
What happens if.?

i have been on a strict diet of about 1300 calories per day and going to the gym everyday, i have 5 lbs left to lose and its been a nightmare trying to shift them.tonight i have just broke down and ate so much junk food, anything i could get i ate! i feel terrible, what has this done for my weight loss, will i have put loads back on? im scared to go on the scales tomorrow, i dont want to be terribly disappointed.
I do the same thing. I can only be good for soo long, then i celebrate and feel aweful afterwards! Definately drink lots of water, maybe it will flush your system. Dont throw up, that will start an even worse habit!! Honestly, my best advice right now is to soak up this miserable feeling and concentrate on it to where you NEVER do it again. take it as a learning experience and nail it in your mind at how aweful this feeling is, so maybe you wont cheat or celebrate or binge eat again! Reverse pyschology does work!
You'll probably be fine. Drink lots more water and do some extra exercise, but don't over do it. Why does it seem that those last few pounds are always the hardest, no matter how much you have already lost?
Stop beating yourself. One night of binging won't cancel out all the good you have done. Forgive yourself and get back on track =)
The key guide when dieting or losing weight is to know you are not perfect and some days you will not reach your goal.
But you can start all over tomorrow and get back on track. Do not be too hard on yourself. Be proud of what you accomplished so far!
PS You should not judge yourself by how you look but by the kind of person you are inside. A cliche I know but true.
First, congrats on getting as far as you did!
Second, I know how you feel. But don't worry, it's only a minor stepback in a track which you succeeded.
One "binge" won't do anything. Don't worry and go back exactly to your diet; no guilt either. From my experience it only leads to another binge :P (the guilt and over fussing with it)
Good luck!
Just remember, one pound of fat is equal to about 3500 calories. So you would have had to eat a TON of junk food to even gain one pound. All you probably did was delay losing the remaining 5 pounds just a teeny bit. But I doubt you will put any fat back on. Keep in mind though that when you eat junk food it is usually high in sodium, which will cause you to retain water, so you might notice an increase in your weight, but don't worry, its just water weight, and will fall right back off as soon as you get back on track for a day or two. If I were you I would not weigh again for a few days until you have gotten yourself back into the healthy routine. You don't want to give yourself a nervous breakdown over a couple pound water weight gain. Good luck!!




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