
What multivitamin can I take that wont make me nauseous?

No matter what time of day I take it, with or without food, a multivitamin makes my stomach really sick. Not for long, maybe about 30 minutes. Any suggestions? I really would like to be taking one.
Have you tried a children's multi-vitamin? Maybe Flintstones or the Gummi Bear-like ones?
I agree with the person above about the gummi-type vitamins- I have had the same problem %26 have came up with 2 solutions that have worked. The 1st being the gummy-vitamins the Flintstones type don't actually stop the nasea/stomach achiness from multiviamins. The 2nd solution I came up with before trying the gummy vitamins was to break the pill in 1/2 and take 1/2 early in the day %26 the other 1/2 many hours later, which worked alright, but I'd sometimes forget to take the 2nd 1/2 of the pill. Good luck.
This is because most multivitamins are made from synthetic, petroleum derived chemicals. They make you sick because they are not natural.The only multivitamin you should ever take is one that is made from 100% food-based sources.




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