
What is a definate way i can gain a pound in a short period of time?

I really dont want to go buy anything but if thats the case...Some people say drink ensure///i want to put on a few pounds.I'm underweight and need to add a few pounds but i'm just asking about one lb
Hallelujah! Someone trying to put weight on rather than starve themselves to lose it! :-)
Eat to your little heart's content!
Drink a pound of water.
im being serious here- its actually been proven, tried and tested, not by me but it does.
42 mars bars makes you put on a pound in weight. fact.
Eat doughnuts!
My dad crammed himself full of bananas just before going to the Army recruiting place so that he would weigh enough to join.
They do make bulk-up shakes for body builders. Or just wear heavy shoes, lol.
Go get a whopper! hah or eat a lot of bread stuff like bagels, pastrys, cakes anything! oh bbg ribs yum yum, jeeze im on a diet right now i wish i was in your boat!
If you consume 3500 more calories than you expend, you will gain one lb.
For most people, this means eating 500 extra calories/day for 1 week, to gain a pound in one week.
(Obviously, 250 extra calories a day will let you gain a pound in two weeks).
Try supplementing your diet with a protein shake made with whole milk. Limit your exercise to moderate walking.Good luck!
well eat one hamburger and icecream and a fountain drink. it will add to a pound and you will love every minute of it. or if you want to add it healthy ,just lift coule of weights and eat protein like grilled chicken or fish. ^_^
EAT LOTS OF ICE CREAM and Fast Food.That's How Vin Diesel gained weight for a movie he did.
the girl who said 42 mars bars i hope she was talking about the bit size ones cause if u eat 42 regular size mars bars u will again more then a pound or a few ponds or at lest i would. try eating 42 bit size mars bars or try eating alot of junk food. water is not the best way to gain a bit of weight cause as soon as u sweet u will lose the pounds u gained from water. if u don't believe me as a doctor or a dietitian . some people can eat and eat and not gain weight, so i ur like that and u finds it impossible to gain weight then talk to a dietitian or a doctor.
Wow, lucky you. All I have to do is think about food and I gain a pound. If you dont want to buy anything special, then just eating more of what you are currently eating should help you put on weight. You have to consume more calories than you burn in order to put on weight.




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