
What foods I should eat and what I should'nt.Tell all the things which help in reducing weight & increas heit

For weight reduction: avoid excessive fats and excessive sugar. Eat plenty of fruits and veggies. Drink as much water as possible (without going overboard, of course).You can do nothing nutritionally to influence your genetically determined height potential.
There is no food as such which can increase height. However if you eat more of green vegetables, take lots of lemon/lemon water, simple drinking water, and salads and reduce the intake of fats and carbohydrates, you can certainly loose weight. Try brisk walking daily for at least 40 mts.
Firstly stop all the carbohydrate rich and fat rich foods.Give up rice, pizzas and all oily foods..To increase height you can soak 3-4 dates (khajur) in water ai night and consume them in the morning alongwith milk.
Of course, you should eat fruits and vegetables. Don't eat chocolate and anything sweet because they increase fats. If you'd like milk, I suggest Low Fat Milk or Fat Trimming Milk. Especially vegetables increase height while Royal Tea (a brand of English Slimming Tea) reduce weight.
should eat and drink: low fat milk, low fat yogurt, water, fruits, honey, veggies, whole wheat bread, steamed fish or chicken, shouldnt eat: pasta, white bread, snacks, deep fried food, junk food, sweets, ice cream. to increase height: if you are more than 21 years old i dont think that you can increase it anymore. sorry.
Here's a serious answer. I hope it helps.*If want to get fit and/or lose weight, here's my Weight Loss Program through Body Building and Nutrition. It works! First, don't Use Diet Pills. They are bad for you. Most of them are just a scam or they are addictive. Counting calories is a pain in the neck. It will drive you nuts. But, losing weight is simple. You just have to do the right things.
*(If you are older and have not exercised in many years you should see your doctor and have a stress test done to be sure your heart is ok before starting this program. Also, walking eveyday is a good lifelong practice.)
*Fad diets sometimes work but, you can be sure that at least 25% of the weight you lose will be muscle. Then when you stop the diet you will gain back all of the weight you lost but no muscle. So, you will have 25% more fat than you did before! Fad diets just aren't worth the bother.
*Fasting or skipping meals will teach your body that famine is common in your world and your body will begin to store more fat to get you through the next period when food is not available. It's better to eat healthy foods often to teach your body that food is plentiful and that there is no need to store calories as fat. Eat a vegetablw or frui every two hours.
*Here's a simple trick that can help you lose weight without doing anything else. Drink a litre of water as soon as you wake up in the morning and then drink two more throughout the day. You'll notice a difference the first month.
*Here's another trick that works. For every pound of muscle that you add, your body will burn 3000 calories (1lb) of fat every day. That means that just by having an extra pound of muscle on your body you will burn a pound of fat every day! So, add muscle!
*This is the fastest way to add a pound of muscle. Squats and Pushups! You do them on alternate days; squats one day, pushups the next. And you do them SuperSlow style. That is, you do the easy part twice as slow as the hard part. That way you fatigue the muscles quickly. Then you rest the muscles for 48 hours which gives the body a chance to make new muscles.
*Squats should be done with a wide stance and all the way to the floor. Pushups the with palms shoulder width apart and all the way to the floor, then all the way up. Use the full range of motion of the muscle group you are trying to develop. If you are too weak to do pushups, try them with your knees on the floor or do them with your feet on the floor and your hands an the bed.
*The idea is to tire the muscles out completely so do a set of squats until you can't do another, then rest for a couple of minutes and do it again. Do that 3 times and you're done for the day. The following day, don't do squats but do pushups. Do them the same way, going down twice as slow as you come up.
*You will lose weight fast, unless you add more junk food and fat to your diet. Instead, eat at least 5 to 7 different raw vegetables and fruits every day. Cut out anything that comes in a bag, box, can, bottle or any kind of package. In other words, cut out all processed foods, soft drinks and sweets. Eat more grains and less red meat. Check out the Food Pyramid.
*If you really want to give your body the best possible chance to be healthy and fat free, go to infinity2.com and order their weight loss formula and Essentials for Life. That will give you all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and probiotics that your body needs and will keep you feeling better and healthier. They also have a Proteabolic Mass Formula for serious athletes who want to build muscle mass quickly and safely.
*Weight loss without exercise is not good. You need to eat healthy, exercise and get your rest. You will feel better, look better and be healthier. Try it for a week. You will notice a difference. You will feel better and that will motivate you to continue.
*Losing weight only in specific areas of the body is impossible. You can't just lose weight around the belly, for instance. So, if you want tight, rippled abs, do crunches and leg raises every other day the way I described above.
*One last point, stretching is essential for a number of reasons. Pick up a copy of ''Stretching'' by Bob Anderson. Read the intro and understand his reasoning before you do the exercisis. Good luck!
*This information is based on my personal and professional experience.
*Check these links:
http://www.infinity2.com Sponsor ID 3290988
You should have daily consumption of vitamin A B C D %26E. Vitamin B is going to support bone development that would be, anything green, veggies, broccoli. The darker the green the more nutrient rich, if your body is still in the developing stage you can grow to your potential, meaning if you have been neglectful of your diet you may still have growth occurring with a healthful diet. You should avoid high levels of sodium, sugar white flour and fatty foods, including trans fats. the best plan is a balance of whole foods, fruits, veggies, grains and don't forget fish. If you are trying to lose weight you take your weight and multiply it by 12, the total amount is equal to the number of calories you must consume daily to maintain that weight, if you want weight loss you must cut out 200 calories and burn 300 calories with a physical activity, this will cause a steady loss of weight. 1-2 pounds a week. Don't think that taking a bunch of B supplements is the way to go your best source should always be from whole foods. Also some vitamins are water soluble our body takes what is needed and the rest is flushed from our system.There are vitamins that are fat soluble, these can build up in our bodies and become toxic even deadly. Do not overdo it!!




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