
What kind of excercise can you do to reduce stomach fat?

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sit-ups. Lots and lots of sit-ups...they really do work though. my cousin did it every night for a month and she got a four-pack =)
wow that last answer was useful
Cardio, cardio, and more cardio.and of course crunches.
By doign cardio. You reduce fat so that the small ab muscles can stick out. Working stomach abs alone will make them bigger but not as distinct through the layers of fat.
Cardio. You can do situps/crunches/etc... but cardio will slim down the fat.
You have to combine a good diet with exercise in order to lose fat any where on your body. Take in fewer calories in a day than you use and do regular exercise and you will lose fat. If you want to define your stomach muscles, do crunches as part of your complete workout.
noooooooooooo!!!! what every you do do not do sit ups it is a common misunderstanding that situps make u lose fat,,,,,,,,,,,wrong,,,,, sit ups will build your muscle but not take off the fat, what a sit up will actually do is build muscle under your fat thus making you appear fater, you need first to lose fat before building muscle, the best way is sweat, but on severl layers of warm cloths and jog or run, or walk sweeting will burn plenty of fat, if you wont to loose the fat quik you can try preperation H, you take it smear on your belly and wrap your belly in selifan then do your run, also look on the enternet for the super diat it really works it will make u lose up to 10 pounds in 3 days, also body wraps will do the trick but do not i repeat do not do situps unless you have already losed the flab,,good luck
cardio and eating healthy will reduce stomach fat... ab exercise only help build muscles and does not burn fat.




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