
What is a Calorie?

and if someone cooked you a meal how can you tell how much is on your plate
A calorie is the amount or measurement of heat necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree on the Celsius scale.A calorie is also the unit of measurement of energy produced by food when it is oxidized, or used, in the body. Calories are like fuel for our bodies. We need them for our bodies to run.You need to maintain a balance between the amount of calories you take in (food) and the amount of calories you use (exercise). You "burn" your body's fuel - calories - when you perform physical activities, and you also burn calories just by sitting still, breathing and living each day.If you perform enough physical activity, you may increase the amount of calories (or energy units) you burn each day and raise the amount of calories (or energy units) you need each day. So a person who is physically active can eat more calories each day without gaining weight, because this person uses the fuel he or she pumps in, instead of storing it as fat.Each person is different when it comes to the amount of calories he or she needs each day. The amount of calories a person needs for fuel varies according to age, height, gender, amount of physical activity and other factors.There is a calorie chart of various foods which I think will help you to select what is good for you.http://www.ntwrks.com/~mikev/chart1a.htm...There are exercise charts for burning those extra calories:http://mydietbuddy.com/calorie-burn-char...
Calorie is the name given to girls adopted by lesbian couples called Carol and Valerie
It`s a little round pellet of fat.
A calorie is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Centigrade. When talking about calories in food, it is really 1000 real calories, or how much energy to raise one kilogram of water one degree Centigrade.How to figure your food content? Get a calorie counter. You can buy a book on calorie counting anywhere.
A calorie is the amount of energy needed to heat one gram of water. People use this type of energy to live and grow. The only way to tell how much is on your plate is to fix your own plate and to look on the lables. You can learn tools for estimating calories when others serve you though by going to calorieking.com and measuring your own serving sizes and eventually memorizing about how many calories are in a serving of any given size.
everything you need to know can be found here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/calorie...
A calorie is a unit of measurement for energy. Calorie is French and derives from the Latin calor (heat).
A calorie is the amount of energy it takes to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree!
A calorie is a unit of energy.The amount of calories in foods is dictated by the amount of fat, protein and carbs.There is no way to tell how many calories are on your plate unless you know how many calories are in certain foods.Please if you are aiming to loose weight don't just "count calories". It's important to consume CLEAN HEALTHY calories derving from a good source such as protein for example. Fatty foods will make you fat regardless of how many calories they consist of.Feel free to join us as http://www.cagedanimal.net - Fitness %26 Resistance Training Forums for more information and constant support.Many Thanks"Animal"




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