
What is a cardio workout wht does it involve in the workout?

i do crunches but most ppl tell me a flatter stomach is beeter with cardio wht is cardio workout what does it workout?
pls help dumn blonde..black girl..lol pllss reall not just j/k
A cardio workout is a workout that significantly increases your heart rate. Brisk walking, running, rowing, swimming or most sports are good at increasing one's heart rate. A good way to start out is walking briskly for 20 minutes a day. Just do the 20 minutes; don't focus on the distance you go. Remember to stretch afterwards. After one-two weeks, Increase your time to 25 minutes and note how far you go. One to two weeks after this, forget about the time. Remember how far you went in 25 minutes? Try and do this as quickly as possible. That's a good start to a walking cardio workout. Walking can be just as effective as jogging and is much easier on the joints.
it deals with you getting your heart rate up and once that happens it gets your blood pumping and you burn more fat and calories
Cardio means heart! So technically cardio is a workout for the heart. This type of exercise elevates the heart rate and thus burns calories that helps you loose unwanted body fat. Shoot to accomplish aboout 3-4 times a week for 25-30 min bouts.




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