
What is a good at home workout for me?

I'm 20 years old, i'm not overweight (5'6", 137 lbs) but i know i could use a little toning... what are some good excersies i can do at home with little or no equipment
Walking is always good.try walking backwards up a hill...it tones your leg muscles. You can also "lift weights" by using gallon jugs of water of heavy cans. Try doing push ups against the wall.
sit ups crunches pushups try crunches but lifting your legs at a 90 degree angle that helps your lower abs and the crunches targets the upper with that you will feel a burn right away
Uhhhh, i dunno bout this but I use Hip Hop Abs. It's a workout dvd iht totally great to use. its fun also !
push ups , sit ups, single-legged squats, handstand on the wall and do push ups that way
Watch Denise Austins program on Lifetime at 7-8am, It helped me out alot.




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