
What happens if my calorie intake is low?

i'm 5'5 about 139 pounds, i wanna lose 20 pounds, i seem to be eating about 500 calories per day, is this bad? it helps me loose weight though.. i just wanna know if theres anything better i can do, or if not getting enough calories in a day is healthy
That's not enough food! Your eventually going to stop losing weight because your body will go into starvation mode and start storing the food you do eat. Your going to basically STOP your metabolism and probably gain back twice as much.
youll get some complications. eventually temperarally lose your period. that is very low. you will probably faint. not to be cruel but dont take the cowards way out. you have to eat right and exersize
That will eventually make your body go into starvation mode and make it so you will not lose the weight properly. If you want to do it the right way, make sure you take in 1200 calories each day and work out (running/walking, cardio, weight training) for at least 30 minutes 4-6 times a week. Otherwise, you will maintain any calories that you will put into your system and you won't lose anything but gain instead. Good luck... You can do it!!
This can lead to anorexia and/or bulimia. 500 calories is extremely low; 1000 calories a day is considered a starvation diet. An inactive woman should be consuming about 1600 calories a day. Even if you just sit around and don't move a muscle, you need 1200 calories a day to make your brain function correctly. By only eating 500 calories, you will set yourself up for a binge where you will eat anything you want in order to defy your own standards. There is no way you can get all the nutrients your body needs by only eating 500 calories. It will lead to gastrointestinal problems once you start eating normally again, as well as other problems. I was bulimic/anorexic and all this happened to me. I gained 26 lbs in treatment. Don't let the same thing happen to you. It's not pretty. I suggest you read Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, buy some workout DVD's or go walking 3 days a week. Work out for your heart health, if not weight loss. Good luck! :)
One thing is are you male or female? If you are female and are 5'5" about 139lbs, you are just right pound wise. If you are big boned you are just right. I just figured it out you are a female, otherwise you wouldn't want to lose 20lbs when you don't need to. Eating only 500 calories is extremely bad for you. Your body burns 95 calories an hour just being sedentary, so if you are sleeping you are burning 95 calories an hour. In order to diet and remain healthy you need at least 1500 calories a day. 2000 calories will help you maintain your weight as is. If you lose 20lbs you will probably look sick. Instead of just limiting your calories for weight lose, try exercising to lose inches. Plus, muscle weighs more than fat, so if you tone up your muscles and lose weight in doing so, you shouldn't need a calorie restricted diet.




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