
What is a fast way for teens to loose weight?

eat healthy...3 meals a day..and excerise...LOTS OF WATER!!
no pop, no sugar...
Im 15, really fit for my age, I weight 129 pure muscle. What I do is Drink LOADS of water, dont eat any snacks like ritz or cheez it. Those = bad. Just Jog, eat small stuff, eat strawberry's! and workout bro. (Push ups, Sit ups) If dont have any gym material.
Keep active. It doesn't have to be physical either. Active can mean going to the library and sitting there in the quiet and reading!By keeping your MIND busy you will forget about eating. You'll be so wrapped up in what you're doing that food will no longer be your obsession. (What you're doing will be.)You don't need to sweat or run or workout. All that is great for your general health, but means NOTHING for weight loss.The only way to lose weight is to take in less food at each sitting and make your stomach smaller so that it's filled up quicker and craves less. Distract yourself by doing something you really enjoy, and bring along small snacks and PLENTY OF WATER, and you'll quickly develop the eating habits that will help you lose weight.
drink lots of water. eat right. don't have ANY sugar unless it comes from fruit, and you want to lose weight, so don't over do it on fruit either. cut down on carbs if you eat alot of bread or pasta. most of the time, people eat too much. look at the labels on everything you eat, learn what one serving is, and decide whether or not you eat too much. adjust accordingly. exercise. do whatever you want, but do it often. obviously, the better you stick to eating the right way, avoiding sugar, and excercizing often, the faster you will lose the weight...it's really up to you. P.S. Diet drinks have no sugar, but they aren't good for you. Plus, for me they have always been the thing that lures me back into drinking sugary drinks. Your best bet is to drink only water.




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