
What planet did vicking 1 and vicking 2 land on in 1976 ?

I believe the Viking landers landed on Mars.
VikingV I K I N GIt's really depressing to see that so many people can't spell such simple words. I wish you young people could understand why spelling DOES matter.Anyway, Viking 1 and 2 landed on Mars.

What parts of your body does swimming work?

I know its cardio and it works your stomach. But what else? If I were to swim laps on a regular basis, would I see good results and how long would that take? I also run and do various exercises on a daily basis.
Well... Swimming works out lots and lots and lots of muscles! It works out many of the same muscles as running, muscles such as your 4 quad muscles and your Calf Muscles and Soleus. Yet, swimming also works out many other muscles such as the adductors and the lliopsoas muscles. With your arms Swimming works out not only the biceps, triceps, and abbs, but also other muscles that are very over looked in weight lifting and training. Theses muscles include the glute muscles and the lats. So, swimming is better then just normal weight training and endurance. But also don't forget that it strenghtens your lung muscles, brain, and other interior muscles!
Swimming is great for your legs, but and arms. You should see results pretty quickly if you swim enough. Try out different types of strokes to work the different muscles in your arms and legs.
it works out all of ur body even muscles you didnt know u had specially when you tie some in water weight training along with the swimming
Shoulders! Yes, swimming is an excellent way to exercise your whole body, but I can always tell when someone, guys or girls, swims alot (i.e. competitively) by the shape of their shoulders. Personally I think its unattractive on women, probably looks better on a guy.
When I had polio, swimming was recommended as the number one exercise because there is no injury to the joints and mainly because it works the whole body. Your arms, back, legs, stomach ~ it all gets worked and you definitely get a good cardio workout ~ so I'd say everything :)
It works legs,arms, and probably every muscle in your body. I would guess that if you swim long enough daily it wouldn't take that long to see results
everything man I started swimming 2 weeks ago and my arms are like rocks but I got a Horrible skin burn.

What parts of your body does running help tone?

From what different parts of your body does running tone and help increase muscle and decrease fat?
You will see an improvement in your legs, primarily the quads, and muscles on the back of your lower leg as well as the muscle on the front of yourleg used in walking/runningThese major muscles are: (quads)Rectus femoris, vastus medialis,vastus intermedialus, vastus lateralis, gastrocnemius, and soleus as well as the tibialis anterior. You'll also strengthen your heart.Those are the areas that you'll see the most drastic improvement in, but you will have improvement along your core(like abs and back) as well.
It helps lose fat all over, but you'll notice that your legs get alot harder but not necesarily bigger.

What part of your body u dont really like?

my arms, my chest, my neck, my cheeks, my stomach, my lower back, my rear-area, my thighs, my toes.i especially despise my toes..i really don't like feet in general.
My length.
My nose.
Every part. It's a never ending battle. I try to be accepting and just take care of myself and be happy. It's really hard.
My ears. They stick out, and they're not that good at hearing. lol
my legs
I hate my "love handles" and my thighs... and my arms...and my butt....hmm
My breasts, they are way too big!
my thighs they are too big
*** and thighs
I love me too much, I cant hate on myself, lol.
my urethra
stomach(would like it smaller), butt ( would like it larger)
my stomach
my lower stomach. my hip bones stick out, yet i still have like a pouch.. lil beer belly.. and yea im a girl! and i dont drink. it always looks like im pregnant i hate it!! and im like 5 ft 7 and 120 pounds! im trying to loose 5 pounds to get rid of it.. but i dnuo if thats gonna help.. because i used to be really fat and when i lost weight the tummy fat never left.. i also have love handles.. yet my back bones and spine sticks out..yea i need to workout.im all skin and bones. PLUS fat.
Lets see.. My chest, stomach, thighs, calves, neck, arms, hands, toes, love handles, and butt!But most importantly my stomach.:D
my long hair till my butt... and my face... lol!!! just joking i love them the most...
One thing that will help you lose weight: diet pills. I was one of those who did not believe in them until I tried it. And I tried a few. The best product I found on the market is made with pure hoodia and it works great! You can go to
http://www.mylnation.info and order you free trial, also you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling. Good luck!

What other healthy things can you make besides chicken when dieting??

its seems like its the only thing i can think of every meal has chicken in it and is healthy and im trying to lose weight! HELP!
Unless it's organic or biodynamic, chicken is not a good choice for dieting. It contains too much in the way of chemicals that increase growth.Fish is one of the best alternatives when dieting, and in fact, taking fish oil capsules daily can help you lose weight. You need to take about 6-10,000mg of fish oil daily to get this result.A secret to good weight loss is to have a good breakfast, a reasonable lunch and a small evening meal. In the evening have soup and a rice cake. or a salad. (It's winter here, so the soup springs to mind, but if you are in the US then salad is probably more appealing)Some meal suggestions:
Tuna salad - lettuce, rocket, grated carrot, celery, avocado and a small tin of tuna. Dress with Balsamic vinegar, or lemon juice plus olive oil.Baked fish with banana:
Mash a banana and use it to cover a sweet, white fish (I use Barramundi - but works well with any sweet white fish). Cover with alfoil and bake for about 30 minutes in a moderate oven. Serve with a salad, or with lightly steamed vegetables.Not all meals need meat - steam or stir fry some vegetables with your favourite herbs and spices, add some cashews and serve with brown rice and a bit of grated cheese.Make a wrap with mountain bread, spread with avocado, lettuce, grated carrot, grated beetroot and chopped walnuts. Add a little lemon or lime juice if desired.A fruit juice with spirulina added is a good meal replacement when you are in a hurry. Just make sure the juce has some banana in it to help offset the taste of the spirulina.I hope this helps you get started, and wish you all the best
Salmon is great, especially if it's fried in a little olive oil. Most fish is good.Try using beef and pork as seasonings -- like stir-fried broccoli with just a tiny bit of pork to give it a little flavor.Steamed broccoli and shrimp with oyster sauce is really yummy, too.Try some vegetarian stuff, too, just to mix it up. Vegetables are really low in calories. I love the Moosewood Cookbook, but I'm not sure how good their stuff is for dieters! Use your judgement.
u can use detox diets to loose weight .The detox diet focuses on getting rid of the harmful aspects of our everyday diet.detox diets will help u to a great extent to reduce weight and be slim.Instead of eating 2 - 3
meals per day, try eating 4 - 5 small meals per day, or 3 meals and 2 healthy snack meals.
Food substitutions can help tremendously when trying to reduce calories and speed up the metabolism.
source http://www.medifastdetox.blogspot.com...
Well firstly if you want to lose weight you should focus on the way you cook it. Fried is definitely out of the question, so you should try with grilled, boiled or steamed.Fish is a good alternative, especially steamed, Its healthy and you dont need to use oil at all. You can try out steamed eggs too. I find that delicious also. Or if you prefer vegeterian style you can try tofu, soya tofu or egg tofu are both good healthy foods. And remember to eat veges too. They are high in fibres and helps prevent constipation so you can flush out all those toxic and undigested stuff out from your body.Boiled Eggs and Grilled Meat are also nice, but remember to lower your sodium intake, like salt and sugar. Sodium increases water retention so a large part of your weight is affected by the amount of water retained inside your body.Good luck

What Nutrients help build muscle?

I'm writing an essay for homework and I need this answer! please help! Thanks alot!
Check this site.Full of it.http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/muscle...
fruits and vegetables. I hear fish and raw eggs give energy i never tried though
protein are nutrients which help build muscle

What not to eat?

I know anything in moderation is ok but are there certin things that should totally be avoided. some doctors say not to eat fast food at all and some say its ok. im confused
if you're eating fast food daily that's not exactly in moderation is it!? well the best thing to remember that if you eat anything in excess it will be converted to fat and stored; eating a balanced diet according to your height, current weight, activity level, gender, and age, you can pretty much eat anything you want and you can offset that day or the next day. i have fast food 1x a week and i try to stick to the grilled chickens rather than battered or fried anything. Complex carbs, healthy fats from nuts, dairy and the like, and protein in moderation 6 times a day is healthier than eating 3 large meals a day with portion sizes more than what our bodies need, which (even i) people have a tendancy of making that mistake.
salt, sugar, fat
fast food is bad. Period. My friend ate fast food atleast twice a week, and then decided not to. She didn't diet in any other way except cutting out fast food, and she lost 30 pounds in a year. I personally, do not eat it at all either, and I recently worked at a fast food restraunt, and believe me if you saw what they did to the food there you wouldn't eat it ever.
Try avoiding things with Hydrogenated ingredients in them, and try avoiding things with too much fat. For example, there are 2 kinds of fat on the Nutrition Facts label, and add those 2 percentages up. It really depends on what it is if your're deciding if it's too much, though. As for the doctor thing, if you excersise for about 30 minutes per day, and usually eat healthy, then once in a while you should be ok eating fast food. I would say not more than once a week. Also, eat snacks that have about or less than 100 calories and get your veggies and blah blah blah. Visit www.canadasfoodguide.ca for more info. (You can plan your own meals based on age, gender, etc.)
from what i understand, you can eat what you want. but calories as well as fat, sugar, and sodium all play a part and what you gain and what you don't. and yes, moderation is the key to almost all foods. it would be in your best interest to stay away from fast food. a number 1 from mcdonalds is usually about half your calories if not more for one day. but if you're dieting, treating yourself doesn't hurt. if you've done nothing all week but had good food for your diet and want to give yourself a treat, then get something from a fast food restuarant. but still be good to your diet. like go to wendys, order your hamburger but with a side salad instead and tea, lemonade or powerade instead of coke. moderation is the key. but it is good to stay away from it all if you can. not to mention, if you know how many calories are in your meal, then you can figure out how long to stay on the treadmill until you've burn them off.

What muscles do pushups build?

Mainly the chest, anterior deltoids (front shoulders) and triceps.Keep your body straight when doing push ups. Don't do the wormy thing.
Biseps, Triceps, Shoulders, Back, Forearm, Chest...the whole upper bod man. My 2cents
Push ups are primarily for your chest, they also work your arms and shoulders a little. Push ups are great to burn out your muscles after a good chest routine (bench, incline bench, pec flys).
BSC Employee
They probably will not build any muscles but instead tone the ones your already have. It works your Pectoralis Major, Anterior and Posterior Deltoids, they can work your Triceps Brachii, Trapezious, Latissmiss Dorsi, and your Rhomboids

What multivitamin can I take that wont make me nauseous?

No matter what time of day I take it, with or without food, a multivitamin makes my stomach really sick. Not for long, maybe about 30 minutes. Any suggestions? I really would like to be taking one.
Have you tried a children's multi-vitamin? Maybe Flintstones or the Gummi Bear-like ones?
I agree with the person above about the gummi-type vitamins- I have had the same problem %26 have came up with 2 solutions that have worked. The 1st being the gummy-vitamins the Flintstones type don't actually stop the nasea/stomach achiness from multiviamins. The 2nd solution I came up with before trying the gummy vitamins was to break the pill in 1/2 and take 1/2 early in the day %26 the other 1/2 many hours later, which worked alright, but I'd sometimes forget to take the 2nd 1/2 of the pill. Good luck.
This is because most multivitamins are made from synthetic, petroleum derived chemicals. They make you sick because they are not natural.The only multivitamin you should ever take is one that is made from 100% food-based sources.

What motivates you in weight loss? I have joined Weight Watchers, but my mental game is lacking? HELP!?

Only YOU can motivate yourself. Write down how you will feel about yourself when you are thin. Why you want to be thin in the first place. If you don't have GOOD reasons that are worth the pain and sacrifice, the best plan in the world will always fail. It all depends on you.Good luck!
Think of why you want to loose weight. And remeber that you are doing this to be healty not thin. That will help a lot.
By not losing the weight you are putting yourself at an increased risk of some type of health related illness, which can lead to premature death.
u can use detox diets to loose weight .The detox diet focuses on getting rid of the harmful aspects of our everyday diet.detox diets will help u to a great extent to reduce weight and be slim.Instead of eating 2 - 3
meals per day, try eating 4 - 5 small meals per day, or 3 meals and 2 healthy snack meals.
Food substitutions can help tremendously when trying to reduce calories and speed up the metabolism.
source http://www.glownshine.com

What motivates & inspires you?

Throughout your weight-loss/toning journey, what keeps you motivated or inspired?
i think about this" what is going to make me happier, being thinner or eating a hamburger over a delicious salad" and you can guess my answer.. it actually works
The fact I'll be in a bikini in 2 weeks! ahhhh!
boys will run after you aiyah...
i have a goal to lose 10lbs a month. i am going on a cruise next summer and i want to look as good as i can.
the way i look. they way people see me and look at my body. looking good gives me more confidence.
I was the typical 50 kg weakling in ma school days .Even my folks wouldnt let me take part in sports cos they feard i mite break a bone or somethin. After school i grew bigger , gained some muscle some freaky defination. N am a terrific athlete now !!
n am not gonna lose all dis n go bac 2 ma formal self ...no way in hell
knowing that i'll be healthier.....and a picture of my old fat self
My health, my future family (I wasn't married by then, but I wanted to get married and be physically fit in order to have a baby), and I wanted to feel good about myself.Good luck! :)
I always look at the picture of myself when i was fat. To remind myself that I will never be like that again. :D
look at the mirror if your really this desterate for advice that your asking over the internet

What makes you stop losing weight?

I have a friend that has lost roughly 40 pounds on the Atkins Diet. He is still on it and still exercising like he was before, but has not lost weight in little more than a week. I was wondering what would make him stop losing weight like that. He went from roughly 345 to 305 and hit a plateau. What can he do to jump start back to losing again.
Atkins will usually only works for a (generally) short period of time. He needs to actually pay attention to how many calories he's eating now.Here's a healthy eating diet plan. Everyone that's used this has lost 15+lbs per month (without exercise).The first things you want to eliminate from what you eat are: sugar, fried foods, and white flour. You want to eat as natural and unprocessed food as possible.Sugar, anything with it is bad. From Coco-Crispies cereal, nearly all sodas, to a small bag a M%26M's. All turn into body fat fairly quickly.Fried foods. Chips, french fries, etc. All have very high levels of calories and fats. Cut out mayonaisse and butter while you're at it.White flour. White breads, spahgetti, Ramen noodles, most cereals, tortillas (corn %26 flour).You're going to want to eat 6-8 small meals/snacks in a day. That may seem like a lot of eating, but look at it this way. Say your lost in the woods and you need to make a fire that will last all night. Will the fire last longer throwing all the wood you've collected into the fire once or twice during the night, or if you toss a couple of logs in once every 45 minutes-hour?Your body is pretty similar. You need to feed it a little bit every 2-3 hours to keep it burning fat. The longer you go in between meals, the more likely your body is going to store what you eat as fat. This is because your body doesn't realize that there is food everywhere in the world we live in. It still thinks your a cave-man. And cave-men didn't get to eat very often. Sometimes once every 3-5 days...starving. So our body is designed to store what we eat as fat, because fat has the most energy (calories) per pound. So, if you sleep all night, then skip breakfast and don't eat until lunch at say 11:30am...you probably haven't ate anything in 12+ hours. So, your body thinks your starving, that there is no food to eat. Then you eat a nice, greasy, calorie-loaded slice of pizza. Your body will then store most of it as fat because it thinks there is a food shortage.Aim for 250 calories at each meal/snack.
Also try to eat 20-30 grams of protein at each meal. And of course, your going to want to keep even healthy carbs to a minimum (less than 80 grams a day, 10-20 per meal).The healthiest carbs are:
Oatmeal (no sugar)
Sweet Potatoes
Brown RiceOK carbs are:
Whole-grain bread/buns/tortillas (whole-grain should be the first thing on the ingredients list)
Fruits (If you can, cut them out. If you can't, eat them in the morning).Aside from the carbs listed above, your meals should consist of:
Chicken breast
Turkey breast
Egg whites
Low-fat cheese (cottage, string cheese)
Lots of vegtables
Lots of waterYou need to drink 1 gallon (128oz)minimum per day. Water is what carries the toxins and fat you burn off out of your body through your urine. It also helps keep you feeling full and does wonders for your skin. If your urine isn't clear like water, drink more.Also, take a multi-vitamin (like Centrum).Bodybuilders and fitness models basically eat this way. Not only is it low calorie, low carb, high in protein and natural...it controls your blood/sugar levels and how your body uses the food based on the glycemic index.Also, ONCE a week have a "cheat meal". I'm talking a couple slices of pizza, burgers, tacos...whatever. Just keep it under 1,000 calories. The food will taste better than it ever has. This will give your mind a break and your body by sort of resetting your metabolism so you don't plateau.
Stress - I can lose lots of weight but once I start getting stress I put it all back on again

What makes you stick to your diet?

How do you keep up the motivation to keep on going?
My diet is more of healthy eating. I eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains. I limit the fast food and junk food to once or twice a month.When I eat bad, I feel bad: no energy. I don't like feeling like that. So that is my motivation.Also, I weigh myself at the gym every Thursday. Seeing the scale slide down is another motivation!
Its easier when you can actually see yourself losing weight. It motivates you,.
my boyfriend... he loves me the way i am but if i want to change something and ask him to help he will.
knowing how good i will look when i reach my desired weight and how great of an accomplishment i will feel
if you use the word 'diet' you probably won't stick with it...diet is a four letter word remember, and when you view it as something as a chore it usually doesn't last. instead, make a lifestyle change.
I look at myself in the mirror wearing underwear or a bikini...

What makes my weight fluxuate so much?

Thur7-Jun230These were all taken in mornings after waking up.I basically eat the same thing every day, work out the same amount, so what makes things bounce around so much? I noticed that depending on the time of day, there can be a +/- 5 pound difference in my weight. That seems pretty big.If I weigh myself after a workout, and then weigh myself again in an hour I will have gained a pound. Why?Basically I just want to know why it isn't constant at all. How am I suppose to know my weight of it never stays around the same number?
It is quite natural for weight to fluctuate like you have described. It depends largely on water, for example, right after you have worked out, you have probably sweat off some water weight. An hour later, you have rehydrated some. There will also be fluctuations based on food in the stomach vs. digested food. Stop weighing yourself so often. It'll make you crazy. Try the same time every day under the same circumstances (ie. without clothes, etc) and this will give you the most accurate look at what's happening.
I'd bet the differences are due mostly to water fluctuations. If I weigh myself right after a workout, I'm dehydrated from sweating. After an hour I've had some water, which will hydrate me and make me heavier. Also, digital scales aren't terribly accurate from time to time... so it could be scale error.
changes in your eating habits
WATER! your body can fluctuate 3 lbs in either direction based on the amount of watter. never weigh yourself everyday it is not good for you mentally.
That's pretty typical. It's why nutritionists recommend you only check your weight once a week if you're actively trying to lose weight. Things like the amount of food you've eaten recently (and how recently), the amount of water in your system, and even the clothes you're wearing can make a noticeable difference. I would only worry if there's more than a 5 pound difference, or if you notice that your weight is steadily going up and you're not ever getting lower readings.
your eating may be inconsistent
Water. Water is heavy. Also, bathroom scales are notoriously inaccurate.If you want to know your weight, ever, do a monthly average. I don't know why you need to know your weight every day at 8 AM. It doesn't fluctuate as much as your scale says though.Also, if you really want to know your weight every day, shell out some bigger bucks and get a scale with an error of less than .1% (for you, an error of 1% is 2.3 pounds, see how scales can be inaccurate?).
well i have this same problem. basically you are gaining muscle weight (a good thing) when you are excersizing. you shouldnt weigh yourself every day either./ just keep up a good diet routine (no soda,chips,cookies ect) and excercize at least 3 times a weak for 45 minutes a day, and you will see good results. I think you are on the right track, just keep excercizeing and eating right. good luck! it takes time.

What Machines should is used at the gym to tone and firm? Im a girl and dont want to bulk up :)?

Ok so I just joined the gym again cause I took a break for school. I m not fat but I just need to tone and firm. What machine should I do and how often to firm up but not bulk up? I really want to work on my abs and legs.
You should do the machines that all the big guys use. You won't bulk up because you don't have enough testosterone in your body and, chances are, you aren't eating the very large amount of food that it takes to bulk up. There is a reason you see fit people using the "bulk up" machines and unfit people using the "toning" machines.
It is a myth that women bulk up like men do when they work out. Women usually have to take protein or other supplements in order to have big muscles. The reason is that, due to hormones, women have more body fat than men (after all, our bodies are prepared to carry a fetus). That layer of fat hides the definition of the muscle, so even women who lift large amounts of weight don't have muscles defined like a man. Even if you are trying to lose weight, you will not lose enough body fat to show a high amount of muscle definition. If you do, then you are getting into the danger zone! Basically, don't worry about bulking up. If you work out a lot and find that you are looking "too bulky," then cut back to less weight or alternate your routines.
well females dont bulk up naturally unless they use some can of assistance .such as steroids and other muscle building supplements
A. You can not bulk up. As a female you don't have the right hormonal profile to build muscle (ex: testosterone).
B. Machines are crap and are an outdated way to train. Stick to free weights and other non mechanical type things (bands, med balls, etc.) and use compound lifts rather than single joint movements. You'll save time and burn more calories.
C. "Toning" is a result of getting rid of the layer of fat covering your muscle tissue. Now to get rid of fat you have to be in a moderate caloric deficit via proper nutrition and exercise.
D. Don't do too much cardio as it's plain ineffective for fat loss and can kill your metabolism in the long run.
First question. Why do you need a gym to accomplish that? Social, right? Do you think that the "machine" that allows you to work your abs is better than doing crunches on the floor of your bedroom? If you want others around you for inspiration and to help pass the time on the eliptical, that is a great answer and one that I believe in. Most people won't come forward with that, but that is the basis of that industry.First answer: You are a girl. You won't bulk up unless you TRY to bulk up and that regimen would be life-altering. Routine healthy exercise will help you tone and trim. Guys are different, but most of us could not care less if we bulked-up accidentally.Second question: Are you interested in health or the way you look? Both are important but they each have different solutions, unless you are patient and responsible, in which case, they have the same solution. I'm guessing that because it is early June, you are trying to feel like you look good in a bathing suit. How do you want to look? Slim in a bathing suit, or healthy?Second answer:
If you wan't to work on your abs and legs, find a staircase or some bleechers at the local highschool and just start walking up and down. Either that, or use the "Stairmaster" at the gym for an extra $100 per month.

What liquid is best to dilute protein shake with?

It depends on your taste.Obviously the best choice would be water because it has no calories, but if you take a chocolate or vanilla flavored protein powder it might not look or taste to good for everybody. In my case when I drink a fruit flavored protein shake I drink it with water. If it's vanilla or chocolate rather than drinking it with 2% milk, I drink it with skim milk.
Water, always. Milk inhibits proper protein absorption (slows it down dramatically).

What king of exersises should i do 2 get faster results ??

Try doing barbell squats, they work so much muscle all at once the really crank up your metabolism. If you've never done them before have a trainer instruct you in the proper form.

What kind of tea can provide the most health benefits. (Especially in supporting weight loss.)?

Im no expert or anything but I've always been told that green tea is the absolute best for you.
I would say any kind of green tea, since it raises your metabolism
green tea or that new tea that was on the oprah show ( some chinese tea)
I notice that I stay slimmer when I drink a lot of green tea. I use Liptons Diet Green Tea w/Citrus (you can get that at most any gas station conveience store in the US or grocery stores. I would buy a case from the grocery store and drink a few bottles of it throughout the day/evening. I always felt better. In fact I need to pick up some more b/c I haven't been using it for about 2 months and I've put on a few pounds!
green tea

What kind of meals do people mean they say eat 4-6 a day?

i hear everyone say eat 4-6 small meals a day but they never say what the meals have to be. is eating a fruit considered one of the small meals or what can it be, can someone give me some examples please. im goin nuts trying to figure out what kind of meals to eat and stay on my diet
I think they mean to eat three balanced, regular meals per day and two-three snacks - each one being 100-200 calories. The idea is to keep your blood sugar level by not going very many hours without food. Nuts would be a good choice, or fruit and yogurt, granola bars, veggies %26 dip.
Dear one, Go for whole meals that provide you all Vita and minerals. Fat and carbohydrates to be lowered. Nuts - take small measure. Refer the site below for a glowing skin.
1 meal would typically be a bowl of cereal
2 meal would be considered a fruit with a bottled water
3 meal is a light but filling lunch
4 a fruit and water again
5 would be your dinner again light but filling
6 another bowl of cereal
people do that to maintain their figure. They eat when hungry small healthy foods including juices crackers. the internet is full of infos about this topics. good luck.
smaller breakfast pass on the toast, snack on cheese and crackers before noon, lunch no fries!, afternoon snack anything you crave bad or good,last meal get your veggies and lean meat.this with water throughout the day..more important is it is your body learn what works for you, the idea behind more small meals is not new, but in Europe these people also worked hard and needed the energy from the meals ...70 yrs ago
If you are gonna eat that many meals a day I would suggest carnitas tacos, exclusively. With onions, cilantro, cheese etc. Just shovel as many of those puppies as you can every few hours. You can include the green salsa verde too, but if you are gonna try to get over 24 of these a day, you have to balance your intake of fresh stuff. I would balance this with very rich chocolate dishes. I assume you are drinking lots of of beer witht this also. Is this what you meant? This diet worked for me all the way through college, and I never looked or felt better. Good luck, dude.

What kind of meal should I have everyday ?

130 pounds, 5'4 height, age 16. I took BMR calculator and it said I needed 188g carbs per day 752 cal carbs, 75g proteins per day 300 cal protein, 23g fat per day 207 cal fats, total 1259 cal.
What kind of food would satisfy all this and how much of it in a day? Like if I wanted all the protein, how many eggs would I need to eat throughout the day or chicken?
ALL THAT COUNTING! WOW! Check this out!
Here's a serious answer. I hope it helps.*If want to get fit and/or lose weight, here's my Weight Loss Program through Body Building and Nutrition. It works! First, don't Use Diet Pills. They are bad for you. Most of them are just a scam or they are addictive. Counting calories is a pain in the neck. It will drive you nuts. But, losing weight is simple. You just have to do the right things.
*(If you are older and have not exercised in many years you should see your doctor and have a stress test done to be sure your heart is ok before starting this program. Also, walking eveyday is a good lifelong practice.)
*Fad diets sometimes work but, you can be sure that at least 25% of the weight you lose will be muscle. Then when you stop the diet you will gain back all of the weight you lost but no muscle. So, you will have 25% more fat than you did before! Fad diets just aren't worth the bother.
*Fasting or skipping meals will teach your body that famine is common in your world and your body will begin to store more fat to get you through the next period when food is not available. It's better to eat healthy foods often to teach your body that food is plentiful and that there is no need to store calories as fat. Eat a vegetablw or frui every two hours.
*Here's a simple trick that can help you lose weight without doing anything else. Drink a litre of water as soon as you wake up in the morning and then drink two more throughout the day. You'll notice a difference the first month.
*Here's another trick that works. For every pound of muscle that you add, your body will burn 3000 calories (1lb) of fat every day. That means that just by having an extra pound of muscle on your body you will burn a pound of fat every day! So, add muscle!
*This is the fastest way to add a pound of muscle. Squats and Pushups! You do them on alternate days; squats one day, pushups the next. And you do them SuperSlow style. That is, you do the easy part twice as slow as the hard part. That way you fatigue the muscles quickly. Then you rest the muscles for 48 hours which gives the body a chance to make new muscles.
*Squats should be done with a wide stance and all the way to the floor. Pushups the with palms shoulder width apart and all the way to the floor, then all the way up. Use the full range of motion of the muscle group you are trying to develop. If you are too weak to do pushups, try them with your knees on the floor or do them with your feet on the floor and your hands an the bed.
*The idea is to tire the muscles out completely so do a set of squats until you can't do another, then rest for a couple of minutes and do it again. Do that 3 times and you're done for the day. The following day, don't do squats but do pushups. Do them the same way, going down twice as slow as you come up.
*You will lose weight fast, unless you add more junk food and fat to your diet. Instead, eat at least 5 to 7 different raw vegetables and fruits every day. Cut out anything that comes in a bag, box, can, bottle or any kind of package. In other words, cut out all processed foods, soft drinks and sweets. Eat more grains and less red meat. Check out the Food Pyramid.
*If you really want to give your body the best possible chance to be healthy and fat free, go to infinity2.com and order their weight loss formula and Essentials for Life. That will give you all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and probiotics that your body needs and will keep you feeling better and healthier. They also have a Proteabolic Mass Formula for serious athletes who want to build muscle mass quickly and safely.
*Weight loss without exercise is not good. You need to eat healthy, exercise and get your rest. You will feel better, look better and be healthier. Try it for a week. You will notice a difference. You will feel better and that will motivate you to continue.
*Losing weight only in specific areas of the body is impossible. You can't just lose weight around the belly, for instance. So, if you want tight, rippled abs, do crunches and leg raises every other day the way I described above.
*One last point, stretching is essential for a number of reasons. Pick up a copy of ''Stretching'' by Bob Anderson. Read the intro and understand his reasoning before you do the exercisis. Good luck!
*This information is based on my personal and professional experience.
*Check these links:
http://www.infinity2.com Sponsor ID 3290988

What kind of Hoodia Pills Do I have? They have "sb" on the tablet.?

My friend gave me some Hoodia tablets she said they worked her mom uses them, but i dont know what kind she gave me. They have "sb" on them and they are white and she got them from target, on the box it said # 1 America selling Diet Pill I think. Can anyone help?
They are most likely SmartBurn by MuscleTech. I'm glad to hear they worked for your mom but I'm kind of surprised because they contain very little hoodia in them. There are much more powerful hoodia pills available. They usually don't put enough Hoodia in these big chain store brands to do much of anything. You will have the best chance of hoodia suppressing your appetite if you get a strong pure hoodia that is certified to be genuine. I always recommend Totalink's unbiased Hoodia comparison at http://hoodiagordonii.totalink.com/hoodi... in the "Confidence" column it will indicate if the brand is "Certified". These Hoodia brands have the credentials to back up their product. Also in that column it will indicate if the brand is "Returnable". These Hoodia brands allow you to return opened bottles and get your money back. This indicates to me that the company has confidence that it works.Hope this helps, if you want to know more about Hoodia I have written a lot of articles on it. Just search Yahoo or Google under my name “Andrew Aitaken” to find them.Remember, you should always consult your physician before taking any diet pill or weight loss supplement.
Thats the good kind because it makes you lose weight at any pace but hoodia xl makes you lose weight faster like 10 pounds in one week

What kind of food to try?

here is my question that didnt get answered...
if you dont want to go there then here is my question.
If i wanted to loose 10-15 lbs what foods should i eat? how much? I want to let everyone know now that i dont want some slim fast whatever i will only eat real food. I will not eat fish or highly acidic things due to a stomach condition... anyone have ideas?BTW i am 5'3 and weigh 138.
Yes, lots of ideas! I love your ambition! I once weighed 327lbs and I had gastric bypass. the thigs that I learned while in recovery from the surgery would be beneficial to anyone trying to loose weight.
1) Eat more protein (meats, beans, soy products or soy fortfied drinks)
2)Eat less carbs (bread, pasta, potatoes,corn)
3) Drink at least 12 glasses of water a day (this will flush the food through your system faster and help you digest food quicker)
4)Drink hot liquids with your meals because hot grease doesnt solidify as quickly and you can pass it faster
5)put fork down between bites and chew slowly(helps digestion; food that is chewed thouroughly is sent throught the body quicker)
6) Increase calcium intake (calcium chewables VIACTIVE) calcium speeds weight loss
7) B12 is important that it will help you feel more awake and alive and give you natural energy without speding up your heart.
Hope these help!
I would just drink A LOT OF WATER EVERYDAY, and eat fruits and veggies 4 to 7 meals per day. I would stay away from chemicals especially when they are not approved by FDA, nor has any written medical journal record on their study and research.

What kind of food should i eat besides bread and pastas?

Vegetables, fruits and protein.
well since those are all carbs you def should include everything else needed in a healthy diet such as fruits, veggies, and some sort of protein like meat/beans.
fruits and vegetables.
try fruits veggies pastas breads and fresh meats and you have a balanced diet.
A healthy diet is the whole food pyramid . Just don't over do it and eat everything in moderation :o) Hope this helps!!
You need protein, protein, protein. Lean protein. Eat whole wheat breads and pastas. Stay away from refined sugars and flour. Eat vegetables, eat alot of vegetables. Eat healthy fats like olive oil.
Bread and pasta isn't the best food to eat a lot of, you need a balanced diet. The five areas to eat from are: Fruits, Veggies, Dairy, Grains, Meat and Beans. Get a sufficient amount of food from each group.
fruits! veggies! nuts!
Are you trying to gain weight or lose it?If you're trying to gain weight, try to add MUSCLE instead of fat. Exercise while you're eating - use heavy weights and a few repetitions. Eat bread made from WHEAT flour, and eat lean meat such as poultry instead of red meat. Don't drink soft drinks as carbonated water is harder for your body to absorb. Drink iced tea instead of coffee - tea has less caffeine per glass than coffee, and the caffeine can "slow down" your digestive system.

What kind of food has a lot of protein in it?

Fish, chicken, lean meats, low fat dairy products, peanuts and peanut butter, beans and tofu along with high protein energy drinks and bars.
Meat, eggs, %26 peanut butter... just to name a couple.
Chicken...egg whites..fish...protein bars and protein shake mix.
beans, eggs, chicken and beef.
peanuts, beans, meat you will be strong
Whey Protein is the best source of protein. But also egg whites, Skinless Chicken fillets, Lean Beef, LF Cottage cheese, Natural Peanut Butter.

What kind of food give you acid?

tomatoes/tomato sauce
concentrated juices - orange, pineapple
hot sauces/spices
carbonated drinksjust to name a few
Citris fruits. For example, oranges, lemons, etc... Anything with high pH levels.
oily food and citrus fruits

What kind of exercise would be best for our family this summer?

I've asked this question before, but never got any good answers, so I'm trying again. I want to get my whole family in shape this summer. Here's the problem. My husband works from 9 am to 9 pm every day, and when he gets home he's so exhausted the last thing he wants to do is exercise. On his days off all he wants to do is catch up on his sleep. My son is going to be 12 and all he wants to do is sit around and play video games all day. I tried getting him into martial arts and baseball last year, but as soon as the coach found out the boy couldn't hit a ball or run very fast, he was benched. He would get up to bat once or twice, strike out, and go back to the bench. With karate, I had to fight with him to practice his forms, and the sensai even told him that maybe martial arts wasn't for him because he didn't have his heart in it. My son hates any kind of organized sports and after baseball last year won't even try anymore. I tried taking him on a hike once last year, and a half mile
Well, first walking only works if it's done on a sustained basis. Walking 100 steps, then stopping, etc. does not produce the effects of walking for a sustained period, like 30 minutes. I'm not going to suggest exercise for your husband, since he's obviously got more on his plate than he can handle. (Might there be a way for him to reduce his workday? This pace is not very good for him.) As for your son, it's very difficult now to get kids who are habituated to video games to do anything, so the best thing to do is use it as a bargaining chip. For every hour of exercise he does, he gets an hour of video games, or whatever level you feel is appropriate. I think it's a shame the coach reacted the way he did. Kid's sports should never have reached the competitive level they have, where the kids are treated like pros and have the same level of performance expected from them. However, I wouldn't have gone with baseball anyway. It doesn't contain a very sustained level of physical activity. I would try soccer this time, but first, interview the coach and see what his attitude is to people who are not particularly fit or adept. If he says he'll play everybody fairly, then go for it. Otherwise, keep looking till you find someone who will. If you could do a family activity, I might try volleyball or doubles tennis, if you could find a fourth. Good luck and congratulations on being unwilling to give up the fight. Your family will be better for it in the long run.
swimming is a full body exercise
Volley ball is super fun. You can play competitively on teams or cooperatively in a circle and it is easy enough. Swimming keeps you cool and is the best workout ever. Plus you don't sweat or have to carry your own body weight, so this is good for people who have a problem with excercize or thier weight. If you need a great workout in a tiny bit of time, tennis is so highly intense and it is also tons of fun. To try it out, you can buy the little rackets and that thing that looks like a kleenex instead of a ball at the dollar store. It goes slower, so it is great for learning and better for the kids. Have fun!
What about getting the game dance dance revolution. Its fun and you can exercise while doing it. look at the site. I hope i helped. :)

What kind of exercise should you do to lose ten lbs?

Okay, I'm skinny but I want to get in shape. I'm not in the best shape of my life...and I don't have any (NONE) exercising equipment...so without those, what should I do? like running? oh, and be specific, like how many times should I do it?
the only fat burning exercise is cardio (running, jogging, swimming, cycling, elliptical etc) - it burns fat all over your body - you cant spot reduce body fat - do it 4-6 times a week for 30-50min (ideally 45min) and combine with light weight training to not lose muscle but tone it (cardio burns both - fat and muscle)
Run about a mile a day and do ab work outs like crunches and sit ups.
Hi,I've tried so many different diets in the last 10 years that I can say now, they don't work!
A few months ago, I came across a great product for weight loss and like many others I was skeptical about it. But I really wanted to lose weight and I tried it. The results were excellent and I lost 20 pounds in 2 months. I felt fantastic and I droppnother 5 pounds safely. That's why I recommend you check this product at http://www.greatiguide.info where they have a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling.
Good luck!

What kind of exercise should i do?.i wanna lose weight! please help me?

if u wanna lose weight, the most effective way is to run.
depends on if ur a beginner or not though, if u jsut start, id perfer walking, then jogging, then eventually running.Beside excerises, u need a healthy diet too. Watch your calories. eat less portion but eat more often.
There's some best weight loss information for exercise here which you can read for fre:http://rapidweightloss.nmaskuri.com/cat/...

What kind of exercise can i do for longer slimmer looking legs??

I just want to look good for the summer any advice anyone..
squats; no weights; keep your toes facing forward then rotate them out; do 4 sets of 20 (break them up over the course of the day) you get the same effect with out killing yourself!! lunges and leg lifts are good toner uppers too!!
Rollerblade or swim.
You could do swimming or basketball cause you use your legs for both of them exercises
willing to work on the legs you can go to this site..body-for-life.com
Try Callanetics. You can get dvd's online. Very effective work out's.

What kind of excercise can you do to reduce stomach fat?

Check This Out?
sit-ups. Lots and lots of sit-ups...they really do work though. my cousin did it every night for a month and she got a four-pack =)
wow that last answer was useful
Cardio, cardio, and more cardio.and of course crunches.
By doign cardio. You reduce fat so that the small ab muscles can stick out. Working stomach abs alone will make them bigger but not as distinct through the layers of fat.
Cardio. You can do situps/crunches/etc... but cardio will slim down the fat.
You have to combine a good diet with exercise in order to lose fat any where on your body. Take in fewer calories in a day than you use and do regular exercise and you will lose fat. If you want to define your stomach muscles, do crunches as part of your complete workout.
noooooooooooo!!!! what every you do do not do sit ups it is a common misunderstanding that situps make u lose fat,,,,,,,,,,,wrong,,,,, sit ups will build your muscle but not take off the fat, what a sit up will actually do is build muscle under your fat thus making you appear fater, you need first to lose fat before building muscle, the best way is sweat, but on severl layers of warm cloths and jog or run, or walk sweeting will burn plenty of fat, if you wont to loose the fat quik you can try preperation H, you take it smear on your belly and wrap your belly in selifan then do your run, also look on the enternet for the super diat it really works it will make u lose up to 10 pounds in 3 days, also body wraps will do the trick but do not i repeat do not do situps unless you have already losed the flab,,good luck
cardio and eating healthy will reduce stomach fat... ab exercise only help build muscles and does not burn fat.

What kind of cardio can I do inside my house?

I don't have excersise equippment or the money to buy it. what kind of cardio can I do inside?
any tips on how to avoid junk food cravings when theres not always fruit in the house?
Cardio workouts without equipment.
Do you have steps in your house? You can do a step-type work out. If you have a lot, just running up and down them for a few minutes will get the heart racing.
Are there aerobics shows on tele? Watch/record them and follow along in your own living room. Need weights? use cans of food, or plastic milk bottles, filled with water, as a substitute. Large phone books, taped together can give you a stable step, for stepping type programs.
You can also get Yoga, Ti-chi, Palliates and other exercise programs, books and DVDs, from your local library. Good to do at home too, and usually only require a mat to lie on. Folded blankets will substitute.Junk food cravings.
Firstly, when feeling nibblely, drink a glass of water. We are so out of touch with our bodies we quite often interpret thirst as hunger. It will also temporarily fill the stomach, maybe warding off the munchies.Healthy snack foods: Carrot sticks, celery sticks, small amount of nuts, plain popcorn, baked rice crackers, rice cakes, baked beans on wholemeal toast (high fiber), clear soups.
if you have stairs , run up and down them. you will know its working after the 5th or 6th time lol
Run in place, you can use and old length of rope and jump rope in your garage, use heavy canned food items for weight lifting purposes. No frills, no cost so buy more fruit Friend.Love your name :)
I enjoy running around the table, try it out if that doesn't work try jumping jacks. More fun if you don't wear a bra
you can do sit ups and push ups in the house.
don't get exercise equipment, they are merely marketing scams, completely redundant. The best cardio to do in PLACE is burpee, here is a pretty good link http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/rossboxi...Nothing, not event those video workout routine can beat the effectiveness of it. The key is to keep your heart rate HIGH AND for an EXTENDED period of time. Pushup doesn't do that, running in place doesn't do that too.
Billy Blanks, Cathe,those kinda things you can even do dancing workouts so u get fit while learning some dance moves.Cathe requires a ball but you can do it on the floor like I do! Or you can turn on FitTV ....24hrs out ideas of healthy foods and workouts.When there is not food in the house drink water or use veggies, like spinach or those leaves from the supermarket and put it in the oven for 5 or less min...well, until they're crunchy take them out put salt on it and there you go chips.
For other flavors use dips and for cheese flavors use parmosion cheese. and when you do have fruits try making smoothies cause it makes you full and saves fruits. ;)

What kind of at-home fitness machine has worked best for you?

I asked which is better gym or at home but forgot to ask which machine the at home users liked the most
I don't like gyms...even if they were free, I would not go there. Everybody's sweating in the same room and I cannot really be comfortable in front of strangers, sweating as well.
Gyms are only good if you're very strong and need a lot of heavy, expensive different machines or you need to be part of a class to get the motivation from a group (I do fine by myself).
I'm just an average woman so all I need is a good neighborhood, a stationary bicycle and some weights (and also my thigh master and my abs bar and my push-up handles鈥 have very thin wrists)...and a big sturdy piano bench I use as a weight bench.
At home, I do not have to drive there and I can do my abs in my underwear...
On my cardio days, I use an old DP Air Gometer, which is a stationary bicycle with upper body exercise.
It's bulky and noisy but I get the best cardio workout on it, watching TV full blast...cardios plus lower and upper body workout.
(I have a five day routine that I just repeat...walk, cardio, walk, rest, weights, walk, cardio, walk, rest, weights)
Motorized treadmill. Walking is a great exercise.
I think my legs worked the best. A good run is a great exercise.
i love the treadmil. burns the most calories in the least amount of time
With my son I can't go to a gym around here. I walk outside with him... I also have a stair stepper and a mini trampoline. I've lost 65 pounds since Christmas... So I guess I like those.
I have an elliptical machine. It gives a great workout, burns more calories than a treadmill, and puts less impact on your joints.
a pair of running shoes.
Trampoline. I find it easier to do than other exercise.Diane

What is your weight?

DONT LIE, i dont know you so it doesnt matter if you are embarressed or not about your weight. i just want to see for an expirement.how old are you, how tall are you and how much do you weigh? i am 16, a female, 5'5 and i weigh about 155 lbs.
i work out a lot so most of it is muscle, but is it still considered overweight? what do you think??do guys weigh more than girls most of the time?
I am 19, 5'7, and I weigh on average about 115 lbs, the most I've ever weighed is about 130 and according to the website I included in my source, that is right for my height and age, anywhere between 114 and 169 is considered healthy for myself. I would have done it for you so I could give you an answer as to whether that weight is right for you or considered overweight, but I don't know all of your information... you should give it a try though. Just scroll down to the BMI Calculator and put in your gender, birth date, height, weight and date you last measured your height and you should get some good results. I know it says it's for kids but the calculator gives valid results for anyone age 2 to 20. Hope this helps.
I am 14, I am 5"4 and weigh 134. I am over weight, I've gained about 30 pounds since 6 months ago.
104 lbsI gained about seven pounds since last yearYou're quite muscular, then.
Maybe try toning that muscle instead of bulking up
I'm 21 and 5'6 weigh 130lbs and losing weight..And yes Guys typically do weigh more then females but it depends on their body type too..
male, 6'1, 184 pounds.lost 11-12 pounds in the last month or so.
I am 21, 5'5" and 165. I am a bit chubby in some areas, and muscular in legs, shoulders, etc.Guys tend to weigh more, but women's bodies naturally have a higher percentage of fat.
I am 30y/o, 160 cm, 49 kg
im 57 and weigh about 165 right now im trying to lose weight because im fat right now not really but i think so and im considered overweight which is crazy
23, 5'9, 160lbs, muscularGuys do weight more than girls usually, this is because they have more muscle and muscle weights more than fat. Your weight does seem to be overweight, if you were a guy I would say no because guys can build a lot of muscle, but girls cannot . I think a better indicator would be getting your body fat tested and comparing it to a chart.
17 male
5'10 and im 190lbs
i play alot of sport
I weigh 220 lbs. A little chubby but not much, or at least nothing I cant change in 6 months. But I dont think 155 lbs is over weight for you, BMI probably does but it also says i need to lose a hundred pounds and that would be impossible.
i m 16 n height 5'4 n i weight 48 kg.
I am 16. I've gained 15lbs. I'm like 150 and 5'3" I'm going on an extreme detox diet today! Running 2 miles, and biking 4. I can stand feeling like a fatass. I've done it before, so I will do it again! Sorry about my rant. Just feeling kind of chubby.
i am 23 with height 153cm and weight 53kg. i think i'm ok but i have a big thigh, chubby face and a lot of fat in the stomach. how embarrasing..
I am 160cm tall and I weigh 47kg
I am 14 years old
Is that normal?

What is your waist size??

mine is 26, and i'm 161cm, i weigh 44kg.
is it ok?
what is yours??
er... mine is 23in, height 155cm(5'2), weight 41kg (88lb)
I think mine is 27. I'm 5'3 and weigh 124 pounds
yours is too low.mine is 36, 173, 82.I am bit over weight.
33.5 inches.189 cm79 kg's
27 inches, 157cm, 54.5kg.

What is your opinion of weight watchers?

I joined weight watchers today. Did I waste my money? I just read an article stating that people who are on weightwatchers, and attend meetings regularly, are on average only 11lbs thinner after 2 years, which sounds rediculous.
hey im not gonna lie. i tried it in the 8th grade and lost 20 lbs in like 3 1/2 months. My mom did it as well and did pretty good. i think she lost around 15 lbs. and she wasnt even fat. you start out losing a lot, then the weight loss slows down. but overall i was pleased. you didnt waste your money, just keep at it. the best thing about it is there is a lot of flexibility, unlike most diets. people with a lot to lose will lose more weight faster.
thats not true. u'll lose pretty much more than 11 lbs. dont worry, stick to the dos and donts and u'll c the results 4 urself
i think it is great that weight watchers excist the best part is that olive garden has a menu for them and it tells you the calories and it is good that we have a healthy and less carb less fat less calorie choice, its good to get healthy at least some people have got some good habits from them:) cya
i have been doing weight watchers for 18 weeks now, and ive lost 19 pounds. it is slow to loose the weight, but its still good, because you keep the weight off. you learn about nutrition and how to live a healthy life. your money definetly was not wasted.
One thing that will help you lose weight: diet pills. I was one of those who did not believe in them until I tried it. And I tried a few. The best product I found on the market is made with pure hoodia and it works great! You can go to
http://www.mylnation.info and order you free trial, also you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling. Good luck!

What is your inspiration to exercise?

I give up after 10 min. of working out
I used to weigh over 300 lbs and I don't want to do that again...I'm 225 now, and I'd like to get down lower. Also, I want to set a good example for my daughter.
Everytime I see Beyonce and Shakira!! I put a pic of them on my bathroom mirror so I see them each day. They work so hard to keep those amazing bodies!
I am type II diabetic and I had a heart attack just before Christmas. I never want to go through that again.
seeing my best friend sit on her butt and eat junk and still weigh 104. So by the end of the summer I hope to be around her weight so I can prove that I am 104 pounds of muscle not flab :)
Go to a gym. When you're around other people exercising, it's easier. They're not giving up, why should you? etc. Also, listen to some really fast, challenging music. My personal preference is Linkin Park, which seems odd for exercise, but its fast and angsty and gets me moving. Also bring water, of course, you'd be surprised how far you can go after just a little bit more water. Another thing: If you're not in very good shape, and giving up very soon, just take a minute-long break, then start again. Walk around a little, breathe, then get going again.I hope this helped, and good luck!
I was coaching my daughters softball team in spring '06 and somebody was passing around some pictures they had taken of the team earlier. I saw some of myself and decided that was just not right. I was 225 at the time and am now down to 175. My motivation is just a change in lifestyle that I no longer wanted/liked being fat. On the downside, my wife just treats me like i'm a piece of meat : ), thats not so bad.

What is your favorite healthy recipe for breakfast?

I am trying to tone up and drop a few pounds, and I am not big on breakfasts, really bad about eating in the a.m. If you have any healthy breakfast please and thank you, post them to me here...
Thank you very much..
its not healthy to do anything on empty stomach - it leads to many health problems including diabetes.
i really like (especially now in summer) toasted whole wheat pita pockets stuffed with grilled chicken, skim cheese, veggies and spinach/lettuce
i also like old fashioned oatmeal with egg whites and flax seeds or with dried fruit and nuts or fresh fruit/berries.
usually when you start eating breakfast your body gets used to it pretty fast.
egg beaters or no-fat yogurt with a cup of your favorite cereal and seedless grapes - yumo!
One easy meal I know is scrambled egg whites, a half a grapefruit %26lt;Which of course, I'd put Splenda on%26gt; and some coffee (Made however you want). It's fairly low calorie and it's got protein and about two fruit servings. Also, the best part is... It's tasty! I hope you like it.
Whole grain cereal and a banana. Or boil some eggs and keep in the fridge. They stave off hunger and are high in protein.
Oatmeal is a VERY healthy choice for breakfast, but rather than individual packets, get the good stuff. I get the big container of Quaker Oats and just leave the measuring cup (normally the serving size is 1/2 cup) in the container for a quick and easy prep every a.m. Oatmeal is high in fiber, which fills you up and helps with weight loss.
I eat raisin bran crunch, skim milk. A bowl of fruit like watermelon, cantelope and bananas and a glass of orange juice. To me, that's healthy eating! Normally, I would have a breakfast with 3 eggs, sausage and bacon, bisquits and gravy with hash browns. Now, my raisin bran sounds healthy, right?
gravy and bisquit and a side of country ham....
Hmm... LOL... need help?

What is your favorite exercise for oblique muscles?

...im looking for something different bc i really need to burn them durring my next ab routine. right now im doing side crunches and im getting tired of it.
i like bicycle crunches (google them if you don't know what they are). They're really good for toning your entire stomach (obliques and abdominals). Also, try this kinda crunch (i don't know what theyre called): lie down in the regulare crunch position, and instead of going straight up + down, do a 'circle' with your upper body. Also try leg lifts. Good luck!

What is wu long tea?

ive been told that it is a tea that will help you lose weight... is this true? how does it work? is it bad for you? where can i get some?
diet+excercise, but just drinking strange tea , all day will also allow you to lose weight, Asian meds are not always, secret amazing voodoo weight loss health propaganda rubbish. But english tea is fine as well, LOL belly + water = full feeling.
dont waste you money hun, unless you want to sound cool, hey Im on the woo long tea diet, it helps me too lose weight and learn kung foo. (tounge in cheek) God bless you
you can buy it from a chinese herbalist but I must point out that it does not work alone..you have to follow a strict diet and exercise program...along with the tea..Dont get caught up in the hype..it becomes costly.There is no instant cure for being overweight..it is a lifelong project of good eating habits and regular exercise
I have never heard of Wu Long tea - I'm a huge tea drinker. Could it be Oolong? One of my favorite teas is orange blossom Oolong (see link below for source). I have no knowledge of weight loss associated with it, but it is oh so good!

What is vitamin C?

The vitamin,I'm curious what it benefits?
I love Vitamin C
a great vitamin to take between 1000-3000 grams a day
Stops you getting scurvy.
It aids your immune system.
I try to get as much of it as possible, because the body gets rid of any excess.
Vitamin C is a vital nutrient the body requires to maintain good health. It is believed that vitamin C can improve the immune system, and millions of people take vitamin C supplements, believing that larger doses of the nutrient can help ward off colds. Some recent research has indicated that this chemical may have a role in reducing allergy鈥?or asthma-related symptoms. However, the medical data on the subject is far from conclusive, and misperceptions surround vitamin C. You can read more about this important vitamin here: http://allergy.health.ivillage.com/asthm...
Vitamin C is a water-soluble acidic Vitamin that occurs physically as a white, crystalline powder. It is usually found in nature in its L -Isomer form but its D-Isomer is named Isoascorbic Acid.
It lessens stress, helps build immunity, and some studies say it even improves sperm count!
Check this out for more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/vitamin_c...
A vitamin that is between vitamin B and vitamin D
a vitamin called C lol but i do know the suns rays produce it so technically teh sun is good for ya
oh and some singer band thing

What is a good bread alternative for dieters!?

Trying to loose weight but lurv my bread? what can i replace it with!
Ooooh, I know this. I used to be a toast addict. I LOVED toast! I allowed myself ONE piece of toast a day - and only whole wheat toast. Then any time I had a toast craving I'd eat some low-cal fruit or veggies (cherries are good nibbles, also tomatoes, carrots, cauliflower, etc.)I also tried to fill up the toast gap with tea. Tea has nearly zero calories by itself. Then I promised myself to just hold on until tomorrow for my next toast fix. I've lost 20 pounds this way, and my BMI is down to 21!hope this helps. Try fruits / veg / tea / coffee and allow yourself that ONE piece of whole-wheat bread - this IS good for you!
Eat any kinda bread you like, its not so much the bread as what you put on it.
try ryrita or rice cakes and use healthy low fat toppings
No need to cut bread out of your diet entirely. Carbs are what give u the energy u need to burn calories (im assuming u are doing some form of cardio). I balanced a diet of proteins, carbs and fats and lost 30 lbs in 3-4 months after having my child. Just opt for whole grain wheat breads, low fat and low carb wraps. Stay away from white bread, dinner rolls, and pasta (unless it's wheat). But bread is your friend.
try ryvita
wholemeal bread
Have you tried Matzos available from most supermarkets - large rectangular things like water biscuits? Trouble is, I love them warmed above the toaster (don't leave them in the toaster as you would bread - they are inclined to ignite suddenly) and heaped with butter! It's not the bread itself which is the problem, it's what you put on it!!
Corn thins (Tesco and Sainsburys) are nice for a change.
there is low carb bread that you can buy at your local grocery store. that is fine. you can also try just eating half of the bread on your sandwiches and burgers.
as an alternative you can eat fruit, suger free yogurt, the Quaker company makes somthing called a rice quake it is really good and is okay for deiting.
it is good that you are cutting out bread. many people are confused that if you have more carbs you will have more energy when ifn fact you have more energy when you arent eating the carbs less for your body to burn so less work it has to do so less tired you get. low carb is the best way to loose weight ( and the only way that works for me). some people think low fat is good and it might be to a certain point but if you really want to loose weight you should go with carb because your body burns carbs first then it moves on to the fat and the less carbs it has to burn the more fat it can burn. if you want to learn more you can get a low carb lifestlye book by atkins and it will explain everything. GOOD LUCK!
i would recommend pitta bread, its very healthy.
It does kind of depend on what type of diet you are going on, if you are totally eleminating carbs try lettuce(any larger leaf type) for "bread" use it filled with tuna, lunch meat or whatever you put on a sandwich... or if you are looking for an actual bread try orowheat or some type of 7 or 12 grain bread(that contain flax, rye, millet, sunflower seeds and such) they are great sources of fiber(which is filling)and have good carbs that your body will turn into energy and use more effiecently! Eleminating white sugar and flour will do wonders for your body, inside and out!
You could try Ryvitas or crackerbreads. Try out different toppings for them

What is a good before and after workout food? I have PowerBar for pre; and Subway tuna sandwich for post.?

Carbs are great for pre-workout, whole wheats, rice, pasta, etc. (energy sources) Anything that has a lot of protein for after workouts, protein bars, shakes, red meat, chicken, and my favorite, turkey, and of course tuna (muscle builders).
I think that those two items a great !

What is a good at home workout for me?

I'm 20 years old, i'm not overweight (5'6", 137 lbs) but i know i could use a little toning... what are some good excersies i can do at home with little or no equipment
Walking is always good.try walking backwards up a hill...it tones your leg muscles. You can also "lift weights" by using gallon jugs of water of heavy cans. Try doing push ups against the wall.
sit ups crunches pushups try crunches but lifting your legs at a 90 degree angle that helps your lower abs and the crunches targets the upper with that you will feel a burn right away
Uhhhh, i dunno bout this but I use Hip Hop Abs. It's a workout dvd iht totally great to use. its fun also !
push ups , sit ups, single-legged squats, handstand on the wall and do push ups that way
Watch Denise Austins program on Lifetime at 7-8am, It helped me out alot.

What is a fun way for a 16 year old girl to work out?

I dont like team sports at all and i want a fun way not something boring like running and situps.
dancing is a great way. so is moshing if u like hard rock. thats how i work out. go crazy with ur favorite song. works for me lol.
I enjoy bellydancing, its pretty fun. I'm sure most dancing would help thought. Try playing Dance Dance Revolution.

What is a FLEET KIT?

i heard it can help rid your body of water retentionhow does it work??and where can i get one?
It's an enema. You can get one at your pharmacy area at your grocery store. the instructions are in the box. It is not a fun things to do. Take a water pill instead.
I believe it a type of an enema.
Fleet is an enema kit isnt it? Thats to help you when you are constipated. You can get them at a local drug store.
I believe it's an enema kit and I imagine you can purchase one in a drugstore.
It's an enema kit, you can get them at CVS, Walgreen's and other drugstores, also places like Walmart and Meijer.
It's an enema. Rids your body of faeces. Do you want to **** all day to loose a little weight? Look at safer alternatives.
Its an enema used to cleanse out your body. Drugstores also sell the oral form that you mix with water. It does not taste good going down. Used alot for test preparation.

What is a fast, healthy way to loose weight?

I need some tips to loose weight before my trip to the poconoes,if you have any ideas please help me
Exercise and eating healthy food at regular times.
Cleansing is the best way to lose weight in my book, and you are not putting a bunch of harmful chemicals in you. It actually gets rid of all thatI would for sure look at that site鈥? http://www.cleansewithcgnj.com/...It would help you sooo much!
atakins diet (i think it is spelt like that)
sorry there is no fast safe way to lose weight
Hi!Fast: Go to Scotland (assuming you are not already in the only county in the world for which people get homesick who have never been there) and climb a Monroe wearing a Franciscan habit on a hot day. I did and lost half a stone.
Healthy: that's another kettle of fish.Good luck.
I have heard that having a colonic makes you lose weight?..rather you than me though!What you should do is eat lots of veg, fruit and fish, drink only water and do exercise that makes you sweat for at least 30 mins 3 times a week. Again.rather you than me! lolYou should notice a difference soon!Have a blindin' holiday x
Eat only a bowl of cereal for breakfast and one for dinner. Do some exercise every morning before eating anything (running, cycling or swimming)
Remove the fast, you can't include it in the same line as healthy.I have been answering questions on Answers for 4 months, of the 5,000 I have answered so far about 1000 are just like yours, ' I want something to fix my weight with no effort from me.'There is now overwhelming evidence that both fad diets and pills in 2 out of 3 dieters ultimately end up with weight GAIN.It appears that if you don't combine good diet with modest calorie reduction, with regular vigorous exercise you will not succeed in sustained weight loss. No fixes, no easy ways out, you must get off the couch! At sometime I am just going to have to grit my teeth and just leave these totally repetitive and boring weight questions alone, but somehow I keep thinking, probably foolishly, that if we keep repeating the same mantra- less in more out-less in more out, that the world will twig the general idea that this is the only option. The reason everyone is just getting fatter is they think like you, I can keep eating junk, use my remote control for the TV and someone will just give me a magic pill or a diet where I can eat everything I want anyway and the next day I will wake up thin. Keep hoping pal, its not going to happen!
Kerry is right. If it's the trip you are concerned about do a detox. You can lose up to like 12 lbs--but sometimes only 3 or 4. They sell stuff like shakes where you drink them for 2 days and lose lbs (www.beachbody.com). I don't know how healthy that is. However, reality is most likely the weight will come back--that is always the way it is with fast diets. Long term weight loss is a permanent life style change.


What is a fast way to lose weight and tone up?

Yep It Iz Verii Possible ;) x
Cleansing is the best way to lose weight in my book, and you are not putting a bunch of harmful chemicals in you. It actually gets rid of all thatI would for sure look at that site… http://www.cleansewithcgnj.com/...It would help you sooo much!
Definitely possible. Cut out all empty calories from your diet (sodas, candy, sweets). Do lots of cardio and some very light weight work. With the weights, do very light weights with a lot of repetitions.
I recommend you take “Weight Loss 30” – a diet supplement made from natural herbs . It is safe and very effective. I lost 15 lbs in a month!! It will curb your appetite and you feel like drinking a lot of water and water will carry away the fat and waste of your body. Naturally you lose weight. So no pain at all!! That’s my experience. Hope it helps.
I bought it from this web site: http://www.goquickslim.com
find daily calorie intake calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours - it optimizes your metabolism)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have protein (lean meat, legumes etc) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min (ideally 45min because the first 20-30min body burns carbs and only then starts burning fat), light weight training (more muscle=faster metabolism)
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, pasta etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)

What is a fast way to get a six pack? for a guy?

i need one by the end of the month plz
depending on you're physical condition, getting a six pack in a month might be kinda tough, but you want to start hitting the gym and using the crunch machines, and situp tables, youre not done there, youre diet comes into play also, you'll want to eat plenty of proteins, like chicken, and red meat to help the body repair the tears youre creating
go to the gym..you'll need weight training
I usually go to 7-11 when I'm in a hurry but the grocery store is usually cheaper.
Hi, try the free report at http://www.firmupyourabs.comIt reveals abdominal workouts, exercises and nutritional advice to obtain a six pack

What is a fast way for teens to loose weight?

eat healthy...3 meals a day..and excerise...LOTS OF WATER!!
no pop, no sugar...
Im 15, really fit for my age, I weight 129 pure muscle. What I do is Drink LOADS of water, dont eat any snacks like ritz or cheez it. Those = bad. Just Jog, eat small stuff, eat strawberry's! and workout bro. (Push ups, Sit ups) If dont have any gym material.
Keep active. It doesn't have to be physical either. Active can mean going to the library and sitting there in the quiet and reading!By keeping your MIND busy you will forget about eating. You'll be so wrapped up in what you're doing that food will no longer be your obsession. (What you're doing will be.)You don't need to sweat or run or workout. All that is great for your general health, but means NOTHING for weight loss.The only way to lose weight is to take in less food at each sitting and make your stomach smaller so that it's filled up quicker and craves less. Distract yourself by doing something you really enjoy, and bring along small snacks and PLENTY OF WATER, and you'll quickly develop the eating habits that will help you lose weight.
drink lots of water. eat right. don't have ANY sugar unless it comes from fruit, and you want to lose weight, so don't over do it on fruit either. cut down on carbs if you eat alot of bread or pasta. most of the time, people eat too much. look at the labels on everything you eat, learn what one serving is, and decide whether or not you eat too much. adjust accordingly. exercise. do whatever you want, but do it often. obviously, the better you stick to eating the right way, avoiding sugar, and excercizing often, the faster you will lose the weight...it's really up to you. P.S. Diet drinks have no sugar, but they aren't good for you. Plus, for me they have always been the thing that lures me back into drinking sugary drinks. Your best bet is to drink only water.

What is a fast and easy way to lose like 10 lbs?

I am not overweight, I just feel I need to loose a few pounds. Tone up a bit, any suggestions? Thanks :)
Healthy eating with limited carbohydrates. Eat most of your carbs in the morning and increase your protein intake. Then do some good fat-burning exercises. Try sprint intervals (run for 10 seconds jog for 30 seconds, run for 10 seconds, etc), jump rope and swimming. Follow that for a solid month or two and you will see great improvement.
healthy eating and exercise
don't eat so many d*** ho-hos
watch your diet, dont eat so late at nite, jog or running 3 times a week..
Well it's summer, so I would suggest swimming a lot, and of course, healthy eating

What is a diet that can do to help me lose 5 pounds fast?

I am 120 pounds and 5'5 and really wanna lose 5 pounds to look good in my new bikini. Can anyone give me healthy diet to help me lost 5 pounds as soon as possible?
belimia, no, just joking, you can incorporate alot of fruits in ur diet and drink water and just eat meat, and fruit, and no bread, rice, nothing but meat and fruit and a small amount of veggies, this will shock your body and you will lose atleast 10 lbs in 2 wks. after just eat more fruit, veggies and meat and small amounts of starches. Its In Shape America's starting plan. if you email i can give you the foods you could eat for the first 2 weeks and the foods you shouldnt
L.A wight lose
laxatives, nah but really, they can get your system moving to start with. Drink lots of water, low salts and sugars. Basically, detox your system. Walking and swimming, jump on trampoline. Play hide and go seek outside. Me and a few of our friends did last night. We have about 3 acres so it was really fun.
your weight is pretty thin already. try pilates to tone up.
honey...120 lbs at 5'5"...you are beautiful...put that suit on and flaunt it!! It brings me to tears hearing some one think they aren't good enough to wear a two piece when more than likely they can. I'm 5'8" and have just put on enough weight to not be able to fit into the jeans I wore just last month. I can't even get them up. Last I checked I was 155 pounds...that was 2 months ago when I was at the doctors last for a check up. I was a size 10...now I don't know what I am and I have to work to get back into those jeans..I would like to be an 8 again, 140 pounds would be nice. I'll never wear a bikini again because I've had 2 kids and my belly is a ball of goo at my midsection. So...you go wear that bikini of yours...do it knowing that you are beautiful. Do it because I can't.
hmm, little tips and tricks would be to switch to skim milk. take omega-3 supplements. fish oil is the best. plenty of water. green tea helps because the egcg in it helps shrink fat cells. switch to 6 small meals a day to keep your glycemic levels high, which makes it easier for your body to let go of fat. im a high school wrestler, so this is a second nature for me.
u can use detox diets to loose weight .The detox diet focuses on getting rid of the harmful aspects of our everyday diet.detox diets will help u to a great extent to reduce weight and be slim.Instead of eating 2 - 3
meals per day, try eating 4 - 5 small meals per day, or 3 meals and 2 healthy snack meals.
an for detox diet recipes heres the source http://www.medifastdetox.blogspot.com...
I came across this great product for weight loss and it was excellent for me. Together with a good diet and exercise I am finally happy with my body and the way I look. You should check this product at
http://www.getinfoquick.info , they have a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling. A must!

What is a definate way i can gain a pound in a short period of time?

I really dont want to go buy anything but if thats the case...Some people say drink ensure///i want to put on a few pounds.I'm underweight and need to add a few pounds but i'm just asking about one lb
Hallelujah! Someone trying to put weight on rather than starve themselves to lose it! :-)
Eat to your little heart's content!
Drink a pound of water.
im being serious here- its actually been proven, tried and tested, not by me but it does.
42 mars bars makes you put on a pound in weight. fact.
Eat doughnuts!
My dad crammed himself full of bananas just before going to the Army recruiting place so that he would weigh enough to join.
They do make bulk-up shakes for body builders. Or just wear heavy shoes, lol.
Go get a whopper! hah or eat a lot of bread stuff like bagels, pastrys, cakes anything! oh bbg ribs yum yum, jeeze im on a diet right now i wish i was in your boat!
If you consume 3500 more calories than you expend, you will gain one lb.
For most people, this means eating 500 extra calories/day for 1 week, to gain a pound in one week.
(Obviously, 250 extra calories a day will let you gain a pound in two weeks).
Try supplementing your diet with a protein shake made with whole milk. Limit your exercise to moderate walking.Good luck!
well eat one hamburger and icecream and a fountain drink. it will add to a pound and you will love every minute of it. or if you want to add it healthy ,just lift coule of weights and eat protein like grilled chicken or fish. ^_^
EAT LOTS OF ICE CREAM and Fast Food.That's How Vin Diesel gained weight for a movie he did.
the girl who said 42 mars bars i hope she was talking about the bit size ones cause if u eat 42 regular size mars bars u will again more then a pound or a few ponds or at lest i would. try eating 42 bit size mars bars or try eating alot of junk food. water is not the best way to gain a bit of weight cause as soon as u sweet u will lose the pounds u gained from water. if u don't believe me as a doctor or a dietitian . some people can eat and eat and not gain weight, so i ur like that and u finds it impossible to gain weight then talk to a dietitian or a doctor.
Wow, lucky you. All I have to do is think about food and I gain a pound. If you dont want to buy anything special, then just eating more of what you are currently eating should help you put on weight. You have to consume more calories than you burn in order to put on weight.

What is a cardio workout wht does it involve in the workout?

i do crunches but most ppl tell me a flatter stomach is beeter with cardio wht is cardio workout what does it workout?
pls help dumn blonde..black girl..lol pllss reall not just j/k
A cardio workout is a workout that significantly increases your heart rate. Brisk walking, running, rowing, swimming or most sports are good at increasing one's heart rate. A good way to start out is walking briskly for 20 minutes a day. Just do the 20 minutes; don't focus on the distance you go. Remember to stretch afterwards. After one-two weeks, Increase your time to 25 minutes and note how far you go. One to two weeks after this, forget about the time. Remember how far you went in 25 minutes? Try and do this as quickly as possible. That's a good start to a walking cardio workout. Walking can be just as effective as jogging and is much easier on the joints.
it deals with you getting your heart rate up and once that happens it gets your blood pumping and you burn more fat and calories
Cardio means heart! So technically cardio is a workout for the heart. This type of exercise elevates the heart rate and thus burns calories that helps you loose unwanted body fat. Shoot to accomplish aboout 3-4 times a week for 25-30 min bouts.

What is a Calorie?

and if someone cooked you a meal how can you tell how much is on your plate
A calorie is the amount or measurement of heat necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree on the Celsius scale.A calorie is also the unit of measurement of energy produced by food when it is oxidized, or used, in the body. Calories are like fuel for our bodies. We need them for our bodies to run.You need to maintain a balance between the amount of calories you take in (food) and the amount of calories you use (exercise). You "burn" your body's fuel - calories - when you perform physical activities, and you also burn calories just by sitting still, breathing and living each day.If you perform enough physical activity, you may increase the amount of calories (or energy units) you burn each day and raise the amount of calories (or energy units) you need each day. So a person who is physically active can eat more calories each day without gaining weight, because this person uses the fuel he or she pumps in, instead of storing it as fat.Each person is different when it comes to the amount of calories he or she needs each day. The amount of calories a person needs for fuel varies according to age, height, gender, amount of physical activity and other factors.There is a calorie chart of various foods which I think will help you to select what is good for you.http://www.ntwrks.com/~mikev/chart1a.htm...There are exercise charts for burning those extra calories:http://mydietbuddy.com/calorie-burn-char...
Calorie is the name given to girls adopted by lesbian couples called Carol and Valerie
It`s a little round pellet of fat.
A calorie is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Centigrade. When talking about calories in food, it is really 1000 real calories, or how much energy to raise one kilogram of water one degree Centigrade.How to figure your food content? Get a calorie counter. You can buy a book on calorie counting anywhere.
A calorie is the amount of energy needed to heat one gram of water. People use this type of energy to live and grow. The only way to tell how much is on your plate is to fix your own plate and to look on the lables. You can learn tools for estimating calories when others serve you though by going to calorieking.com and measuring your own serving sizes and eventually memorizing about how many calories are in a serving of any given size.
everything you need to know can be found here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/calorie...
A calorie is a unit of measurement for energy. Calorie is French and derives from the Latin calor (heat).
A calorie is the amount of energy it takes to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree!
A calorie is a unit of energy.The amount of calories in foods is dictated by the amount of fat, protein and carbs.There is no way to tell how many calories are on your plate unless you know how many calories are in certain foods.Please if you are aiming to loose weight don't just "count calories". It's important to consume CLEAN HEALTHY calories derving from a good source such as protein for example. Fatty foods will make you fat regardless of how many calories they consist of.Feel free to join us as http://www.cagedanimal.net - Fitness %26 Resistance Training Forums for more information and constant support.Many Thanks"Animal"

What is a better/more beneficial workout plan for gaining muscle mass?

What is a better/more beneficial workout plan?
Ex 1) Day 1: Upper Body
Day 2: Lower Body
Day 3: Upper Body
Day 4: Lower BodyEx 2) Day 1: Chest %26 Triceps
Day 2: Back %26 Biceps
Day 3: Legs %26 Calves
Day 4: Shoulders, Forearms %26 AbsAny opinions/suggestions?
I think the first workout is better because the second workout has only one day of Lower Body and also when you train the triceps, the biceps are also trained but you put them on different days.
So I would go for the first workout but I would add the Abs to the Lower Body workout. And also, be sure to change the specific exercises after 2 months to avoid boredom and challenge the muscles in different ways.
Also if your goal is to maintain muscle mass, this workout is okay but if you want to add muscle mass (as you said and therefore pushing yourself more), I would add rest days in between so your muscles can heal properly before you challenge them again:
Ex 1)
Day 1: Upper Body
Day 2: Lower Body %26 Abs
Day 3: Rest Day
Day 4: Upper Body
Day 5: Lower Body %26 Abs
Day 6: Rest DayYou can do some aerobics on the rest days (light aerobics if you鈥檙e sore).I hope this could help and I wish you the best.
Actually what you should do is start with the first one, do this workout for 6-8 weeks and afterwords do the second one for 6-8 weeks then possibly repeat the process. If you continue on any workout routine for too long muscle memory will start to kick in and the results you get will be diminished.BSC Employee
first one is better...you want to start out with compound movements because they will stimulate more muscle growth than isolation movements

What is a "cleansing" diet? How does it work?

Im looking to lose five lbs. how much weight (and how fast) should i expect to lose on the cleansing diet
There is a 7 day diet,I'm sorry I don't have it with me but it mainly consists of a veggie soup you make at home..and I think the first day is soup and fruit,second day just veggies and soup 3rd day is soup and banana and milk..(by the way you can eat as much soup as you want)and I think by the 4th or 5th day you can have steak and tomatoes..I think it's called the Sacred Heart Medical diet..and if you don't cheat,you can lose between 10-17 lbs
Look up an Apple Cider Vinegar diet online. I have heard people talking about it but have not tried it. I know it CLEANS YOU OUT! ha
you could do "cleansing" by yourself, you could lose your weight in three days until 1 week, its quite working, how much weight you could lose, is depend on your body metabolism, everybody has a different result..besides, do "cleansing" would made you feel fresh, but if you did it at first time, maybe you would feel bit dizzy, because you change your eat pattern, and your body make an adaptation, but it has no side effect..i hope it could help you..
You may want to look at previously answered questions for cleansing/detox diets. The 2 listed below are the Lemon Detox Diet (also knows as Master Cleanse), and the Grape Detox diet.Hope it helps.
A cleansing diet is when you cleanse or detox your body from toxins found in your body. Toxins are found all around us. When we have a lot of toxins in our body are body naturally produces fat as a defense mechanism to absorb the toxins. When this happens we get fat. When you cleanse or detox your body you get rid of the toxins and in doing so you have better health and lose weight too. You can use a program to cleanse your body to better health and lose weight too. They offer a 9-day or 30-day cleanse. For more information go to link at bottom of page. Hope this helps and good luck.

What if I want to get rid of muscle?

I'm not overweight or obese, actually barely in the "normal" zone for BMI so I don't need to worry about getting rid of fat yet but what if I want to lose weight from muscle? If i excersise, it may burn calories but I'll keep building muscle and put on more weight from the muscle. How do I lose the muscle weight without getting fat from not excersising? Is there a way to excersise without gaining muscle?
More cardio, more chicken, and more fish! Cardio will burn your fat and your muscle will start diminishing if you are not lifting weights. You can keep lifting weights, but go to really really light weights and maintain a high heart rate while you lift the light weights. You don't have to lift the weights until you are sore, just get a good routine that will keep you in shape and keep some muscle on your body so you can burn fat more efficiently. Do cardio 3 times a week and weight train with the light weights 2 times a week only. Make sure you do cardio for about an hour and even on the days you do weights, start with 25 minutes of cardio first. This will make sure your heart rate is at an anaerobic rate when you do the weightlifting. Cut back on red meat too. Chicken and fish are a leaner protein intake. Good luck!
When you're trying to lose weight you first lost muscle before fat.
Eat alot of Fooooooood and stop working out for a week
aerobic, cardio exercise burns calories but doesn't add mass..jsut don't lift any weights.
as long as you don't eat a lot of protein you won't gain weight from muscle like that. you can't really lose muscle. or if you can it is probably not a good idea.
Do more cardio and less strength building.
I would say, instead of trying something like actually working out, try Pilates. From what I've heard, this is GREAT for toning and lengthening. Which means that you actually become more lean, and less bulky.
Although, from the sounds of your post, you're more concerned about the number than you are the look of your body, eh? In that case, I dunno what to tell you.
If you are barely with in the "normal" zone, why in the world do you want to loose muscle weight? Muscle weight is the best kind of weight. You don't need to loose it. You need to be Healthy!
yea though i dont reccommend it CARDIO or running will burn muscle. thats why pro body builders who dont want to lose muscle will only walk at 3.0 mph for 45 min - an hour to burn fat but not muscle. If you look at a marathon runner they are always skinny but in shape because when your run (above 5.0 mph) for longer that an hour you will burn muscle.
Usually people exercise to keep their muscle tone, so if you want to lose muscle then stop exercising.
well if you actually want to be healthy than don't step on a scale anymore. it's not about how thin you are or how little you weigh. muscle is good for you, it burns fat. if you want to lose fat you should start lifting weights to gain muscle. trust me it looks way better to be toned and sleek than it is to be skinny and flabby. muscle looks way better and you'll feel great too. don't worry about the scale.
sorry but its nearly impossible to actualy gat rid of muscle. and there are some excercises where you are just streching muscles not building.
you don't want to loose the muscle,but stay away from weights,and just do cardio,like running,swimming,vollayball
You should use less weight and more reps. This will shed body fat quicker and you wont gain muscle mass either. You should just stay toned.
why would you want to in the first place. Seems counter productive to me. You can lose muscle mass by not working out, its called atrophy. You shouldnt ever try to loose your muscle mass because that is extreamly unhealthy.
I can't help you there, I want to put on at least seven kilo's.

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