
What if I want to get rid of muscle?

I'm not overweight or obese, actually barely in the "normal" zone for BMI so I don't need to worry about getting rid of fat yet but what if I want to lose weight from muscle? If i excersise, it may burn calories but I'll keep building muscle and put on more weight from the muscle. How do I lose the muscle weight without getting fat from not excersising? Is there a way to excersise without gaining muscle?
More cardio, more chicken, and more fish! Cardio will burn your fat and your muscle will start diminishing if you are not lifting weights. You can keep lifting weights, but go to really really light weights and maintain a high heart rate while you lift the light weights. You don't have to lift the weights until you are sore, just get a good routine that will keep you in shape and keep some muscle on your body so you can burn fat more efficiently. Do cardio 3 times a week and weight train with the light weights 2 times a week only. Make sure you do cardio for about an hour and even on the days you do weights, start with 25 minutes of cardio first. This will make sure your heart rate is at an anaerobic rate when you do the weightlifting. Cut back on red meat too. Chicken and fish are a leaner protein intake. Good luck!
When you're trying to lose weight you first lost muscle before fat.
Eat alot of Fooooooood and stop working out for a week
aerobic, cardio exercise burns calories but doesn't add mass..jsut don't lift any weights.
as long as you don't eat a lot of protein you won't gain weight from muscle like that. you can't really lose muscle. or if you can it is probably not a good idea.
Do more cardio and less strength building.
I would say, instead of trying something like actually working out, try Pilates. From what I've heard, this is GREAT for toning and lengthening. Which means that you actually become more lean, and less bulky.
Although, from the sounds of your post, you're more concerned about the number than you are the look of your body, eh? In that case, I dunno what to tell you.
If you are barely with in the "normal" zone, why in the world do you want to loose muscle weight? Muscle weight is the best kind of weight. You don't need to loose it. You need to be Healthy!
yea though i dont reccommend it CARDIO or running will burn muscle. thats why pro body builders who dont want to lose muscle will only walk at 3.0 mph for 45 min - an hour to burn fat but not muscle. If you look at a marathon runner they are always skinny but in shape because when your run (above 5.0 mph) for longer that an hour you will burn muscle.
Usually people exercise to keep their muscle tone, so if you want to lose muscle then stop exercising.
well if you actually want to be healthy than don't step on a scale anymore. it's not about how thin you are or how little you weigh. muscle is good for you, it burns fat. if you want to lose fat you should start lifting weights to gain muscle. trust me it looks way better to be toned and sleek than it is to be skinny and flabby. muscle looks way better and you'll feel great too. don't worry about the scale.
sorry but its nearly impossible to actualy gat rid of muscle. and there are some excercises where you are just streching muscles not building.
you don't want to loose the muscle,but stay away from weights,and just do cardio,like running,swimming,vollayball
You should use less weight and more reps. This will shed body fat quicker and you wont gain muscle mass either. You should just stay toned.
why would you want to in the first place. Seems counter productive to me. You can lose muscle mass by not working out, its called atrophy. You shouldnt ever try to loose your muscle mass because that is extreamly unhealthy.
I can't help you there, I want to put on at least seven kilo's.




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