
What foods can I eat that will help improve my skin?

I would definitely say to eat lots of fruits, veggies, and drink lots of water. Also, make sure you get plenty of sleep!!Oh, and I don't know if this is proven, but I would stay away from fried foods and junk foods.
It is not only what you *eat*, but also what you *do* that will help your skin.That's it, hope that helps!
Garlic, Fish, Carrots %26 other veggies. The Oils and Vitamins (especially vitamin A) will help.
Are you talking about like acne? I read about one girl who ate fresh parsley and it really helped clear her breakout.
Yogurt, Jello, but mainly its drinking lots of water, it cleans your system out and eventually you'll see changes with time, try to keep a diet with lots of vegetables %26 salads and try avoiding greasy foods. Good Luck!
Hi,I've tried so many different diets in the last 10 years that I can say now, they don't work!
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Good luck!
Great post! I totally understand how you feel. I'm also trying to lose weight and I found this great product which is working for me. You can check the website at
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