
What is your weight?

DONT LIE, i dont know you so it doesnt matter if you are embarressed or not about your weight. i just want to see for an expirement.how old are you, how tall are you and how much do you weigh? i am 16, a female, 5'5 and i weigh about 155 lbs.
i work out a lot so most of it is muscle, but is it still considered overweight? what do you think??do guys weigh more than girls most of the time?
I am 19, 5'7, and I weigh on average about 115 lbs, the most I've ever weighed is about 130 and according to the website I included in my source, that is right for my height and age, anywhere between 114 and 169 is considered healthy for myself. I would have done it for you so I could give you an answer as to whether that weight is right for you or considered overweight, but I don't know all of your information... you should give it a try though. Just scroll down to the BMI Calculator and put in your gender, birth date, height, weight and date you last measured your height and you should get some good results. I know it says it's for kids but the calculator gives valid results for anyone age 2 to 20. Hope this helps.
I am 14, I am 5"4 and weigh 134. I am over weight, I've gained about 30 pounds since 6 months ago.
104 lbsI gained about seven pounds since last yearYou're quite muscular, then.
Maybe try toning that muscle instead of bulking up
I'm 21 and 5'6 weigh 130lbs and losing weight..And yes Guys typically do weigh more then females but it depends on their body type too..
male, 6'1, 184 pounds.lost 11-12 pounds in the last month or so.
I am 21, 5'5" and 165. I am a bit chubby in some areas, and muscular in legs, shoulders, etc.Guys tend to weigh more, but women's bodies naturally have a higher percentage of fat.
I am 30y/o, 160 cm, 49 kg
im 57 and weigh about 165 right now im trying to lose weight because im fat right now not really but i think so and im considered overweight which is crazy
23, 5'9, 160lbs, muscularGuys do weight more than girls usually, this is because they have more muscle and muscle weights more than fat. Your weight does seem to be overweight, if you were a guy I would say no because guys can build a lot of muscle, but girls cannot . I think a better indicator would be getting your body fat tested and comparing it to a chart.
17 male
5'10 and im 190lbs
i play alot of sport
I weigh 220 lbs. A little chubby but not much, or at least nothing I cant change in 6 months. But I dont think 155 lbs is over weight for you, BMI probably does but it also says i need to lose a hundred pounds and that would be impossible.
i m 16 n height 5'4 n i weight 48 kg.
I am 16. I've gained 15lbs. I'm like 150 and 5'3" I'm going on an extreme detox diet today! Running 2 miles, and biking 4. I can stand feeling like a fatass. I've done it before, so I will do it again! Sorry about my rant. Just feeling kind of chubby.
i am 23 with height 153cm and weight 53kg. i think i'm ok but i have a big thigh, chubby face and a lot of fat in the stomach. how embarrasing..
I am 160cm tall and I weigh 47kg
I am 14 years old
Is that normal?




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