
What is a "cleansing" diet? How does it work?

Im looking to lose five lbs. how much weight (and how fast) should i expect to lose on the cleansing diet
There is a 7 day diet,I'm sorry I don't have it with me but it mainly consists of a veggie soup you make at home..and I think the first day is soup and fruit,second day just veggies and soup 3rd day is soup and banana and milk..(by the way you can eat as much soup as you want)and I think by the 4th or 5th day you can have steak and tomatoes..I think it's called the Sacred Heart Medical diet..and if you don't cheat,you can lose between 10-17 lbs
Look up an Apple Cider Vinegar diet online. I have heard people talking about it but have not tried it. I know it CLEANS YOU OUT! ha
you could do "cleansing" by yourself, you could lose your weight in three days until 1 week, its quite working, how much weight you could lose, is depend on your body metabolism, everybody has a different result..besides, do "cleansing" would made you feel fresh, but if you did it at first time, maybe you would feel bit dizzy, because you change your eat pattern, and your body make an adaptation, but it has no side effect..i hope it could help you..
You may want to look at previously answered questions for cleansing/detox diets. The 2 listed below are the Lemon Detox Diet (also knows as Master Cleanse), and the Grape Detox diet.Hope it helps.
A cleansing diet is when you cleanse or detox your body from toxins found in your body. Toxins are found all around us. When we have a lot of toxins in our body are body naturally produces fat as a defense mechanism to absorb the toxins. When this happens we get fat. When you cleanse or detox your body you get rid of the toxins and in doing so you have better health and lose weight too. You can use a program to cleanse your body to better health and lose weight too. They offer a 9-day or 30-day cleanse. For more information go to link at bottom of page. Hope this helps and good luck.




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