
What has more calories, 100g of rice or 100g of mash potato.?

Assume both have no additives like oil or butter or milk. I am on a muscle building scheme and I want to avoid the carbs.
Hi friend, they almost have the same moisture content and also the same SUM of Carbohydrates and Protein. so, they HAVE ALMOST THE SAME caloric value if used in the same amounts (note that 1 g carbohydrate provides the body with 4 kcal the same as 1 g of protein). But, in my opinion, I think that rice is relatively better because it contains a higher protein content than potatoes.
surely 100g mashed potatoes
id say potatoes the little sweet reds
i am guessing here but i would say the mash .
i feel that rice has more cal. facing the facts tat it is carbohydrates.
One ounce is about 30 grams.
1 cup of cooked rice has 200 calories.
1 boiled potato has 125 calories.
so one potato is about a cup.
and if you multiply it but about 4.
you have your answer, potato has less calories.
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