
What happens when?

What happens when you spend too much time on the computer? And is there any distractions that can keep you up and moving without going outside/cleaning/dancing?
think about your health and u will get up and move
your question doesn't make sense to me.
When you sit all day you throw your posture out of whack. Over time this will lead to postural distortions and muscle imbalances, faulty neuromuscular firing patters and loss of range of motion in joints. If not corrected they can leave you injury prone and misaligned.Also staring at the screen all day can do long term damage to your vision, like wise it takes years but by then it'll be too late.If you really need to set a timer and limit the amount of computer time you allow yourself.Heck, drink tons of water... eventually you at least have to get up to go pee. hehe
it is like a drug ,you start to lose the sense of reality and only believe in virtuality.so don't get involve too much.




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