
What makes you stick to your diet?

How do you keep up the motivation to keep on going?
My diet is more of healthy eating. I eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains. I limit the fast food and junk food to once or twice a month.When I eat bad, I feel bad: no energy. I don't like feeling like that. So that is my motivation.Also, I weigh myself at the gym every Thursday. Seeing the scale slide down is another motivation!
Its easier when you can actually see yourself losing weight. It motivates you,.
my boyfriend... he loves me the way i am but if i want to change something and ask him to help he will.
knowing how good i will look when i reach my desired weight and how great of an accomplishment i will feel
if you use the word 'diet' you probably won't stick with it...diet is a four letter word remember, and when you view it as something as a chore it usually doesn't last. instead, make a lifestyle change.
I look at myself in the mirror wearing underwear or a bikini...




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