
What Happens when you starve?

You lose muscle and your body holds on to your fat.
You die...
you die
u die. :-x
your body will use the only food source it has ITSELF! your body will start to devour organ and muscle tissue as well as fat. the ultimate result is death or illness.
when you starve these worms in your tummy start reacting and eating their way through the wall in your stomach.this results in pain and grumbling noises which could be really embarassing trust me i should know. and if you do it for long you start having dizzy spells.
your body will start to feed off itself.and start to eat muscle and tissue.your body will start to shut down and die
Once the body uses all the available fat cells for energy, it will start to use muscle cells. When this happens you weaken. The heart is affected due to being a muscle, and does not pump efficiently. Also when the body uses the muscles cells in that way, there are byproducts created that harm the organs systems. The body will try to compensate, so it will start to shut down sys. such as the kidneys, digestion, eyes. At this stage, even if the prob is reversed you usually have some perm damage. If not reversed you progress to death from multiple sys failures.
Because the body isn鈥檛 getting any food to sustain itself it turns to digesting the fat that is in your body %26 that's why the body goes very thin. Once that happens you are venerable to many infections that you body would have normally fought off because your immunity becomes very weak. So if you don鈥檛 die of infection then eventually death.http://www.watchtower.org/library/g/1999...
IN which duration that the starving happens? if a prolonged starving means a disease, sure death is the only way out after your internal organs breaking down the whole fat tissues, and later muscle tissues until there is nothing else. but if it is made starving such as gained through diet , your body will crave for the food that your body memorized but not anymore given, such as caffein. This way, your cell, hormone, fight hard to get what they deserve to get. in this fight might dizziness , shock, weak, psychological disorder happen, or over eating happen. But if the straving made to detox your system, usually some symptoms of diseases which in normal situation dont show started to come to show that your body needs to be fixed, as the detox process is on going, the body fixed it self and in the reverse, the person is more fresh and more healthier. but the straving in detox process is an arranged starving which regularly some food or little food is taken.




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