
What foods help you loose weight and stay healthy?

Im seriously big. I really want to loose weight safely not on pills. Im a 14 year old male. I am so embarrassed to be my size.
Eat more fruits, vegetables, eat your salad, whole grains and cereals. Avoid refine foods such as white rice, white pasta, junk food, and sweets. Instead, eat whole pasta, whole brown rice, whole grain cereals, etc.
Drink lots of water, drink in ounces half your body weight.
For example, if you weight 100 lbs divide that by 2 and the results you drink in ounces, which will be 50 ounces of water a day.Hope this helps! :)
You can't loose weight at all. However, you can LOSE weight by eating lots of fruit and drinking plenty of water. Also, avoid junk food and fast food.
Low fat, low sodium, fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid processed foods, even those frozen "healthy" dinners, etc. as they have lots of sodium. It's good that you want to lose safely and healthfully. If you decrease your caloric intake and increase your exercise you will be on your way to implementing healthy lifestyle changes that you can carry for years and years.
the best thing to do is do physical activities that keep your mind off food...i started playing football for school and ive turned almost all my fat into muscle.but if its just food you need advice on...in the morning itd be good to eat like low fat cereal like raisin bran or cheerios...theyre not bad after a while...yougurts work too...but just try to instead of fry stuff bake it...and if you really wanna lose weight and not stress yourself...i usually jog half a mile in the morning and do fifty sit-ups and 25 push ups and then repeat again after supper...also try to eat supper early.




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