
What kind of exercise would be best for our family this summer?

I've asked this question before, but never got any good answers, so I'm trying again. I want to get my whole family in shape this summer. Here's the problem. My husband works from 9 am to 9 pm every day, and when he gets home he's so exhausted the last thing he wants to do is exercise. On his days off all he wants to do is catch up on his sleep. My son is going to be 12 and all he wants to do is sit around and play video games all day. I tried getting him into martial arts and baseball last year, but as soon as the coach found out the boy couldn't hit a ball or run very fast, he was benched. He would get up to bat once or twice, strike out, and go back to the bench. With karate, I had to fight with him to practice his forms, and the sensai even told him that maybe martial arts wasn't for him because he didn't have his heart in it. My son hates any kind of organized sports and after baseball last year won't even try anymore. I tried taking him on a hike once last year, and a half mile
Well, first walking only works if it's done on a sustained basis. Walking 100 steps, then stopping, etc. does not produce the effects of walking for a sustained period, like 30 minutes. I'm not going to suggest exercise for your husband, since he's obviously got more on his plate than he can handle. (Might there be a way for him to reduce his workday? This pace is not very good for him.) As for your son, it's very difficult now to get kids who are habituated to video games to do anything, so the best thing to do is use it as a bargaining chip. For every hour of exercise he does, he gets an hour of video games, or whatever level you feel is appropriate. I think it's a shame the coach reacted the way he did. Kid's sports should never have reached the competitive level they have, where the kids are treated like pros and have the same level of performance expected from them. However, I wouldn't have gone with baseball anyway. It doesn't contain a very sustained level of physical activity. I would try soccer this time, but first, interview the coach and see what his attitude is to people who are not particularly fit or adept. If he says he'll play everybody fairly, then go for it. Otherwise, keep looking till you find someone who will. If you could do a family activity, I might try volleyball or doubles tennis, if you could find a fourth. Good luck and congratulations on being unwilling to give up the fight. Your family will be better for it in the long run.
swimming is a full body exercise
Volley ball is super fun. You can play competitively on teams or cooperatively in a circle and it is easy enough. Swimming keeps you cool and is the best workout ever. Plus you don't sweat or have to carry your own body weight, so this is good for people who have a problem with excercize or thier weight. If you need a great workout in a tiny bit of time, tennis is so highly intense and it is also tons of fun. To try it out, you can buy the little rackets and that thing that looks like a kleenex instead of a ball at the dollar store. It goes slower, so it is great for learning and better for the kids. Have fun!
What about getting the game dance dance revolution. Its fun and you can exercise while doing it. look at the site. I hope i helped. :)




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