain weight?

Ok, so ive lost weight recently (17lbs) and now im 9 stone 7. I have been eating about 1200 - 1300 calories per day and going to the gym every day burning about 300 calories each time.I seem to be stuck at this weight just now, i dont seem to be able to lose any more for some reason.Im going on holiday in 2 weeks time and my question is, as we will be eating out quite alot what sort of foods should i be looking to eat for lunch/dinner to maintain my weight?
Eg is an plain omelette for lunch an ok meal or are there lots of calories in something like that?Also, as i will be going out at night drinking, i realise there are alot of calories in alcohol. what are the best alcoholic drinks to drink? i dont plan on drinking lots every night, but just ideas would be great, thanks.
you can eat whatever you want over the holiday as long as you watch your portions you won't gain weight if you eat the right amount of calories a meal just make sure to get smaller portions
I have lost 40lbs since October. I now drink my drinks with DIET soda (i.e. rum and diet coke). That is your best bet. So is wine. STAY AWAY FROM BEER. It's like liquid bread.Also, eggs are very high in fat and cals but you can eat at least one or two a day for protein. One omelet won't kill you but stay away from fats the rest of the day. Choose lots of fresh veggies and fruit, and lean proteins. Turkey and chicken (white meat only!) are great. Grilled, not crispy!Good luck!
stick with healthy meals at restaurants. dont choose something that you KNOW is unhealthy, but treat yourself just the same. I know that with liquor the higher the proof, the more the calories, something that is 80 proof is about 130 calories a jigger (1.5 oz). Mix your liquors with diet soda's because those tend to have 0 calories. Beer is about 90 calories depending on the type of course. You're on holiday so have fun and relax a little, but choose healthy when you can :)

What should i eat to reduce weight faster?

You eat a balanced diet first and foremost. Depending what your weight and height now, You could probably start out on a 1200 calorie diet. Most people could loose weight on that type of diet. If you loose weight slowly, you are apt to keep it off. I realize this is probably not the most popular answer, but it is the most practical one.
fruits/veggies.. no bread because it = carbs. also get low fat things not fat free becuase fat free have more sugar.. try to find things to eat that have 3g of sugar or less. also don't snack in between meals and keep your proportions small. you could try the weight watchers diet.. eat what you want but less. i'm on it and i love it. i've heard from everyone who's on it that it's working for them
lots of fruit and vegies. small amount of meat etc. something good is to have eggs for breakfast (prob boiled is best.. less calories) cos it helps you to eat less the rest of the day, the protein in it fills u up for longer.
load of fresh vegs and fruit and drink load of water too and try adding fish and chicken and some pasta but not alot though and remember u have to do some exercise with thta will speed it up too.
I have had great success in just limiting fat intake. I pay no attention to the type of fat, just limit daily intake to less than 25 grams. It has allowed me to drop 10-15 lbs in a month.
u shud eat a lot of fruits and vegetbles and drink lots of water. and i think u shud not eat carbo for ex. rice bread 8 hours before you sleep. and of course, excercise! to burn all the calories u take in when u eat.
More fruits and vegetables.
Less junk food and carbohydrates.
More Water.

What should I eat if I want to put on weight?

I am skinny all my life and getting really fed up with that.There's always someone making fun of me :( I've tried to put on weight more than few times but somehow there are no results. What and how should i eat to put on weight?
Drink a glass of milk everyday, if you can take it. Eat chicken frequently. Drink five raw eggs a day. Eat plenty of carbohydrate food like bread or oriental rice. Eat four times a day. Eat ice cream as often as you want. I don't think you should worry about fat too much since you're an ectomorph. That means you don't get fat easily. Of course, if you eat all these things, you also have to build your muscle so you'll look good and earn the admiration of peers. Go into weight training. If you don't know how to begin, read books about it or ask someone at a gym. Eat enough calories to repace what you burn and save a lot more for your body to turn into muscle. In time, you'll get the hang of it. But it can be expensive, because you'll be spending a lot on food and gym time. Good luck.
taters and gravy, ham, biscuits, fried chicken and lots of pork
Burgers and all the fat and greese you can find!!
get some of that body bulk stuff that exercise freaks use, and exercise a bit so you dont get flabby.they are making fun of you because they are jealous you are skinnier than their fat asses. .
FoodAh no really. You need bulking supplements.
Although completely not healthy, have you seen Supersize Me? McDonalds would probably make you gain weight, as well as have a heart attack! My husbands super skinny, try weight lifting and toning yourself rather than obsessing at the scale. Being smaller but strong has it's advantages.
Try and keep it healthy if you can. Things like nuts, avocados, bananas, pasta may all help. There's no guarantees, you may just be naturally slim (like myself). I've spent many years now trying to gain some curves.
Maybe you should see a doctor to make sure that there's nothing wrong with you thyroid gland first. Good foods to eat contain lots of carbohydrates and protein and balanced amounts of fat. Bread, red meats such as beef, cheese is very good, and everyones favourite chocolate :D
I've heard from other people who have been in your situation that in the end, milkshakes were the thing that finally helped them. Order a real ice cream milkshake from coldstone or another quality shop regularly (NOT the fake shakes from mcdonald's that aren't really ice cream) and you'll likely find the weight piling on in a matter of months.
eat a lot of pizza, pork ribs, steaks, dip every thing in butter, cakes, deep fried everything,bacon, sausages, anything with a lot of fat. and make dinner your heaviest meal of the day, and don't forget to have midnight snacks every evening.
hi protein foods such as -




CHEESE cheddar


ROAST CHICKEN go on google and type in high protein foods and you will get a list!Hope i have helped, dont worry about those other girls there just have nothing better to do and there prob jealous!
Pasta, cheese...
Those two people up there gonna kill you with disease!XD
Have a balanced Meal if want to put on weight eat like 5 times a day! Supper,tea Time,Break fast,Lunch,Dinner! or seek a nutritionist to help you gained weight! Every day meal must have Meat and Fish(fried or steam), Vegetable! try eat more cake which had alot of fat in it lol! or go to ask a pharmacist to buy a medicine which increased appetite or increase your stomach metabolism to digest faster!
guessing it's more kinda muscle mass and stuff your thinking of?Make sure you have a normal balanced diet, anytime your hungry eat a little something, maybe some fruit or something small.
make sure you have pleanty of protein, which you can get in those milkshake drink things.other than that maybe devise a workout program to help boost certain areas of your body
Go to Holland and Barrat or, a place like it that sells vitamins and health foods and you can buy a product called weight gain.
Have 4 - 5 meals per day (not too big)
Take multi vitamins and minerals.
Eat mixed nuts as they release energy slowly. drink water.
Do not put on weight via junk food, eat healthy foods.Its quite difficult to tell you what to eat as I dont know whether you are a vegetarian, what type of foods you like. What medications you take etc.You should go and see your doctor to see what he/she may advise.It would also help if you calculated your calorie intake (increase this if you are not meeting the recommended guidelines)You may have a fast metabolism (means that the food you eat is used up quite quikly therefore your body does not store it) Metabolism will slow down as you get older.
if you can contact`my girlfriend`LA LUMP` shell send you her pro`diet sheet`her last` breakfast`was`6 Eggs`6`rashes of bacon`6`sausages`6`large mushrooms` 6`slices`of thick bread`fried`-thes not enough`room` to put`the rest of the days`meal`on`this list`
You are soooooooo lucky!! I am working out like hell to loose weight.

What should I eat for lunch?

I made an avocado, lettuce, tomato, and onion burrito.
Add a little hot sauce and you're ready to go.
i had pizza :P but i wanted panda express orange chicken
honey ham and cheese sandwich
anything, lunch is not as important as breakfast and dinner.
peanut butter jelly time!!
Peanut, Peanut Butter . Jelly!

What should i do??

I want to get fit and eat heathy so i can be in shape for JROTC next year...so what should i do???
There are alot of websites on the web that you can set up a profile of yourself including height, weight, etc.. You can also enter a plan that best fits your needs which includes losing, gaining or maintaining weight and/or body mass. It will set you up on a plan for anything you want and there are so many that are free, so just surf the internet. Good luck
run, and lift weights, do push ups and sit ups, just the basics will get you in shape
Determination and hardwork. set a target and work for it.
Sign up for gym membership and start exercising. If not just correct your diet and do cardio exercises (speed walk for 30 minutes a day).
first of all..look beyond just next year...look at it being .. the first day for the rest of your life, and come next year [if GOD is willing] you'll be ready.....
you know you can, and so do we.... wishing you a long and healthy life

What should I do? girls to answer is preferable.?

I am so scared! My grade has a field trip pool party on Thursday and I kind of have a LOT bigger boobs than evry1 else and I am so worried. This is SUPPOSED to be an awesome field trip..but how I am supposed to have fun if I am fretting about my boobs the whole time? and IIIIIII think I am kinda fat..nobody else seems to think so but I do..I mean i am like 5'2" or 5"1" and like 115!! I am like constantly putting on weight..I only had breakfast lunch and dinner with desert today to eat..and I went on like a half hour bike ride but thats it...and I am starting to do my 500 jumoing jacks, 100 curl ups and 10 push-ups every night..but I mean..I only have 4 DAYS!! I can't do anything to my body in 4 days but the thing I am really worried about is my boobs?! WHAT SHOULD I DO.?
you aren't fat! thats a perfect weight...and all the other girls in your class are just going to be really jealous of your boobs. dont be worried about...be proud of what you got...and have fun!
You need to have your mom or someone take you shopping for a swimsuit with good support. You are not overweight so don't worry about your weight. If you don't like the way your body looks you can try to tone it but you DO NOT need to lose weight so stop trying to diet when you don't need it.
at that height your just about the *perfect* weight, cuz u gotta rembember some of that weight is boobs, if there that big, just dont worry too much about it, and if it bothers u that much u can always buy one of those long bikini tops, ya know thats kinda like a shirt
Don't be worried, sounds like your skinny with nice boobs...i'm jealous.
girl don't worry about that look by what you are telling me your NOT fat at all and about your boobs i mean if you got them flaunt them
well your deffintly NOT fat and its a simple solution. wear what you would normally wear to go swimming but over that put on some shorts and a t-shirt thats what i always do cause i have the same problem and feel the same way
Well, after having looked at all your questions, my general response is, "Did you want to keep looking like a flat 9-year-old, or did you want to mature?" You're NORMAL; so quit worrying (not that I think you're VERY worried because of your Answers name); I think you just want compliments. Sorry - none here; learn to think for yourself.
in my grade i was 1 of the girls tht had the bigger boobs and at first i worried about it. then1 day a girl came up 2 me and told me she wished she had bigger boobs like me. i took it as a compliment. so u just gotta flaunt wat u got and a guy thats lookin 4 a hottie with a body will sure come runnin 2 u! thats how i got my bf. but u r NOT fat. im about 2 in. taller than u but i weight more than i should so be yourself and dont worry about wat other people think of u because u r who u r and nobody should make u think differently!!
Speaking as a girl with small boobs, the other girls will be envious of yours. You might feel fat but trust me, you are your biggest critic. Everyone else is going to be just as self-conscious as you are so they aren't going to be looking for your flaws. Just try to act confident!

What Should I do?

I want to lose weight but i think I'm a little addicted to sugar. I can't go like one day without it. I don't want to go to a rehab place or doctor. Also I feel the need to eat and just keep eating after I've had something already. Please help!!
god damn it. sugar makes fats if you dont use it up. eating too much sugar will make you fat faster. have a little self control woman! stop eating your cakes, chocolate, cookies and ice cream. if you keep eating when your not hungry, your gonna get fat. the golden rule is, eat when your hungry, not when you feel like it. control yourself and do some exercise. 30 minutes each day. If your stressed, it makes you feel hungry when your really not. if your depressed, you eat comfort food. so sort yourself out first if you are.and please, always drink your water and eat your fruits and veg. every day, 5 a day.
cut out bread, COMPLETELY!lol that will work ...but try to lower sugar just a little .lol
im addicted to sugar also. try sugar substitutes, which hold off the crave for me.
well if you have an addiction than you should go see a therapist, if you just like it alot then get some self control and only have it every once in a while. But if you keep trying to not eat sugar and you can't then you need professional help, because that is NOT normal.
I can feel the same way, too. Just limit yourself to a little bit of sugar. Also, if you find that you eat because you have the time and you can, then occupy yourself. Find a sport to do or something that can also keep you active.
i understand i'm a sugar addict too, instead of grabbing sweets, grab a fresh fruit, they have natural sugars and will help you feel full better, the natural sugars will satisfy your cravings much better than junk foods, also drink a glass of water - its good for your body and helps flush the toxins / fat, plus the water will help you feel full after eating, without adding more calories, and some fresh veggies are great for snacking and help curb that craving for sweets, like celery - carrots without adding much calories, also the fresh foods will take you a little longer to chew them - satisfying the need to eat. and go for at least a 30 minute walk daily, its the best excercise.
Sugar is a very sweet and tasty treat but to much is unhealthy. Since you want to loose weight here are some tips..1) try some recipes that dont have a lot of calories
2) work out.. Jog every morning or twice a week
3) for sugar, try something healthy and sweat. Like fruit, it can keep you in shape and has a great taste that will make you go crazy!
4) tell yourself that you can do itHope these tips help

What should i do?

i love my bf and all but... when i see some other guys i want to hook it up with them cuz there fine. i dont know but me and my bf dont communicate that much which is a big downer. we been together 4months but i think i want something eles .. but then i cant let him go becuz i feel strong about him. ... what should i do?
thks for the advice??
There are lots of ways to feel strongly about someone, and still not want to date them. It sounds like you are ready for a change. Plenty of time to be "stuck" with one guy later in life, do your exploring while you are young and unmarried. Then you won't want to do it later.
Best of luck.
well i was with a guy for 3 years and i can tell you that if you are finding urself doing that right now get out...you are obiviously ment to be with someone else if you find your self wanting other men

What should I do...?

i'm on summer break now and i'm gonna do tennis and some basketball- but what else should i do?
i have some projects w/ some friends but i dont want to just sit in front of the tv all day
i'm also gonna run every other day and do pilates every day (trying to lose weight)
i'm a 13 year old girl- what are some things i could do over the summer
By doing fun things along with hard work...you will be happier and in a better mood to actualyl work out..gets some pictuers and start a scrapbookrent movies and try to watch some you've always wanted to...even better get your friends around to do it with youswimming..running around with neighboorhood kids..playing games with them, and sets of cruntches each day...take up something new like drawing or photographytry a summer camp...you could go to a sports camp..you'd look a lot of weight

What should I do to lose weight?

I am 12, turning 13 in 2 months and I feel fat. Right now I am 5'2 and I weigh 119 pounds. Is this the right weight for me, and if not wat can i do to lose it
find daily calorie intake calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours - it optimizes your metabolism)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have protein (lean meat, legumes etc) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min (ideally 45min because the first 20-30min body burns carbs and only then starts burning fat), light weight training (more muscle=faster metabolism)
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, pasta etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)

What should i do to lose weight help me pls!!!!?

everytime u eat ur normal food- try to eat alittle less. this means that u eat 7 mouthfuls if u were eating 9...i hope u get wat i mean..this is the slower approach.
the faster approach is to stick to a diet--like only 2 egg whites, black coffee. and a bit of fruits in the morning. for lunch, soup. and for dinner steak with a lot of veges ONLY.
this diet is like giving a hard time to ur body..DO IT FOR ONLY 2 WEEKS. than go for ur normal food. u might lose a few kgs. btw- no snacking in between meals.i havent tried it yet. coz the week i was abt to try i found out i was pregnant.
kill a dog
Eat more veggies and fruits. Cut down the fast food and fatty foods. Exercise 3 times a day, walk or light weights. Don't eattoo much processed sugar and carbs. When you eat, take your time!
Contrary to popular advertising, eliminating wheat and dairy from your diet will work like you wouldn't believe.
Stop drinking soda. I stopped drinking it ever since May 20, and I've lost 7 pounds. Also, either go swimming, or run 2-6 miles every night. But then again, running is usual for me, so you might not want to do that. Then, run 1/2 mile. If you jog it, it'll be 3 minutes. If you sprint it, probably 2.35 minutes.
The site below has lots of tips on losing weight the quickest and most efficient way. Many ways actually cause you to gain weight like cutting calories, fats and carbs. You need to learn about good fats and carbs.
I'd like to recomend you the healthy coffe or chocolate with Ganoderma. It'll control the apetite and increase your metabolism.
Go to www.sanarme.com sign up with 25 US to get wholesale prices an a free website.

What should I do to loose the wight gained?

So now I'm 145 pounds I've gained it in 1 month I don't know how.I have a very balance diet,I do excersise 1 hr a day 5 days a week.I've gone crazy.The worst my clothes of course won't fit to me.Also I drink more than 3 liters of water daily.Please I need help.
You may have had a change in your metabolism for some reason, or your body has just caught up with your diet and excercise. Let me explain. Once your body is used to eating 2000 calories a day (average adult), and excercising for an hour, it gets efficient at that level, and doesn' t need to burn that many calories for that amount of excercise and has extra to store. Solution? Excercise at different amounts (like long/short days of running where you alternate long workouts and short quick workouts.). Also, try different activities to work different muscles: if you do aerobics one day, play tennis the next day, swim, bike, run, lift weights, walk, do pilates, etc. Don't let your body get too used to your workouts and meals (alternate what vegetables/fruits, meals you have to keep your body guessing). However, eat meals at the same time every day so that your body will not feel a need to store more (thinks its starving,etc).
Take a class in wight loosing.
u can run and still do exersize..
Eat an apple in the morning, 2 apples and diet yogurt for lunch, diet yogurt for a snack, and 2 apples and a diet yogurt for dinner and you should lose up to 2 pounds a day. Sounds boring, but I麓m trying it tomorrow. Hope it works
Go to your doctor. If you know you are eating sensibly and exercising too, you may have an underlying medical condition that is causing you to gain. Check it out to be safe. For an example: Thyroid and kidney disease both make you gain.
I'm trying to lose weight too and it's sooo hard. My aunt is using a weight loss product and it's really working for her. I'm gonna try it and I recommend you try it too. Check their website at http://www.getgoinfo.info , my aunt got a free trial and paid only 6.95$ shipping and handling.
You should go to see a Dr , I mean go to see a "nutricionista" so she can tell you what to do or what kind of diet is good enough for you ok??
I hope I麓ve helped you !!!! 鈾?鈾?鈾?

What should I do to get big muscles and get stronger?

Should I lift as much weight as I can once or lighter weights a lot of times? Also what else has a lot of protein except meat?
If you want to have lean muscle you should do lower weight with high reps. If you want muscle mass then it's more weight with less reps. Make sure you work out all muscle groups. Some men end up working out their upper bodies more than their lower body. Then it looks quite odd with a big upper body and little legs (that's just a personal note)The male trainers at my former gym would eat lean meats, whole grains, and fish and fruits and veggies. They would eat like 6 or 7 small meals a day. They would also buy protein powder and make protein shakes since males need the extra protein if they are building muscle mass. Here's a link of the magazine they would read it's specifically for males it shows exercise routines and what foods you should eat. Good luck :Dhttp://www.muscleandfitness.com/...http://www.gnc.com/home/index.jsp...
Beans, have protein, and use lighter weights and slowly add more.
i guess moderation is good for your muscles... so light weights more than once are better than weighty weight once..other food with protein:
nutshope this helped!

What should i do the day after i binge?

i binged yesterday .. now it's the morning after, and i feel guilty/depressed/disgusting. what should i do in terms of exercising, eating, and dealing with the emotional part of it? should i fast, or eat normally, or restrict my calorie intake? should i exercise a lot or a little? any suggestions and advice is greatly appreciated!
Don't feel guilty, we all slip from time to time. Now, let's look at why you binged. Are you not eating enough on the other days or was this purely psychological? Did you have a bad day yesterday so you binged to make yourself feel better? Make a plan to eat more fruits %26 vegetables and cut out white carbs, sugars %26 processed foods. If you do this, you'll be less likely to binge in the future. Your body will start to crave what it's used to. If it's used to sugar then you'll want sugar. If it's used to fruits %26 vegetables then that's what you'll want. I am a former sugar-aholic and I'm telling you this works. Forget about yesterday. It's over and gone. Start fresh today. Today you will eat healthy and drink water. Today, you will start your new life which will include fruits %26 vegetables and exercise. Don't over exercise to make up for yesterday. Try to spend 20 - 30 minutes doing something, like walking. In the future, when the urge to binge comes upon you, remind yourself how guilty you felt after your last binge, then reach for an apple. Good luck. It's hard to change our eating habits but it's worth it.
dont do that and eat hot fudge sundaes
Eat conservatively today...eat your 3 meals or your 5 small ones...healthy choices of course...and yes exercise...don't kill yourself over it though.I think people that do NOT allow themselves any "Fun and fattening" things every now and then have a problem with crashing on a diet. Allow yourself a treat every now and then...not a whole cake mind you...but then it won't be like you have to go crazy for it all in one shot.
exercise a lot-walk/run especially
drink 10-12 glasses of water
drink grapefruit juice or tea
up your antioxidants
eat several small meals and snacks throughout the day
Don't do that again first off. And eat normally, just go like you usually would.
Just try to eat healthy. Lots of fresh fruits an veggies- and lots of water. And maybe go out for a nice walk. Don't waste time feeling guilty.
eat light and healthy and go for a long walk.
you need to eat normal and exercise a little more. don't kill yourself over it you don't want o set yourself back a week going nuts in the gym or starving yourself. your body will dis guard most of what you ate anyway. just relax today is a no day you probably didn't do that much damage. keep your chin up and move on. good luck
it takes 3,500 calories to burn a pound, so i doubt you can burn anything off from yesterday. rather, take today as a new opportunity to eat healthy and get a moderate amount of exercise. don't feel badly, everyone, on occasion, eats more than they wish. but don't try to back pedal or make yourself depressed, just make a promise to eat well and get exercise today.
cut back your calorie intake, take walks if you are depressed, drink more water.. i normally walk 30-60 min per day when im bored..
Get back on track and eat/exercise as you typically would if you had not binged.MANY of us "oops" every now and then. Don't beat yourself up over it, but try to get determined to make it a rare (if at all) occurence and get back to business right away!DO NOT skip any meals or fast...if you want to slightly reduce your calorie intake today, that's fine. But don't take it below 1200 regardless. You just consumed a few more calories this week than you might have otherwise, so you may not see the hoped-for weightloss on the scales. It's okay. Unless you gorged on thousands of calories it's not going to make a long term difference.You're human, ya decided to splurge (I do hope you enjoyed it, seriously 鈽? but it's time to get back on track and behave for a while. Take care of you!
Just blow it off and get back on track.

What should I do about this overeating thing!?

I just ate a lot of taco bell and i have to go to a dance class in 50 minutes... ughhh what shoudl i do i feel siiick i ate tooo mcuhh
Just lay on your side and watch a movie. Drink some water and maybe take some alkaselzier. I hope you feel better before your dance class.
Don't go. Stay home sick. And next time, don't eat too much if you have to go somewhere.
you should be fine by the time you get to the class.

What should I do about my friend? - eating disorder?

I am genuinly worried about one of my closest friends. She's 14 and for quite a while now she's not been eating anything throughout the whole of the school day. She is very self-concious and is always making comments like "I'm fat, I wish I was thin and pretty" Today in PE I noticed her arms seemed really flimsy, she finished last in the distance race and didn't seem to have a lot of energy. I have talked to a few of my other friends about it and they have just said stuff like "It's not your problem, don't worry about it" I have also tried sensitivly talking to her about it, that didn't go too well, she insists she's eating normally and she just isn't hungry at lunchtimes. She's got a prefectionist personality (which a lot of people with eating disorders have) and I'm scared that she'll take this too far. Has anyone got any ideas of how I can help her? I just want her to be her normal happy self.
Thanx, ~Katie~
Hi KatieAs a woman with an eating disorder (Bulimia) i have no sure answers, your friend is lucky that she has a good friend (you) that is there for her.
My suggestions would be that you do not push her to admit that she has a problem, just tell her that if there is anything that she is worried about, or wants to talk about, that your ears are always free for her.do NOT mention an eating disorder, as she will just clam up even more, and get VERY defensive.Well done for being such a great friend, but remember that people with eating disorders are ILL, and if you are VERY worried about her, they just be there for her,or maybe mention it to a teacher if you think its a good idea, but she will get better when SHE is better...Good luck, hope that helps!
I think its time you talk about your concerns with a conselor at school or your parents. She needs help, more than you can give. Be there for her and be supportive in the mean time.
this is an issue for her parents to hear about. don't go to the school counselor though your friend with be more likely to listen to family. she will need counseling and lots f emotional support from her friends and family. get her help ASAP. good luck.
KatieEating disorders are very complex, she needs to be directed towards help - if she will take it. Be supportive %26 honest with her, she will needs close freinds to just be there for her. Pam
She needs professional help. Tell her parents. If you're too scared, tell your parents to tell her parents. Or you can at least tell a school counselor
tell her parents and tell them about the issue that is the best way I believe.
You should tell her parents of your concerns. Being her parents hopefully they can keep a closer eye on her, and if they also notice something strange in her eating habits they would hopefully get her some help. If talking to her parents is not an option for you, mabe you should see a school counselor or a favorite teacher of yours, someone who could help. Meanwhile do your best to build her confidence with nice compliments, that always helps me when I feel bad about myself.
Please don't make a real big deal out of it the more anyone tries to control her eating habits the worst she will become Eating order are usually about control they feel the rest or there life is out of control or someone else controls it so they can truly control what they eat.It is a very dangerous problem for some people Me and my daughter have an eating disorder we can do day with little food but then our body want food and we eat every thing I one to truly be worried about is binging and purger that is hard on the body plus it starts happening natural there are sign to look for at first so you will know if your friend has started this and if she has you need to be a friend and tell her parents if they do nothing keep tell school counselor,whoever until someone helps her, Signs are going to the bathroom right far she eats,grabbing,hands that look raw.good luck keep being there for her
You are obviously a caring person but to alleviate this problem you have to be sensible.First don't involve others, they probably already know. If you do "grass her up" she will hate you and you will no longer be able to help her.Ask your or her Doctor for advice, if you can find an expert in this field talk to them.Be supportive and even if she doesn't like it tell her how thin she is.Try to find something she likes to eat and basically feed it to her.Most of all don't avoid talking about the situation, it won't come out into the open If you don't.
OK, I think you're British so there are no school counsellors. I would tell her that you are not worried about her, that not eating lunch is an unhealthy habit and that she obviously needs the energy. Then tell her parents about your concern. Youy could also call the Eating Disorders helpline on 0845 634 7650.

What should be the maximun weight i can lift w/o going overboard?

im 140 lbs and right now im benching a constant 60 lbs everyday. now, i dont want to look like a body builder so should i just stick with 60lbs
if you want to be strong that is not going to cut it. dont worry about looking like a body builder... it wont happen unless you load up on protein creatin roids and supps like that. (if you use a supp use protein)
to be strong you need to push yourself with the weight and do lower reps
60 pounds really isnt that much.
you arent goin to look like a body builder lifting 60 lbs.
if you want to look strong but not ripped you mite wanna step it up
When you get to a point where you are benchpressing your own body weight (in your case 140lbs.) is always a good reachable goal. Going overboard is when you see fellas pressing 300 + lbs. but then again they are usually professional football players. When it comes to lifting weights you should never do the same weightlifting exercise everyday. Your muscles need at least a day to recuperate and rebuild strength. I know body builders will only, for example, workout their chests once a week. The only thing really that you are doing is building a lot of endurance, but should really give those muscles about 48hrs of rest before going at it again. Make sure though when you do benchpress to do about 3-4 sets with up to 10-12 reps per set. Body builders tend to do less reps per set with higher weights. With doing 10-12 reps your building more endurance and pure strength as opposed to just a look.

What should a 13 year old weigh?

i weight 116
should i lose some weight?
The best would be to go to a site and put your info.http://www.southbeachdiet.comYou can also do a BMI (Body Mass Index) test.http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/bmicalc.
This answer should vary. Depending on your height, ect. this could be a healthy or not healty weight. internet sources aren't so reliable as consultation for this kind of health question. I suggest that you talk to your doctor or another health professional.
yeah ?
whatever it feels like weighing.
It depends on a lot of things like how tall you are and what your bone structure is. If you're very active a lot of your weight could be from muscle.
depends on your body type. If your curvy, then no. When i was 13, I weighed about 125, and I'm not saying this to reassure myself, i really was a healthy weight, but I've always been more muscular than most girls... I dunno, if you feel fine with yourself and your doctor is fine with it, then don't change or try to lose weight.
It depends on a ton of features. Some include height, bone structure, level of athletic activity, and what % of the weight is fat. Much more information is needed.
weight cant be associated with age. Its your height that should determine your proper weight.
that's about how much i weighed last year, and i'm 14, so i think it's healthy.
Weight should be determined by your height, weight and activity level. It is difficult to give a suggestion based on your age alone. 113 pounds sounds like a normal weight but I can't tell by the information provided.

What should a 13 year old eat?

ok so im 13 and ima girl and i want to start eating healthier my dads starting to buy more fruits and veggies but sometimes all i want in a day is meat or all i want in a day is veggies or something and whenever we have meat for supper its always fried never baked or anything i ask my parents to and they say it heats up the house and it takes to long and they wont let me make my own suppers and like i can never find the time to eat lol dont think im anerxic all tho some people do cause im skinny i guess lol im not trying to loose weight im just trying to be healthier plz no lectures saying dont worry bout ur weight ur young and all that i apreacite ur kindness and all but thats not what im looking for do u think u can help me also add some details on serving sizes to thanks
The main thing you need to do to keep healthy is remember that everything needs to be taken in moderation. Meat is alright to eat as long as you don't eat tons of it at once.
When you cook use vegetable oils instead of butter. It doesn't have less fat but the fat from vegetable oils is better for you.I am 15 and I am health maniac. Instead of focusing on weight loss like most however, I am obsessed with food additives and processing. I won't eat any meat unless I know exactly where it comes from and all of my vegetable have to be from sustainable sources. It makes it very heard to eat out. Just remember that health isn't only the fat in a food. Sugar is just as bad because if you don't use it quickly then it becomes fat. Also, eating a balanced diet is only half of what makes you healthy. You need to excerize your muscles and your heart as well.I hope that helps some. I had trouble choosing what to say because I have read so much about healthy/unhealthy food.
Go Lean Crunch cereal with yogurt, it ends up being 15g of protein, lots of fiber and it tastes great. I put Kashi in a bowl, spoon the yogurt over it and it is fantastic.fruit salad and half a sandwich. Usually watermelon, stawberries, apple and grapes hold up very well. I never put condiments on the bread of the sandwich, it makes it soggy so I put mustard between the turkey %26 cheese.Kashi protein bars with an apple, that's load of protein to keep your brain going and the apple is good fiber. Did you know the act of eating an apple wakes you up more than coffee? I need that apple by lunctime. pasta salad with an Italian (oil %26 vinegar) dressing. The pasta soaks up a lot of dressing, so be prepared to use a whole bottle of dressing per pound of pasta. Usually use mini penne pasta, celery, carrots, back olives, artichoke hearts, peas, cubes of mozerella and you can toss some chicken into it for added protein. That stuff willl keep in the fridge for 3-4 days, so you can eat it at work, at home, etc. I make it at night and by the next day everything is marinated and yummy.ryveta's ( think thats how u spell it ) its crunchy bread thats real healthy bit like whole meal but...it isnt dry and has taste bit like a cereal flake.well i have soft bread with butter and thats all its so soft i love it, bit like italian side dish bread for soups
this site might have some cool ideas.....http://www.laptoplunches.com/ideas.html.
To your question, a 13 year old should eat FOOD!
eat meat and veggies no to much and not to little.believe me!!
well im 10 so eat fruts vegetables and bread and than a litel snack at the end and meat
Go to mypyramid.gov. It's a great website that gives you a food pyramid specifically tailored for your age, weight, amount of exercise, etc. You should go check it out .
Eat 6 servings a day, small-medium. Try to stay off fried food. Eat alot of healthy foods such as fruits and veggies (any). Don't eat chips or anything with saturated and unsaturated fats.
i whould say go out and bye a diet book and do what it says i'm on one whare i don't eat sugar and white bread,pitados and others
hi i'm 13 too. i advise that u eat a combo of fruits, veggies, meats, and dairy products and don't eat 2 much junk food. if u do eat junk food exercise so u can lose the weight. u can eat any foods u like just don't eat 2 much and exercise everyday.but try 2 lay off the junk food.
just eat less..
you should consult with a dietician and they will tell you everything you need to know and it will be the right thing too. I'll tell you that you need five servings of fruits and veggies a day. You do not have to eat meat with every meal or at all as far as that goes. you can eat other things to get proteins from. you can learn a lot from your health book in school too.
well...eat food. Just make sure only to eat when you are really honest to god hungry and don't eat total crap when you do.
I know where you're coming from. And here are the best things to do. First, cut out all junk food. Painful as it may be, it has got to go. You can have some chips or whatever at a aprty, or every once and while, but no more! Also, if you're a soda-drinker, NO MORE! I like to carry around a bottle of water with me; just a bottle a day I drink. (you're skin will clear up if you drink one a day, ha.) And otherwise, just think healthier. If you want a snack, don't eat a cookie, eat an apple. You don't have to make your own suppers or anything, just eat what your parents make. Take moer vegetables than the fried meat, and if you are going for a second helping of something, think twice. Are you really hungry for this, or are you eating it just because its there? Also, try not to eat so much sweets, like chocolate bars and stuff. You'll find that the natural sugars in fruits are much more satisfying. You'll have a lot more energy, and your grades will go up, guarantee! Just use you're head, don't eat three containers french fires, eat a banana. Hope I helped!
Stay away from things with a lot of grease in them, like cheese. POTATOS ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND. UNLESS it is a sweet potato-which is a good carb and helps build MUSCLE instead of fat. Just because something is fried doesn't mean you can't eat it. If it has an EXCESSIVE amount of breading, peel some of it off. But you can leave light breading on chicken.The reason your wanting vegetables one day and meat the next is probably because your body is CRAVING the substance it needs. Like, if you're craving meat, that probably means that your body needs protein. All meat has almost NO carbs, and many of them have very little fat-depending on how they are cooked. This is aside from your red meats like steak(which is not BAD for you once in a while) and things that come from cows.Veggies are really good for you. GREEN vegetables have VERY LITTLE calories in them, lettuce has like 20 calories. Legumes, like peanuts and garden peas, have protein in them, but are a little high in fat. Eat no more than two tablespoons.DRINK PLENTY OF WATER. That gets rid of TOXINS in your body. Drop the soft drinks!I, myself, am trying to lose weight, so I try to stay around 100 carbs or less a day, while trying to stay under 30 grams of fat a day.I have lost 65 pounds. Trust me. I know what I'm talking about.
You are still growing and developing so you need a variety of foods from all food groups. I have two girls, 13 and 15, and they eat everything.but in moderation and smaller portions. Breakfast is usually protien - eggs, toast, banana or orange. Lunch varies - sometimes subsandwich, but mostly salads with dressing on the side, and sliced raw veggies (carrots and ranch dip). Occasionally we sneak french fries and burgers in there too! Dinner is almost always protien - grilled chicken, grilled steak, salad, grilled/baked potato, corn, cauliflour/broccoli mix, pasta with olive oil and parmesan cheese, etc. Healthy snacks are yogurt, granola, fresh fruit, jello, pretzels, fresh veggies and frozen fruit bars. I never tell my girls to finish everything - only eat until they are full. AND most important is drinking WATER. You are aware of health and nutrition at an early age, but be cautious only to the point of making healthy choices...not skipping meals! You sound like you have a pretty smart head on your shoulders. Stay healthy and good luck. :)
Congratulations! A thirteen year old who is interested in a healthy lifestyle, I'm impressed! To satisfy your meat cravings maybe you can opt to put pieces on your salad. I don't eat meat so I can't help you with recommendations there but here are some ideas to satisfy your hunger:
Soup with crackers! E.g., tomato soups, lentil soups, minestrone soups, and mixed-vegetable soups
Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, fruit
Veggie dogs with the works on a bun with chips
Soft Tacos - a soft tortilla with lettuce and tomatoes and maybe even a little salsa.
Stuffed pitas with hummus and tempeh or other veggies.
Sandwiches consisting of wheat bread with fresh veggies, sourdough bread, and maybe roasted eggplant.
Burritos - be creative ( example: corn, black beans and veggies (red/green peppers, red onion, lettuce and tomatoes) in a tortilla.
Baked potato.
Make it a family affair I'm sure you're parents wouldn't mind turning on the oven to share some time and make a quick Delicious home-made pizza - the pizza shell is a cinch to make; for the topping: tomato paste, olive oil, olives, mushrooms, red/yellow/green bell peppers, onions and zucchini.
Cut out the junk food, drink at least 8 glasses of water, eat fruits and veggies, excercise.
For breakfast try things like Special K cereal with strawberries or other fruit in it, or scrambeled egg whites, or toast(no butter or jelly). And try having green tea with it.
For lunch try salad or sandwiches(no mayonaisse or extra sauces if you don't need it)
For dinner try healthy things like spaghetti or salad or soup.
Snacks: jello, teddy grahams, and of course fresh fruit.
Remember no junk food or fast food even if you are in a hurry.
Well, I hope I helped a little.

What shoud i eat ?

Im hungry what would yall eat
Hmmm... Probably an energy bar or rice cake snack bites.
a sammich
Try this%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;
Here's a serious answer. I hope it helps.*If want to get fit and/or lose weight, here's my Weight Loss Program through Body Building and Nutrition. It works! First, don't Use Diet Pills. They are bad for you. Most of them are just a scam or they are addictive. Counting calories is a pain in the neck. It will drive you nuts. But, losing weight is simple. You just have to do the right things.
*(If you are older and have not exercised in many years you should see your doctor and have a stress test done to be sure your heart is ok before starting this program. Also, walking eveyday is a good lifelong practice.)
*Fad diets sometimes work but, you can be sure that at least 25% of the weight you lose will be muscle. Then when you stop the diet you will gain back all of the weight you lost but no muscle. So, you will have 25% more fat than you did before! Fad diets just aren't worth the bother.
*Fasting or skipping meals will teach your body that famine is common in your world and your body will begin to store more fat to get you through the next period when food is not available. It's better to eat healthy foods often to teach your body that food is plentiful and that there is no need to store calories as fat. Eat a vegetablw or frui every two hours.
*Here's a simple trick that can help you lose weight without doing anything else. Drink a litre of water as soon as you wake up in the morning and then drink two more throughout the day. You'll notice a difference the first month.
*Here's another trick that works. For every pound of muscle that you add, your body will burn 3000 calories (1lb) of fat every day. That means that just by having an extra pound of muscle on your body you will burn a pound of fat every day! So, add muscle!
*This is the fastest way to add a pound of muscle. Squats and Pushups! You do them on alternate days; squats one day, pushups the next. And you do them SuperSlow style. That is, you do the easy part twice as slow as the hard part. That way you fatigue the muscles quickly. Then you rest the muscles for 48 hours which gives the body a chance to make new muscles.
*Squats should be done with a wide stance and all the way to the floor. Pushups the with palms shoulder width apart and all the way to the floor, then all the way up. Use the full range of motion of the muscle group you are trying to develop. If you are too weak to do pushups, try them with your knees on the floor or do them with your feet on the floor and your hands an the bed.
*The idea is to tire the muscles out completely so do a set of squats until you can't do another, then rest for a couple of minutes and do it again. Do that 3 times and you're done for the day. The following day, don't do squats but do pushups. Do them the same way, going down twice as slow as you come up.
*You will lose weight fast, unless you add more junk food and fat to your diet. Instead, eat at least 5 to 7 different raw vegetables and fruits every day. Cut out anything that comes in a bag, box, can, bottle or any kind of package. In other words, cut out all processed foods, soft drinks and sweets. Eat more grains and less red meat. Check out the Food Pyramid.
*If you really want to give your body the best possible chance to be healthy and fat free, go to infinity2.com and order their weight loss formula and Essentials for Life. That will give you all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and probiotics that your body needs and will keep you feeling better and healthier. They also have a Proteabolic Mass Formula for serious athletes who want to build muscle mass quickly and safely.
*Weight loss without exercise is not good. You need to eat healthy, exercise and get your rest. You will feel better, look better and be healthier. Try it for a week. You will notice a difference. You will feel better and that will motivate you to continue.
*Losing weight only in specific areas of the body is impossible. You can't just lose weight around the belly, for instance. So, if you want tight, rippled abs, do crunches and leg raises every other day the way I described above.
*One last point, stretching is essential for a number of reasons. Pick up a copy of ''Stretching'' by Bob Anderson. Read the intro and understand his reasoning before you do the exercisis. Good luck!
*This information is based on my personal and professional experience.
*Check these links:
http://www.infinity2.com Sponsor ID 3290988
fruit, only fruit. organic that is
Potato's lots of potato's. And if U're still hungry, More potato's!

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