
What happens if you drink three or four energy drinks at a time?

Like monster, jolt, or lost? Or if you drink that many daily?
There is more caffeine in them then what you are supposed to take in daily so drinking that many may cause your heart to race, cause you to shake, have headaches, sleeplesness, mood changes, confusion.
You'll pee until the cows come home! They don't do anything. You want jolt.drink strong coffee.
You will be wired up, full of energy in the short term, and may experience the shakes. Its best to stick to one can of this stuff a day really
What would be the purpose of drinking that many at a time? Why would you want to?
you can DIE they took a few brands off the market and are working towards banning lots of them they were being sold in one high school and they got popular all the sudden kids from that school were ending up in hospital and when they investigated they said its from drinking two or more its akin to a drug overdose (since it is chemically a drug)
just wasted alot of money pee it down the drain
They have caffeine and sugar. You will be jittery and gain weight. Best to stay away from them.
First you will be extremely hyperactive then you will crash so bad later on in the day
I agree with Samantha.
Too many are akin to overdosing.
There are medical repercussions such as heart issues, blood pressure, insomnia, anxiety,... to drinking these drinks in excess.
Too much of just about ANYTHING is more than likely not going to be good for you.
Depending on what you weigh and how you are eating, 3 drinks would be the maximum just about anyone should ingest per day.
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