
What is a good bread alternative for dieters!?

Trying to loose weight but lurv my bread? what can i replace it with!
Ooooh, I know this. I used to be a toast addict. I LOVED toast! I allowed myself ONE piece of toast a day - and only whole wheat toast. Then any time I had a toast craving I'd eat some low-cal fruit or veggies (cherries are good nibbles, also tomatoes, carrots, cauliflower, etc.)I also tried to fill up the toast gap with tea. Tea has nearly zero calories by itself. Then I promised myself to just hold on until tomorrow for my next toast fix. I've lost 20 pounds this way, and my BMI is down to 21!hope this helps. Try fruits / veg / tea / coffee and allow yourself that ONE piece of whole-wheat bread - this IS good for you!
Eat any kinda bread you like, its not so much the bread as what you put on it.
try ryrita or rice cakes and use healthy low fat toppings
No need to cut bread out of your diet entirely. Carbs are what give u the energy u need to burn calories (im assuming u are doing some form of cardio). I balanced a diet of proteins, carbs and fats and lost 30 lbs in 3-4 months after having my child. Just opt for whole grain wheat breads, low fat and low carb wraps. Stay away from white bread, dinner rolls, and pasta (unless it's wheat). But bread is your friend.
try ryvita
wholemeal bread
Have you tried Matzos available from most supermarkets - large rectangular things like water biscuits? Trouble is, I love them warmed above the toaster (don't leave them in the toaster as you would bread - they are inclined to ignite suddenly) and heaped with butter! It's not the bread itself which is the problem, it's what you put on it!!
Corn thins (Tesco and Sainsburys) are nice for a change.
there is low carb bread that you can buy at your local grocery store. that is fine. you can also try just eating half of the bread on your sandwiches and burgers.
as an alternative you can eat fruit, suger free yogurt, the Quaker company makes somthing called a rice quake it is really good and is okay for deiting.
it is good that you are cutting out bread. many people are confused that if you have more carbs you will have more energy when ifn fact you have more energy when you arent eating the carbs less for your body to burn so less work it has to do so less tired you get. low carb is the best way to loose weight ( and the only way that works for me). some people think low fat is good and it might be to a certain point but if you really want to loose weight you should go with carb because your body burns carbs first then it moves on to the fat and the less carbs it has to burn the more fat it can burn. if you want to learn more you can get a low carb lifestlye book by atkins and it will explain everything. GOOD LUCK!
i would recommend pitta bread, its very healthy.
It does kind of depend on what type of diet you are going on, if you are totally eleminating carbs try lettuce(any larger leaf type) for "bread" use it filled with tuna, lunch meat or whatever you put on a sandwich... or if you are looking for an actual bread try orowheat or some type of 7 or 12 grain bread(that contain flax, rye, millet, sunflower seeds and such) they are great sources of fiber(which is filling)and have good carbs that your body will turn into energy and use more effiecently! Eleminating white sugar and flour will do wonders for your body, inside and out!
You could try Ryvitas or crackerbreads. Try out different toppings for them




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