
What is your inspiration to exercise?

I give up after 10 min. of working out
I used to weigh over 300 lbs and I don't want to do that again...I'm 225 now, and I'd like to get down lower. Also, I want to set a good example for my daughter.
Everytime I see Beyonce and Shakira!! I put a pic of them on my bathroom mirror so I see them each day. They work so hard to keep those amazing bodies!
I am type II diabetic and I had a heart attack just before Christmas. I never want to go through that again.
seeing my best friend sit on her butt and eat junk and still weigh 104. So by the end of the summer I hope to be around her weight so I can prove that I am 104 pounds of muscle not flab :)
Go to a gym. When you're around other people exercising, it's easier. They're not giving up, why should you? etc. Also, listen to some really fast, challenging music. My personal preference is Linkin Park, which seems odd for exercise, but its fast and angsty and gets me moving. Also bring water, of course, you'd be surprised how far you can go after just a little bit more water. Another thing: If you're not in very good shape, and giving up very soon, just take a minute-long break, then start again. Walk around a little, breathe, then get going again.I hope this helped, and good luck!
I was coaching my daughters softball team in spring '06 and somebody was passing around some pictures they had taken of the team earlier. I saw some of myself and decided that was just not right. I was 225 at the time and am now down to 175. My motivation is just a change in lifestyle that I no longer wanted/liked being fat. On the downside, my wife just treats me like i'm a piece of meat : ), thats not so bad.




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