
What food should you eat to get fat.?

im 105 pounds and willing to gain about 25 pounds...i eat big quantities of food and no results.like burgers fat foods
anything with sugar and fat e.g 10 teaspoon of sugar then go down to mac d's have a large big mac meal and a diet coke.good luck
Eat foods with a high fat content like sausages.
eat pasta with cheese. it's delicious and will help you bulk up. promise.
Cans of beer... yes you can eat them...
you probably have a very high metabolism , so it wont matter how much you eat , youll just burn it off , apparently 105 is a healthy weight for you ...
definatly dont eat bad foods to get you fat. eat more good foods. instead of eating 3 times a day, eat around 4, with snacks in between.
eat foods with protein, not nessearlly bad foods not good for the heart
fried chicken, macaroni %26 cheese, cheesecakes, chocolate cakes, lots of rice %26 pasta %26 pork. And take a nap after every meal.
You should NOT eat unhealthy food like fast food to gain weight. Please don't, that is so unhealthy!
If you want to gain weight, eat regularly and have healthy snacks instead of having giant meals all at once. Have a teaspoon of peanutbutter and milk before you go to bed. Exercise. Eat healthy food that's good for you rbody like protein, vegetables, milk, etc.
Eat more of carbohydrate based foods.
candy bars right before you go to sleep
To achieve your desired heavier weight, the amount of calories your body uses MUST be LESS than the amount of calories you are taking in.
Hence, besides taking in more "fats" food (healthy fats food includes avocados, pastas, boiled potatoes, unsalted nuts, grilled red meat, wholemeal breads), you may also need to reduce the amount of activities your body may be undertaking (eg, excessive excercising)
You can go to GNC or a health food store and get a powder to mix with milk. Also, eat a lot of peanutbutter by the spoonful and icecream by the 1/2 gallon!
well that is a bad way to gain weight,
if you wont to gain weight you should gain mussel instead of fat because when u get older the fat sags over and then u wont to lose it.
the things to do is
#1 you wont to put extra things on what u eat. i mean [ on a chess burger put 2 pieces of cheese on instead of 1] and other things like that.
#2 you should work out and gain mussel so it doesn't become fat.
p.s they only reason she is skinny is because u got a high metabolism which burns all the calories.
hope this helps




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